
absolutely this. republicans thrive on decline! republican policies bring economic decline which brings outmigration of young people and professionals, which strengthens the republican hold on government which brings even more conservative policies which brings greater decline, etc.
People are like "why would these supposedly pro business Republicans be cutting funding for public universities that are huge economic growth engines" and like look at how the richest states vote and how the poorest states vote. If you were a Republican would you want your state to become wealthier?
In retrospect it's really bizarre how long Texas Republicans managed to hold the Good For Business thing running
I think it's becuase a big part of the Texas boom is natural resources based. Look at places like ND, WY, etc. That have had economic booms based on ntl resources, which are different from the service based booms in AZ and GA. TX is kinda a hybrid of the two I'd argue.
It's weird to consider this now but it is actually true that the Texas Republicans used to be reasonably good at investing in higher education and drawing high-capital businesses (through friendly tax structures, light hand regulations, etc)
This is not an endorsement of them, only a bemused observation
always have to remind myself that the Texas Democrats the Texas GOP replaced were, among many other things not all of which were bad, comically corrupt
Well, see, that's how they did all the bipartisanship they used to do. Sorted it all out over drinks and cigars and stacks of hundred dollar bills at the Cloak Room
LBJ etc al were the reform side of the party!
Exactly. This is why theres a Gop Civil War going on there now.
Well they weren’t especially well funded until roughly 2010 when the super hard right west Texas billionaires (2 of them lol) threw in for them and went hard. They had to do better for most of my life because they usually had a slim majority but they didn’t have the money and a powerful machine then
They used to have to cater to business interests generally , to get enough ppl to donate but now they just have to please mostly these two billionaires Or at least one of them. Factions are getting ugly lol they’re eating themselves. But they are grabbing and consolidating all power still.
I think the 80s oil bust in Texas cast a long shadow and they diversified into a lot of services
Texas GOP loves California shooting itself in the foot
They have permissive zoning, and there's lots of space to just build another suburb. That gets you a lot of growth in a world where the major barrier is housing.
It takes a lot longer to fuck up a big economy, especially if it’s already diversified *and* has oil. (Not diversified + oil is a nightmare usually)
They bet against America! They win when people are so broken and discouraged they don’t vote.
I really wish the Dems would campaign on this messaging. They have the opportunity to claim they actually love this country, and Republicans don't!
Much easier to convince locals that everything is fine just as it is. Don't want to turn into California here!
Also why they make up stories about California, and France.
There's a parallel here with what private equity does to formerly thriving businesses
And to what corporatisation/privatisation does to fomerly state/municipal services - water, power, post office, telephone, highway building (depending on jurisdiction)
Education is generally a liberating and equalizing societal force. Two things the modern GOP despises.
They state as much in their state level policy platforms. The Texas GOP stated they oppose teaching young people critical thinking skills because they might start to get mouthy and realize they’re being lied to.
Yeah, it’s been incredibly sad and maddening to watch happen.
Conservatives want to teach people what to think, not how to think.
also gutting public programs that help people feeds the carceral-industrial complex
That one is less of a win because it's mostly state funded. What you want is a lot of folks so old or poor or badly paid that they get a lot of social security, Medicare, Medicaid, and earned income credits from the feds. Plus military bases
yeah I wasn't thinking of the long-term Federal leech strategy, but to see it in Texas, it feels different
It's so sad to see it happen to a place you love.
They privatized prisons. They're for profit and Republicans pass laws to help keep them full.
Though with prisons you make the metros that pay taxes fund jobs and construction in rural areas, so that helps state Rs
Better to reign in hell etc etc
Also (an Australian here), American govts run down public services, leading to people thinking that government-run services are by definition crap and inefficient, leading to more cuts to public services. It's a self-fulfilling belief that "small govt" Republicans capitalise on.
And look how well private aged care facilities did in Victoria during the height of the pandemic...
It's what Republicans did in WV, which caused it to do a complete 180 politically. They pinned the collapse of the coal industry on Obama(and not the gas boom), instead of cultivating new industry. and that was it. Reddest state in the country with the absolute worst quality of life
Dobbs v. Jackson has suddenly hardened the geography of decline. There are states to which I would never move, no matter the inducement. The proliferation of hate laws
in the various states, the assault on our accepted civil, constitutional rights, accelerated by minoritarian radicals will only make these internal boundaries harder, less threatened by a free people; the die-hards and desperate will remain.
And all along use media to convince people that the places experiencing huge in migration and economic growth are actually unlivable hell holes
Right. It's not pro-business, and it never has been. It's pro-power.
Meanwhile, Biden's policies are causing a boom in private investments in red states especially because of the lower wages and fewer regulations there, and governors are touting their own horn while calling Biden the worst president ever still. And their voters believe it.
Weak gun laws feed urban violence, which sells more guns to scared sub/exurbanites and holds down all manner of quality of life for urban residents.
can't blame out-groups for problems if you don't have problems
No taxes, no services. 100% success rate at nothing. Limited government!
There should be a population threshold, beneath which, you lose statehood and get merged with neighboring states
how about every state smaller than Puerto Rico
I feel that somewhere between 750k and 1.5M (enough that they’d truly earn 1-2 House Reps) is the sweet spot
The time for states is long past. Switch to oblasts
There's a persuasive theory about Brexit: that it was as much about halting emigration of younger workers as hatred for immigrants.