queer & pleasant danger

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queer & pleasant danger


she/her. donate to my denture adventure fundraiser! cashapp, venmo, paypal handle is all the same: laurenmpayne
i'm still waiting on someone to give me $5MM to get some shit done
The Dollyrots covering Brand New Key youtu.be/GbQ43sFDQTM?...
Other than Hurt by Johnny Cash and any version of The Sound of Silence, what are your favorite cover versions of famous songs?
The Dollyrots - Brand New Keyyoutu.be The Dollyrots video for Brand New Key. Blackheart Records
Grace Jones cover of "Private Life" by The Pretenders
Other than Hurt by Johnny Cash and any version of The Sound of Silence, what are your favorite cover versions of famous songs?
Grace Jones - Private Lifeyoutu.be
rewatching the expanse, and i swear to fuck, i hate holden more and more with each rewatch
ICYMI, the Final Destination dude has announced his adaptation of my Bloody Mary novel. This gets funnier when you consider I signed the release papers 3 weeks ago then found out it was a done deal when a bookseller said GRATS to me on Friday and I had no clue I'd been on Deadline two days before.
Here's a book a disabled person wrote. You may not find it on the reading lists available to abled people who consider our liberation a theme of their monthly content. Its supernaturalism is deeply tied to my experiences in madness. You can support it from @knilirabaj.bsky.social 's bookstore here.
None But the Righteous a book by Chantal Jamesbookshop.org Lyrical, riveting, and haunting from its opening lines, None But the Righteous is an extraordinary debut that signals the arrival of an unforgettable new voice in contemporary fiction "[A] profound de...
You should listen to the mad on madness, & the disabled on disability, not those who take it upon themselves to speak for us.
The only thing I saw people saying was “what are the actual statements from the actual people involved?” I still don’t understand why seeking out the victims’ stories is somehow troublesome.
ways to steal from (or at least divest from) the new york times - jump their paywall using a browser plugin to bypass the paywall or user reader view to read the articleor google search - sharing (or shared) accounts - ask your employer to not buy subscriptions if they do - just steal the damn paper
Definitely check your junk/spam folder! That's where I found mine.
Good morning! If you bid on the auction, we've got some news for you! First: did you get the email with payment information? Check your inbox. Check your spam. Check the email you used with 32auctions (it's the only way we have to contact you!) and check the spam there.
Biden shot himself in the foot during the debate. But he keeps reloading the gun and trying to hit his ankle.
The point I don't see very many people talking about is that this is 2016 all over again. It's not that the candidate has a glaring weak spot in the campaign, it's that they're not doing anything to address that weakness. It's like Hillary not going to Michigan, but bigger and worse.
America be like, the carceral system? That's for poor Black people, not billionaire white men who used to be the president. That's the single reason Trump's not in jail. He didn't get charges for trying to overthrow the government, which warranted it, but he has charges now.
another thing the “just move out of your red state” people don’t get is how disabled people like me—who depend upon care from a team of medical specialists—can’t “just move” finding good doctors, therapists, primary care, etc. is not easy, fast or cheap
defenestration tonite 👀 defenestration tonight queen?? defenestration tonite 👀
HEARTWARMING: Local Pharmacist "They"s Trans Woman Who Is Sick
of course it's not at one pharmacy so i have to go to the farther one in the opposite direction
Our water pitcher is the world’s most effective filter of microplastics! Yes the pitcher is made of plastic. No we will not take any further questions
It's eight PM on the US west coast, and here in Chico it's ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE FUCKING DEGREES FAHRENHEIT. I feel like calling the manager but it would probably just go to voicemail since it's after hours.
they're worried about downticket races, but I really wouldn't underestimate how much they genuinely, genuinely are terrified of what a Trump admin would be, and feel like Biden and his bubble of senior aides fundamentally don't get it and/or aren't capable of running a campaign up to defeating it
You don't have to feel hopeless if America doesn't exist anymore all. All empires fall. That's what happens, & that's what geopolitical conditions have produced for this stage in America's history. That doesn't mean you won't be ok or that you won't exist. It just means you need survival tools.
website that tells you the things to purchase to feel whole and complete
When we talk about harms of ableism, this is one of the things we mean. People use terms like "hurt feelings" and "offended" and that's not it. It's the way the attitudes represented and reinforced by the imagery and/or language choices turn up in behaviors and policies.
I would not have regained my ability to walk and do activities of daily living (most of the time) after a traumatic injury, without a walker. It was really frustrating how a number of members of my care team were actually hostile about it despite the difference it made for me
Please consider setting up your own lemonade stand this summer to talk to your neighbors about the value of public libraries. Everything you need to set up your stand can be found here: www.librariesforthepeople.org/lemonade?utm...
Libraries & Lemonade — For The Peoplewww.librariesforthepeople.org A summer project spreading the word about why public libraries are so essential - and how you can get involved!
This is 100% true and also it is not the way that history and social studies are taught to USian students. So this is not something that most people think or understand.
For most of its history, America hasn’t been a democracy, by any meaningful definition of the term! This isn’t some It Can’t Happen Here shit, in a way, it’s already happened. It just may not have directly affected you.
really great that prominent political journalists won’t just say that trump is lying and here’s why
today is my NINETEEN YEAR anniversary working at my local library In honor of that, I ask you to get a card to your local public library today! If you ALREADY have a card to your local public library, check out their digital resources! Their summer programs! And yeah, they have books too.