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I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate
Reposted byAvatar Keith
A great way to get people to hate your sports league is to put random games of the hometown team on a streaming network most people don't subscribe to.
I'm not going to buy Apple+ but I'm now going to think of MLB as a league that hates its fans. Mission accomplished!
The good news is that nobody normal is ever going to see this shit, let alone read it.
You can put a training center in any old building, if it's that important maybe go and open one now instead of waiting 5 years for a building to be built?
Has any pollster attempted to explain how their numbers appear completely divorced from any realistic outcome among these voter subsets? They must know these numbers look impossible.
It's pretty simple to explain to people that Biden is perfectly able to serve the last 6 months of this term, but is stepping down because he's no longer sure he can go another 4 years. Don't understand why people think handing the nom to Harris also requires resigning the presidency.
The most distinctive feature of 100+ year old homes is how many different places you will feel a whole-ass breeze blowing in from outside.
It's just not a party without Martha-Ann Alito telling racist jokes and stories about her flags.
They're 100% manufactured, because it doesn't even matter. It's not like if Biden dies or becomes incapacitated in office the country falls apart. He's just a man. We'll be fine either way.
Everybody pretending like the president maybe not being able to complete his term is some existential crisis is feeding into it. It truly does not matter! We elect a ticket for this reason!
A judge is just a person in a robe, these guys act like they're infallible wizards, it's incredible.
That white men should be a protected class under anti-discrimination laws is a core belief of conservative lawyers.
The people in the ivory towers were conservative all along. Just no awareness of the world around them.
Will never understand the appeal of this obnoxious dipshit. There's a 100% chance he's been doing this his entire career.
Traveling with my family is so much more pleasant in an airbnb. Real suite hotels with kitchens and separate bedrooms would be so much better but they are hard to find and usually full.
But, like, barcelona has 10,000 short term rentals in a city with 850,000 housing units. Since 2008 they've built very little new housing. This won't help the housing crisis there at all.
lol, they don't give a shit
Dobbs effect probably still active too.
The cruel irony of Americans finding refuge from right-wing tyranny in the UK.
This is great but it's also hard to think that it fucking matters since some district court will block it as soon as it goes into effect.
Today, the federal government put itself on the right side of history by seeking, for the 1st time, to establish the precedent that every worker in America has the right to shade, water & rest while working in temps that could kill them. -UFW President Teresa Romero
Biden to announce heat rules as climate-related deaths If finalized, they would be the first U.S. regulations to protect workers from dangerous temperatures.
A lot of people vote because they believe it's their duty but they otherwise hate politics and ignore it as much as possible. These people are the ones who decide elections. It doesn't matter when or how they learn what the stakes are, it's just good that it's happening.
Even just matching normal age demographics for the country, enlisted people would be majority nonwhite, or very close to it. What's weird is these people otherwise seem very much aware (and anxious) that people under 25 are majority nonwhite.
Reposted byAvatar Keith
George Lucas in 1999 making a movie about how the senate and Supreme Court are hopelessly corrupt:
A Republican president could. I have a feeling that what the supreme court will count as an official act is extremely president-dependent.
I doubt people providing health care to trans people care much about what the white house says, especially since "we're opposed to it" or "we don't support it" isn't the same thing as "we think it should be banned."
But aren't the final 2022 guidelines still what providers follow?