
I still don't think people are truly prepared for what happens when a corrupt supreme court and a handful of petulant billionaires turn all safety, consumer protection, labor, and environmental protection regulators into the policy equivalent of decorative gourds
Amazon joins SpaceX and Trader Joe's in a bid to declare the NLRB unconstitutional.
the final blow to what's left of the regulatory state is coming fast, and the "both sides" press is going to fail the ever-loving shit out of the test
billionaires are going to strip this country for parts from the comfort and safety of their private islands while the roof collapses on us plebs all while shitty Reason and NYT opinion columnists tell you that you can't trust what you're clearly seeing with your own eyes
In my republican run state, they're busy trying to further silence the lone Democrat, the state auditor. They already passed a law that he couldn't audit state gov entities without their permission. Now they're working on letting businesses audit themselves. 1/2
Now mind you, the state auditor is an elected official. Love how that counts only for the Republicans when they need it to. They aren't even trying to hide what they're doing anymore and I can't take it. 2/2
Accept enslavement or suffer, that is what the Republican Party demands of people that are not supportive of their platform of greed and bigotry.
Well, If you don’t already have one 🔫 I say we take some with us.
Romans 14:12 (Amp) "¹² So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God." It's infuriating to watch, but just remember: God is not only watching, but He's taking notes. He WILL repay them for their actions *and* for their "intent"! Please take ❤️!!!
too bad there's no historical warnings about that sort of approach
Right? It's just stupifying to me that they think we believe their "good reasoning" behind these decisions. Like the governor cutting food for kids because they're obese. Seriously you expect us to believe this is both a fix and why you're doing it? Dumb dumb dumb.
they genuinely don't think the roof will fall on their heads as well it will be a learning process
Solidarity from Missouri. When I moved here a decade ago, Dems held 5/6 statewide offices. Our last statewide was auditor Nicole Galloway, who ran for Gov last cycle. Now Josh Hawley is our senior Senator. 🤮🤬 It's all downhill with no end in sight.
So what happens when something...happens...and there's literally no money to cover some sort of random emergency and nobody knows why without some massive forensic audit?? Sooner or later, the money stops being worth anything.
We're almost there. Money is being devalued by the minute.
And what are they going to do, when all that money is no longer worth anything because America collapsed, split into multiple countries at that are at war with each other, or whatever?? That which backs the money must have actual value.
presume of course the GOP support this ? so therefore another clear line between Biden and trump ? in those blue collar areas that support trump it seems their own situation secondary to 'culture' stuff esp race
so would hope blue states willing to replace it with state laws ?
They will, but then all the billions in corporate money and man hours spent defanging the federal regulatory state will turn its unrelenting gaze to troublemaking states like Washington and California (I am available for childrens' parties!)
oh they may try but then 'states rights' ... ahhhhh ... only counts for abortion of course
They’ll just buy their desired outcome, pack courts, etc at the state level, instead
Michigan/Whitmer has been doing a pretty good job at protecting its citizens recently, albeit quietly. It helps that our state GOP is too busy self-sabotaging to mount any meaningful resistance.
Our local GOP is also broke too. With less than $400 in the bank they are trying to sell building they /rent/ to come up with some quick cash.
Can't wait for the endless stream of antiregulatory "citizens" petitions waiting for Chevron to fall.
"Congress should just pass laws with explicit regulatory instructions that leave no ambiguity at all about targets and approved methods"
They already have started this, in Seattle we now have an uncomfortable amount of Republicans in key roles in city governments because of standard Republican tactics of local media coverage “oh no the crime” reporting and huge amounts of money going into pro-corporate impunity candidates.
yes, the GOP supports the destruction of labor unions.
Is the both sides press failing at stopping them or are they succeeding at helping them?
They got millions trained to think “regs bad govt bad just gimme guns” What helps their argument the most is that many governments do suck.
Yeah I mean the reason that tactic works is because corruption in both parties has badly eroded public trust plus Americans all think of themselves as a fart away from being a billionaire, impeded only by the tax man
When we're really only a fart away from being homeless. And also a sweeter-smelling fart away from having a tax code that would allow us to have the social safety net many Europeans do (actually taxing corporations and the most wealthy).
The press hasn’t been both sides in ages. The msm is unabashedly pro r big business/oligarchs and playing at both sides to appear centrist. Every once in a while they let the masks slip though
I disagree - they’re different sides but neither is my side… I think there’s a lot of sides just wish we had voting choices that reflected that. “Lesser weevil” and “ greater weevil” isn’t sufficient
There is little substantive difference on the issues that matter to me. Red or blue, my healthcare money goes to bombs for Israel, they keep stripmining the state
Surely someone is keeping a tally of the number of deaths attributable to this court. That number is gonna be enormous in decades to come.
Seeing this right after seeing a post on the rise of food recalls for listeria. It's so grim.
All I can say is I hope you enjoy lead in your cough syrup and planes falling out of the sky
Utterly depressing to see the regulatory successes of the last 50+ years unraveled to make billionaires richer. And the press won't cover it until it's too late.
Trump's supreme Court picks were a fatal gut shot We are gonna go though some things
It’s hard not to feel like we live in hell. I am not trying to be glib or cute. I feel like democracy has no chance against the totalizing, sick, insatiable hunger for power of psychopaths (extreme narcissism; no capacity for empathy; motivated by self-gratification alone).
I'm with you. This will be a slow burn though. The focus needs to be shifted locally. Focus on family, local community, local sustainable alternatives to monopoly power, rebuilding outward
The solution is simple and yet seemingly unattainable. It's solidarity. As I see it, the problem is that billionaire run institutions have co-opted our ability to build community and consensus.
Most people are unfamiliar with the social dynamics and societal requisites for real democracy, which have been effaced from regular public discourse (See Aristotle's "Politics" and Rousseau's "Social Contract"). Real democracy is what we desperately need. The pivotal question is "How?" How to do it