Kim Zimmerman

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Kim Zimmerman

“Never be afraid to make some noise, & get in trouble, good trouble.” — John Lewis

Veteran, Wife, Mom, Voter, Dog Mom
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the planet is on fire and people can’t afford air conditioning, surely this is the time to come up with a technology nobody asked for and nobody wants then dedicate all the electricity to maintaining it
New AI data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals. Read The Big Take ⬇️
AI Is Wreaking Havoc on Global Power New artificial intelligence data centers are coming online so fast that the electricity demand is straining global power grids and threatening clean energy goals.
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Fuck it, I think every state should post their own “legal codes” in schoolhouses. Put up the Code of Hammurabi in New Hampshire. Engrave the Justinian Code all over Idaho. Original rules for Magic: the Gathering in Mississippi. Why not? Nothing matters anymore.
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Justice Sotomayor using her annual pre-June public talk to give a barely veiled warning that the Supreme Court is about to do some truly terrible things
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Having the same feeling I did when I read that Tr*mp was gutting pandemic prevention, the “fuck, I know this is really important, but I’m so tired and I feel powerless to change it” But this time I know EVEN MORE that this is really important.
Breaking News: An attempt to strike a global agreement on how to handle a future pandemic failed. Among the sticking points are equitable access to vaccines and financing to set up surveillance systems.
Countries Fail to Agree on Treaty to Prepare the World for the Next Negotiators plan to ask for more time. Among the sticking points are equitable access to vaccines and financing to set up surveillance systems.
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Jesus Christ. We could also teach kids that we can all have each other’s backs. But I delivered a kid’s forgotten lunch to school the other day. One time Jon had to bring my forgotten knife roll to work! We all forget stuff sometimes, and when someone who loves you can help, they should.
babe wake up a new bean dad just dropped
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The people who complain about class warfare won the war - the richest 400 Americans now pay the same effective tax rate as the poorest half of America.
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It’s been a second since I posted some of my older photography, though more of that in the coming months now that the academic year has ended! Kicking things off again with an Anna’s of course. This is what a hummingbird looks like mid scritch 🎯🪶🌿
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any media outlets i mean lol of course everyone’s interested
my friend has an amazinggg RFK Jr. story looking for a home if anyone’s interested
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Today on Twitter is a white supremacist thread about how important inbreeding is
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"The precipitous decline in traffic to conservative publications raises a larger and possibly unanswerable question: Did these operations ever really hold the political and cultural clout that critics ascribed to them at their peak?"
Right-Wing Media Are in The flow of traffic to Donald Trump’s most loyal digital-media boosters isn’t just slowing; it’s utterly collapsing.
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Donald Trump kidnapped thousands of kids, many of whom still haven't found their families almost six years later. He should cry to those parents about having to miss one of his kid's events.
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i'm open to consulting work! here are some examples of things i've worked on recently: - providing feedback on game design projects - worldbuilding and writing for an ARG - revising and updating a trivia game for modern players get in touch!
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Republicans on SCOTUS wrote 26 pages of preening about "major questions of national importance" (Kavanaugh, p. 5) to justify using an extraordinary procedure to reinstate an anti-trans law with no purpose except to prevent <1,000 minors in Idaho from receiving medical care.
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My strongest belief after going to war three times and seeing too many grieving parents, spouses, and children on the other side is that kids shouldn't have to risk their lives for a college education.
Democrats shouldn't bail them out by agreeing to the very short 15-week ban. Their radicalism brought us this moment, and there's no need to compromise with them to get back to their slightly less awful benchmark. Use the leverage.
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Ah, well, if that rascal Donny Trump pinky promises that he wouldn't try to assassinate his political rivals, I'm sure we can take his word. It's called the honor system, and it's just how government works in the Trump era. Gentlemen can be trusted to do right.
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Arizona’s Attorney General, Kris Mayes (D), says as long as she is in office “no woman or doctor will be prosecuted” under the total abortion ban revived by the state’s Supreme Court.
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The press gives Trump exactly what he wants by treating each iteration of his ever-changing abortion rhetoric as at last a clue to his real beliefs. It's a nice favor to Trump, who gets the only thing he cares about — an ego boost — and provides cover for the GOP's pursuit of more abortion bans.
Trump’s Only Position on Abortion Is to Say Whatever It Takes to Get The mainstream media is once again covering Donald Trump like he’s a normal presidential candidate, rather than someone who represents the
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Just amazing: One reason the Gerald Ford foundation declined to honor Liz Cheney was express fear of Trump retaliating against their tax status if he wins, per letter Politico obtained. That's another good example of the Trump/elite accommodation dynamic we discussed on the pod.
Trump is promising billionaires tax cuts while openly vowing an authoritarian second term. On the pod, historian Daniel Ziblatt likens this to previous moments where wealthy elites foolishly thought they could work with authoritarian/fascist leaders. It gets dark:
Trump Finally Reveals It: Billionaires Get Tax Cuts, We Get Donald Trump's comments to wealthy elites show that he's offering them a corrupt bargain that is likely to end very badly for everyone.
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Don't sleep on this: *2* state justices who just voted to make all abortion illegal in Arizona are on the ballot this year. They're each up for retention, as I had detailed here last week:
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people who insist new gun laws won't stop mass shootings sure do spend a lot of time on laws to stop abortion
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just got a great deal on a pair of eclipse glasses
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"Rachlin, 38, alleges in a federal lawsuit that police officials weaponized confidential details of that sexual assault to retaliate against her for her vocal criticism of violent policing ... that in mid-2020 NYPD officials cut off her access to the North Brooklyn precincts her nonprofit serves..."
NYPD Officials Orchestrated Smear Campaign of Police Critic Using Confidential Details of Her Rape, Lawsuit The accusations from Dana Rachlin, a prominent police reform advocate who once had open access to Brooklyn precincts, highlight a growing rift between the NYPD and criminal justice reformers.
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“I don’t want a valuable life lesson. I just want an ice cream.” Bluey is wise
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mocking the ridiculous together is the most underrated love language
find yourself a partner who you can sit on the couch with and make fun of the ridiculous people on your television this is true love
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Stealing this prompt from David Roberts on the Other Site. What is something in America that is getting better?