Not Affiliated With The IMF Since 1988

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Not Affiliated With The IMF Since 1988

Asexual. Cambrophile. Canadian. The illegitimate daughter of an illegitimate son of an illegitimate nephew of Napoleon. He/him.

Putting together a starter pack of Canadian artists on here 🍁🎨 Anyone that wants to be included drop me a comment below!
Ankylosaurus under a starry night sky (Commission)
I've had a Letterboxd account for a while now, but I think the best possible use of it is to make lists of movies based on arbitrary criteria.
Okay, so you know how we got our perceptions of what constitutes the political left and right from the seating arrangements of political blocs following the French Revolution? I kinda want this photo to have the same effect.
Renaissance art.
If your area got a new Labour MP then it is your duty to email them and say that you are happy the Tories are out but that transphobia should have no place in the party. Make Starmer gently walk back his support for Rowling's position!
Emailed my local Labour candidate. We're a swing seat. Let's at least let them hear from us.
Ah yes, the origin story of the logo for Maxell Electronics.
Journey Into Mystery #82 (July 1962)
Trans woman: Oh hey, a new follower (checks bio) Bio: Ich am ycleped Geffray, ich am a gode and honneste mon lukynge for lufe and funne tymes with a transe wyffe Trans woman: Oh god, not another Chaucer 🙄
Vincent Price and Peter Lorre cheerfully playing with a couple of black cats
Make a band bready. Does The Kneadles work? Or The Kneatles?
Make a band bready: Indigo Grains
i want a girl with a _____ and a _____________
In the interest of keeping myself on brand, I feel obligated to disclose that when I turned 35 I made this into my Facebook profile picture.
Dammit, I just saw Beta Ray Bill referred to as Bojack Norseman.
water stolen from the dog just tastes better
Not over. As someone alive before Chevron precedent, before legal abortion, before many things being flipped back in time existed, I can say you can fight this war&win it. Again. &this time, people have sunk costs&reaped benefits where before it was theoretical. They will feel&resent the loss.
The war is over. The bad guys won.
Here's my GNCRT Zine Project contribution, The Little Book of Book Banner Blunders. The printy-foldy version is available at the link above, at #ALAAC24, and hopefully at a library near you.
Somebody's probably done this one already, but.
Post an image that people will hear when they see it
Huge win--congrats to everyone who fought for it
After months of public outcry and pressure from the City Council, New York City’s libraries are poised to have their budgets fully restored so that branches may resume seven-day-a-week service, including Sundays.
NYC libraries to get budget funding back — and reopen on In November, the mayor's budget cuts forced libraries to close on Sundays. The issue has been a thorn in his side ever since.
Happy Peter Lorre's birthday!
A terrific thread highlighting the importance and impact of getting involved in local politics!!
Let me tell you a real boring story! Last year, a queer artist in my community put up a cool Pride installation. Then some bigots used it to hang bigot flags and threatened to sue the city if they took down the bigot signs without also taking down the (admittedly unauthorized) art piece…
When you're a good little boy who gets to go on the coin ride outside the supermarket
ChatGPT does not answer questions. It provides responses that are statistically shaped like an answer to something statistically shaped like the prompt. There is no thought or knowledge. It can't get an answer right or wrong. The output is always correct, but it's a coincidence if it states truth.
i am losing my mind
Ok apparently it's Make a Terrible Comic Day. So here's my entry for #makeaterriblecomicday2024