Wil Sterling

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Wil Sterling


I named a boat once.

Clinical researcher in Oncology, Bone Marrow Transplant and Cell and Gene Therapy. Giant nerd and repository of useless knowledge.
So things may be shit, but I got a great haircut today and hung out with friends I havent seen in months. Taking the win where I can cause boy did I need it after last week.
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Birtherism doesn't do it justice. Let's just call this what it is: racism.
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Reposted byAvatar Wil Sterling
reminded of a scene from Terry Pratchett's Going Postal
A hill I will die on: all white-collar crimes are violent crimes. It's just that the violence is removed from the perpetrator because the perpetrator is wealthy.
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Through my childhood, on election nights, my dad was the man under Peter Snow’s desk putting interesting facts on notecards into his socks. That’s how it was done before Google, kids. You got a very clever ASD man with some Oxford degrees to just remember interesting constituency histories.
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Daily bunny no.2540 calming the cats
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This piece is maddeningly sparse on specifics, when it's easy to think of viable hypotheticals Example: ➡️ Find just 1 person in any Fifth Circuit state claiming they voted for Biden ➡️ File suit claiming Ds nominating anyone who was not the primary winner violates the Guarantee Clause 1/
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i really am going to be logged off for the holiday but i would like to drop off a parting thought: publishing a monarchist anti-voting take on the fourth of july is the strongest possible indication of someone's core, true values
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famous dudes not being predators challenge (impossible)
Reposted byAvatar Wil Sterling
It feels like the bare minimum thing we could do to save our own futures here is “not do the New York Times and the GOPs work for it by helping publicly speak the outcome they want into existence.”
I am absolutely scared shitless by this moment and I’ve been scared shitless of this moment coming for over a decade, but I’ve also concluded that the LAST thing we can collectively afford to do is projecting indecisive shrieking cowardice to everyone less politically plugged-in than we are.
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Reposted byAvatar Wil Sterling
/5 So, in terrible circumstances, think what people before you have endured. Think about how you can support and defend folks less able than you to endure. And fight the bastards.
Reposted byAvatar Wil Sterling
Denethor using the Palantir to “stay informed” while not realizing the Palantir only showed him what its master wanted him to see is _almost_ too apt an analogy for online doomerism, huh
Reposted byAvatar Wil Sterling
anyway, is everyone good and mad now? fucking stay that way for the next five months, there will be more aggressions and indignities and insults to come. staying mad as hell about it is how we won in 2020 and it's how we'll win in 2024.
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No shame in feeling scared, overwhelmed and not knowing what to do. To me feeling one's feelings doesn't preclude taking action. These are confusing times. Give yourself some grace.
I am admittedly no expert, but I’m pretty sure the sky isn’t supposed to be green, orange, blue and yellow at the same time.
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SCOTUS holds 6-3 that it is the executive branch now
Reposted byAvatar Wil Sterling
Need a break from today’s news? Here’s a lion in a wheelbarrow.
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Here's some cat's in Flower crowns
Fuck it, breaking my "one beer if I'm at home" rule after this nonsense
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We already have a fusion reactor it’s just in the sky
People said Greenpeace was nuts in 2009 to predict 921GW of installed solar by 2030. Last year there was 1,419GW. Cost dropped 95% from 2008-20 and it’s dropping faster. There will be vast amounts of cheap clean energy in the future; we just need to use it. www.economist.com/interactive/...
Sun Machineswww.economist.com Solar, an energy source that gets cheaper and cheaper, is going to be huge
That’s a fuckin’ mood.
Bro, I can only read what you wrote, not what you thought you wrote.
I’m hindsight, having G’kar and Martok as role models wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened to young socially awkward Sterling.
Thanks, General. 🥹