Billiard Lentil

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Billiard Lentil

oh my goodness I can finally tell y'all, WE GOT THE STRAND FOR MY BOOK LAUNCH!! tickets available now!
Avatar hi and congrats on paperback! do you know how Kindle readers go about getting the new bonus chapter of RINGMASTER? like is there a way to update the ebook we already bought, or do we need to buy a new edition like physical-book buyers, or what?
(pokes head in) anyone still here?
Okay why is the State of the Union in March, was it also delayed by the writers’ strike
What is this both-sides neoliberal bullshit
Just what we need this year, an extra day.
it's extremely telling that mourning 1200 israelis killed on october 7 is understandable to the atlantic but mourning the wholesale destruction of gaza and its people is not just strange but vaguely despicable
In case you were wondering what's going on at the Atlantic, today they're doing a "but do you condemn hamas" on the guy who self immolated to protest innocent people being slaughtered.
rest in peace aaron bushnell
The reason why voter fraud is considered fake news is because there are like, maybe 3-10 individuals who get identified doing it every election cycle, many of them conservatives doing it to counteract the actual fake voter fraud they think is happening.
These are empirical questions that can be answered! *endless screaming*
My general advice is avoid C/C++/Rust until and unless the task demands it. They are very unintuitive and frustrating for beginners, and they will eat a *lot* of your time focusing on debugging and memory-management instead of the tasks you actually want to do. So avoid them if you can.
this is like your mom saying “no McDonald’s, we have food at home” except back home she drowns you in the bathtub
Also, to welcome the Newskis to our little patch of online sky today, here is a picture of a cat.
Every emergency room nurse in the country letting out a deep sigh at the same time
have u perverts seen this yet
Former Bungie general counsel says the game industry must unionize
What's that, Steamboat Willie-era Mickey Mouse? Go to Okay, then.
But, hey, at least Marc Thiessen, Hugh Hewitt, Megan McArdle, Kathleen Parker, and George Will are still around at the Post - all of them committed to the exact opposite of what makes Sargent great: They obscure, they refuse to ever learn, they exist to launder reactionary nonsense. Great!
If this is indicative of where mainstream media is headed, it’s extremely worrisome. I can’t say it’s surprising: What makes stand out - no sanitizing, no obscuring, focus on the threat to democracy - is precisely what’s made him an increasingly awkward fit with the Post.
“Augurs divisive year” is giving “officer involved shooting” a run for its money
I have spent much of the last 2 days supine, like a bloated tick. It is glorious. Just what I've been looking forward to all month. Merry Christmas.
oh it's a butterfly now. Huh.
Early this year, I wrote this paragraph about the phenomenon of the marketplace of ideas and the hateful defeated ideas that enjoy a perpetual indestructible listing on it in the name of freedom (and yes I'm aware of the irony that it's on Substack): Link:
Even if Hamas did 100% of what Israelis say they did, that's not justification to bomb and starve a civilian population for weeks on end.
Twitter has always been awful in terms of raw engagement/impression standards. It's core value was driving the news which Musk sank the moment he ditched verification