Ban Cars

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Ban Cars

Screaming, crying, throwing up (studying for the bar). One-time legislative staffer in days of old. Soon-to-be Brooklyn expat to the Bay Area. Legalize it (housing). he/him
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Wow, real banana republic stuff. I'm glad our presidents can launder money and associate criminally without worrying about this kind of thing.
Reports: Brazil police have indicted Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association
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If I were a self-described liberal or leftist beating the drum over local control of zoning, I would take a moment to consider who my bedfellows are on this issue.
"Localities rather than the federal government must have the final say in zoning laws and regulations, and a conservative Administration should oppose any efforts to weaken single-family zoning."
Reposted byAvatar Ban Cars
I'm just a rule Yes, I'm only a rule And I'm sitting here at judicial school Well it's a long long journey To a judicial veto It's a long long wait To be killed by Alito
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I mean, after Trump reinstates Schedule F, the executive agencies really *won't* have any special expertise to draw on, so the Roberts court is just planning ahead.
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it feels like a somewhat unpopular view these days but integration is an unalloyed good and should be pursued as vigorously as possible
5 years ago, when I was on the D15 Community Education Council (Park Slope to Sunset Park to Red Hook), we helped pass a historic diversity plan to change admissions procedure at the district's middle schools. We were told that we would chase families out of the system. Our critics were wrong.
What Happened When Brooklyn Tried to Integrate Its Middle A new report found that many schools enrolled more racially and socioeconomically diverse groups of students without sparking a major exodus of families from public schools.
Reposted byAvatar Ban Cars
The legislature doesn't have a role in deciding the election. The voters do. Any legislator who attempts to overturn the election result should be arrested.
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You, a carbrain: I’m on a highway to hell Me, an urbanist who values sustainable transportation: I’m going off the rails on a crazy train
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I can think of a reason!
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UPDATE: NY Governor Kathy Hochul said on CNN last night that she is considering a ban on masks. This is absolutely shameful! New York has suffered so much from COVID, and COVID is not over. We should be normalizing and depoliticizing masks, not banning them.
Reposted byAvatar Ban Cars
This is a bar for only the most straight heterosexual men. Cowboys, Construction workers, Cops, Leather Bound Bikers, Firefighters, Wrestlers, and Sailors. No girl stuff. Just sweaty heterosexual men being sweaty & heterosexual & male with each other. No femmes. All He/him. Males for males. M4M.
Reposted byAvatar Ban Cars
[Franz von Papen voice] I can easily control this wild lunatic Hitler. let's make him chancellor. it will for sure work out well for me and my beloved Germany
Bombshell in France: Head of Les Républicains, the party of the traditional conservatives who long ruled France, just announced he’d accept a coalition deal with Le Pen’s far-right party. Unprecedented in national French politics. It'd be a huge collapse of the barrier against the RN.
Reposted byAvatar Ban Cars
I went to Times Square to join the protest against Kathy Hochul’s craven attack on the MTA’s congestion pricing program, and the homemade signs did not disappoint.
Reposted byAvatar Ban Cars
It's an obvious measure of her suburban mindset, but I sincerely doubt Hochul lit billions of dollars on fire for a $30k donation from car dealers. The simplest explanation and the one that's being reported is that calls from Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer and other big Dems were the major factor.
As always what strikes me in these cases is that the sheer *value for money* of political bribery is just incredible.
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When you've lost Long Island's biggest newspaper, you know you've made a catastrophically bad political decision.
Hochul wrong to derail Manhattan tolling How will the MTA now fund its current and future capital programs?
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genuinely pathetic that hochul can be bought for less than a year of tuition at a middling private school
As always what strikes me in these cases is that the sheer *value for money* of political bribery is just incredible.
I hate that I've been vindicated on this but my basic prediction from like 2019 stands undefeated that we will never actually get congestion pricing in NY and that everyone involved is too cowardly to actually do it (and even if they do, the courts will throw it out or something).
Reposted byAvatar Ban Cars
new york state democratic party has to be one of the worst in the country after you adjust for the partisan composition of the state.
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rip gluey may your legacy go on to keep cheese from sliding off of pizza
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They deserved better than this...
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Leftist Posters For Tighter Monetary Policy is the most depressing thing going, it’s really rough to see.
The Virgin Political Pundit vs. The Chad Median Voter
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I barely use Insta + still have a bunch of follows I barely know from years ago so my feed is now 99% “friends graduating from grad school/getting married/having kids” intermixed with 1% “girl from high school debate who moved to Tel Aviv + basically became a Kahanist posting utterly unhinged shit”
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Reposted byAvatar Ban Cars
Fun Aurora fact: The reason folks are seeing red/purple aurora is that the current storm is strong enough that it's attracting malicious and majesterial spirits from deep mirror dimensions. The "regular" green Aurora is due to interaction with higher level beings from nearer realms.
Reposted byAvatar Ban Cars
RFK is the only candidate who believes in lobal worming
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Oh him? No that’s just Misogyny Dave, he’s actually a good leftist and a great comrade. Yeah everyone likes him and all his ex girlfriends said nothing bad to me, his best friend, when I asked them about it while he was, oh, several feet away.
Reposted byAvatar Ban Cars
Gonna have to say, that’s a “yes” from me, dog.
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