
obvious response to this piece is that a left wing lawmaker interested in actually making laws is going to maintain close & friendly ties with the only coalition partners she has, but i’m not shocked this eludes a guy who has been writing the same “i’m the only virtuous person” screed for 15 years
AOC Is Just a Regular Old Democrat How the most promising leftist of her generation lost her political identity.
a lot of people who got into the US left when it was primarily a subculture are finding odd places for themselves in a world where it's becoming an influential political project
If someone is defining themselves as a third generation Marxist, it's an affected family tradition, and no longer even a political project
didn't realize he called himself that!
might've been fourth generation tbh but that also might have been what he said about PhDs, one of those since-deleted twitter things
Yes it was 3rd generation Marxist and 4th generation PhD.
So nymag just acquires tools now?
It’s such a tell when guys criticize AOC for things Bernie also did (but don’t say shit about Bernie)
Just here to let people know it’s Freddie deBoer so they don’t have to click
It wasn't required for me personally, but it's an important public service and I appreciate your handling it.
Figured best not chance it—glad you’re staying safe out there :)
is it weird that I thought he had died?
one could put a very different spin on the headline with much justification. "AOC is an ordinary Democrat [and that's good]"
AOC is the kind of Dem I was raised to believe Dems were.
dems are just various left wingers who vote together to win
There’s a segment of the left who hates nothing more than a politician who will work to get laws passed that will improve people’s lives. They want their heroes to tilt at windmills or not at all.
As a fellow Dutch American leftist, de Boer does not speak for all of us and I wanna give him a swirlie
I'll give him a wedgie while you swirlie him.
This is hipsterism disguised as politics. That indie band is only cool because a few (cool) people know about it. Once it goes big and mainstream, no longer cool.
Lol of course it was Freddie deBoer
Bless you for saving me a click
I didn’t read any further once I saw his name. I knew what I would be getting myself in to
Amazing screenshot of writing highlights when I Googled him
AOC going the Wellstone comity route is understandable, especially given how she's getting wins while still being perceived as a lefty by the general population, that's a win for the left in general
Because I have a long history in center-left blogs (mostly "Lawyers, Guns, and Money" and "Balloon Juice", both of which remain active) I am somewhat familiar with the author's past, and it is utterly rancid.
As an aside, I think he might be confused about what a donation is
Has this person never seen a campaign ad? Never gotten a random robocall from a candidate? (And if so, I want to know their secrets!)
ME: “Who…” *clicks* ALSO ME: “…Oh of fucking course.” *closes tab*
Why would I read anything by fdb at this late date? Why is NY Mag even publishing him? Its just impossible not to fail upward if you're willing to bash the left, even ostensibly from the left.
"AOC is one of the smartest politicians and most effective organizers in office today. She is also a woman. Here's why that's a bad thing...." (1/947)
saw 'guy who has been writing the same “i’m the only virtuous person” screed for 15 years' and didn't even need to click to know who
Another response to this piece is that AOC helped drag the party (a bit) left so that she can actually be a Normal Legislator whereas before she was not
there are definitely critiques to be made of the limits of that politics but he is a legend at predictably and systematically missing such opportunities
just bc leftoid children with no understanding of the legislative process make unfair criticisms of her doesn’t mean she should be let off the hook for consistently towing the Democratic Party line even when it contradicts the positions of the organization who endorsed, and arguably got her elected
lots of DSA members, both rank and file and leadership are understandably frustrated with her, but ultimately the organization’s inability to discipline its elected officials lies at the root of the issue. whining about her being a lib or whatever isn’t going to fix anything
I remember when this guy got mad at Malcolm Harris for a bad review and made false and baseless accusations of sexual misconduct out of pure spite, then used his poor mental health as a shield. I believe him when he says he’s sick but boy is he ever. I don’t see how the guy can publish after that
it’s really amazing who steps up to Save The Left From Itself. let us hear from literally any rank and file member of any union instead. or from people with crazy ideas and integrity. or from people who are close to power and want to understand it. anything but this guy
I'd honestly like to tie DeBoer, Dore and Greenwald together by their intestines and throw them into the sun like a bolo
Am I naive to believe there was a time when admitting to making up a false sexual assault accusation about someone because their politics were different than yours would mean national magazines wouldn’t publish you?
Did he fabricate a rape accusation against her like he usually does?
Or its a piece about how the American political establishment co-opts and devours potental threats to itself via the process of electoralism
sorry, the point of socialism isn’t to be an edgy counterculture
At the end of the day if you don't actually do anything you're as big a problem as your political rivals.
In a few cases, the bitter old capitalists were absolutely correct that the hippies' problem was that the hippies were afraid of hard work.
No one here is talking about hippies or hard work