
NEW: Trump sentencing likely delayed. Manhattan DA's office says it would not oppose a brief delay to brief issues surrounding immunity decision. (via Frank G. Runyeon, Law360)
Don't worry about this, friends! Nothing is likely to change—it's just customary to allow briefing on new issues. No doubt the Trump team will raise this issue on appeal, but my first impression is that it's very unlikely to succeed
It does mean, though, with the sentencing now after the RNC, that Trump will be able to deliver his acceptance speech in person rather than on Zoom, from Rikers
Seems likely a hard case to make that an act before you were elected is an "official" act in the capacity of the office you hadn't yet been elected to!
Impossible not to worry about all this.
But immunity doesn't even apply in this case, does it? Trump wasn't the president then, or am I missing something?
Some conversations used against him took place while he was president, so Trump's attorneys will argue those conversations are now inadmissible. A cynical person might conclude the SCOTUS decision was carefully crafted to inflict the maximum feasible chaos on *all* of Trump's criminal cases.
At this point it's a reasonable conclusion.
The specific crime Trump was convicted of involved his signing checks to Cohen while he was president, which were to conceal the crime he committed before he won the 2016 election.
Very excited to see this get appealed to the Supreme Court, where the Republican judges will rule that signing checks to cover up a hush money payment are indeed official acts!
Supreme Court is gonna swoop in and snag this case, lowly state courts are for the plebes not the King.
tho only a two week delay, and implying fairly strongly they do not accept the argument the case is relevant, even if they are willing to provide time for everyone to think about it carefully.
Absolutely—though presumably the sentencing date would be delayed maybe another week after that so Merchan has time to carefully go through the briefs
It's also choosing his battles. No way Merchan wasn't going to have this briefed. They're aiming to minimize the delay. Avoiding it altogether was already not in the cards. But it can go quicker if Merchan tackles it himself directly in the first instance.
The question now isn't if sentencing will proceed on the previous schedule. That was shot to hell yesterday. The fight is on trying to get to sentencing before the election now, considering not only Merchan's handling of it but the inevitable attempts at interlocutory appeal, even if they fail.
Even if all the relevant courts move as expeditiously as possible and quickly reject all of his procedural and substantive claims, this add weeks at a minimum and most likely multiple months.
I don't have any reason to think Trump can take an interlocutory appeal that would necessarily or even likely prevent sentencing from going forward.
I don't know New York law beyond knowing it's quirky, but my initial and somewhat-more-considered reactions are "interlocutory appeal after verdict but before judgment? Appeal from the judgment like everyone else, you lunatic."
That might be right, I don't know enough to say. But even rejecting the attempt can sometimes take some amount of time and cause delays, especially if Merchan is cautious about proceeding while anything is pending above, even if it's pending certain rejection, which some of this might not be.
there's no interlocutory action in federal courts available without either remand to jail or entry of judgment/sentencing—not without SCOTUS breaking *many more* laws. the cleanest disposal of the issues is that Trump waived them by failing to timely raise them. second cleanest is harmless error.
if they get into the merits and those two issues don't resolve in the prosecution's favor, and SCOTUS gets to opine on the merits before Election Day, they will act to blanket him in preferential immunity.
the smartest thing for Merchan to do re sentencing is no longer remand, which opens the door to an immediate federal habeas action in which Donald Trump's political allies can act under color of law to ensure that he remains free.
That would be for the briefing. Sentencing would be further delayed
Honestly, the side show of Trump being sentenced days before the convention probably wouldn’t be great.
Proactively litigating it now rather than leave open for appeal?
It does get them past the convention, which ain't nothing.
we were *that* close to that motherfucker suffering a consequence ah well, nevertheless
How?? Why?? This happened before he was president?? I guess my fault for trying to apply logic to all of…*waves hand* this.
I don't think this argument is going to go anywhere, but FWIW most of the charged conduct related to the reimbursements that happened (and statements that Trump made) while Trump was in office
But I don't see how he could even plausibly argue that any of that constituted "official acts." IIRC he already tried that about his public statements and it got rejected, and the idea that signing a personal check is an official act is even more ludicrous.
Based on this letter the DA agrees. This is just agreeing to let Trump make his argument, and giving them the time to respond to it.
You don’t understand. SCOTUS ruled the he is above the law. That includes the laws of time and physics.
Some of the evidence used at trial may be covered by SCOTUS's newly-invented "Presidential Immunity." They said that official acts can't even be used as evidence, and they gave no tools to determine what is or isn't an official act.
Weren’t all his crimes in this case prior to the election?
I think the issue is per yesterday’s decision, you can’t use “core presidential acts” even as evidence of other crimes. So there will be briefs on whether any evidence based on Trump’s actions post-2017 fits into that category.
The payments and invoices all happened when he was in office, but hopefully it’ll be very obviously not part of his duties as president to personally sign checks from his own business.
Can't tell. In King Roberts' ruling, he decreed that you may not question the motives of The Unquestionable One so if Trump simply says "Those were official acts" there's not really a way to push back.
No. The records were falsified in 2017. It would be hard to argue that any evidence submitted was part of his official acts as president, though.
Some of the evidence came from when he was in office. Those actions are now the Unquestionable Godly Acts of Herr President according to King Roberts so there's a real question of whether that evidence being thrown out would throw the whole case out.
Delay it by an hour to type up a 'pound fucking sand' letter.
This is frustrating. Would have been nicer for him to have been sentenced right before the convention
This will piss of the hair splitters saying "he's not *convicted* yet" when various outlets say he's convicted. 😂
So Bragg’s gonna testify before Congress, before sentencing ?
How's about we put him in jail and THEN start the delays. Give TFG a little taste of his own medicine.
Lol they delayed it two weeks, that's Trump's favorite delay tactic.