
Richard Waite
Richard Waite
Director, Agriculture Initiatives, World Resources Institute. Interested in sustainably feeding 10 billion people by 2050. Likes food, agriculture, nature, numbers, climate targets & solutions. DC-based.
lol. lmao, even.
Dr. Chris Manion (he/him)
Dr. Chris Manion (he/him)
Writing Across the Curriculum Coordinator, Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing at The (I know I know) Ohio State University. Jazz dad.
Siobhán McElduff
Siobhán McElduff
Latinist, 1st gen Irish academic. Author of obscure academic books and slightly less obscure OERs on Roman culture. Translator of, and far too fond of Cicero. She/her nó sí/í.
Im a refugee from Post who believes in Democracy, equality, and inclusion. The only color I see is blue.💙💙Don’t be complacent and vote💙💙
Kelly Smith
Kelly Smith
show-biz baby, fake lawyer, accidental Lagotto lover, kindness and music are all.
Last Gamer on the Left
Last Gamer on the Left
Husbanding, Cat Fathering, Financial Crimes Prevention, Video Games
Geoff Staneff
Geoff Staneff
Former thermoelectrics and fuel cell scientist, software and data product manager; current forestry startup guy trying to reduce the impact of future wildfires. PNW based, have visited high intensity burns this year from Northern BC to the Sierras.
Nicholas Smith
Nicholas Smith
I’m here to serve.
The Chillennial
The Chillennial
Midwest dude. Probably not a fan of your horseshoe-ass takes. Tries his best.
cyber professional
cyber professional
if you die in the game, you feel sad in real life

infrastructure, security, k8s, AI, robotics, co-ops, roguelikes, guitar, cooking, plants 🏴🏳️‍🌈 en/es/中文
BBQ Junkie/Smoker, edTech refugee, nomad, & D&D newbie.

LVL 83 Barbecutioner

100 Cooking
87 Pyromancy
72 Bladed Weapons
Stephanie goes by Stephanie
Stephanie goes by Stephanie
Dog-lover, avid reader.
Tragically straight, and will not understand your jokes.

Known for typos. I don’t care. Read through them.

Become my favorite person:
C: $pagnificent
Ray Beckerman
Ray Beckerman
NYC business lawyer. I post about law, social justice, human & animal rights, nature, arts, and ecology. #voteblue #progressive
Thicc Semper Tyrannis
Thicc Semper Tyrannis
Was @scriban2 on Twitter. Am @georgescriban on Threads, & @[email protected]. Privacy, security, surveillance, tech, healthcare, & too much politics, probably.
Katharine Hayhoe
Katharine Hayhoe
climate scientist and professor, Texas Tech
chief scientist, The Nature Conservancy
board member, Smithsonian NMNH
alum, UofT and UIUC
author, Saving Us

🧶📖❄️ are my favorite things
TX is where I live and 🇨🇦 is my home
Posts 100% my own
An aged and impecunious barrister. Bisexual, not an intellectual. He/him.
Manisha Sinha
Manisha Sinha
President elect 2024 of Society for Historians of the Early American Republic, author most recently of The Rise and Fall of the Second American Republic, Draper Chair at UConn
Paul Gowder
Paul Gowder
Law prof (& associate dean of research, eeek) @ Northwestern law, political theorist, occasional programmer, cat parent. Black lives still matter.
Video game designer & programmer for 5+ years.

Habbo, Boom Karts, and more.
Take Back the Court
Take Back the Court
If you want to build a democracy that works for everyone, you must have an honest judiciary. If you want an honest judiciary, you #TakeBacktheCourt.
Hannah Walser
Hannah Walser
Thinking about people thinking about other people. PhD (English) —> JD —> Furman Fellowship at NYU Law. Mayor of the quiet car. she/her.
Alexandra Petri
Alexandra Petri
I’m not in James Thurber’s attic any more! right now I’m home yay ! I’m the one who writes this column and loves puns
Katya King
Katya King
Tech, research, law, teaching & AI - plus a lot of other stuff.
M.Ed, PGDL, LLM, (looking for alt online LLM+tech)
@[email protected]
Helen/Tina/Boob Punch
Helen/Tina/Boob Punch
"... but if sweetness can win, and it can, then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace."
Ben Gaines
Ben Gaines
Alleged lawyer, Brunswick, ME
Lora Kolodny
Lora Kolodny
tech & climate reporter at formerly wsj, techcrunch & all over creation. i cover: tesla & other elon musk companies mostly (some climate tech startups). my posts here are my own. i’m optimistic on the inside. email me- [email protected]
I am an artist and a dad and autistic. i have aphantasia and dyspraxia and dissociate frequently. and I walk dogs for a living and I love you. i am always open to commissions
my preferred pronouns are it/it’s i am a tiny goblin
Jess Calarco
Jess Calarco
sociologist | writer | professor at UW Madison | families, schools, inequalities | qualitative methods | she/her | mom of two hams

new book: holding it together--how women became america's safety net (portfolio/penguin, 2024)
Lew Morton
Lew Morton
I am a TV comedy writer. B&B Do The Universe, VEEP, Silicon Valley, Futurama, NewsRadio, SNL, others too numerous (or not that good) to mention. Currently Beavis and Butt-Head series.
Bones Hyland's Homeopathic Cold Relief
Bones Hyland's Homeopathic Cold Relief
"A 540 homeboy, beloved of Allah" anciently writing at
Christopher Federico
Christopher Federico
Professor of political science and psychology @ the University of Minnesota.; I study belief systems + the psychological bases of political preferences. Inveterate fan of The Fall + cat enthusiast.
Endless Screaming
Endless Screaming
by, huge thanks to it/its
I’m a man of peace. And ⚖️⚾️📚
Brent J. Arnold
Brent J. Arnold
(He/Him) Trial & appellate lawyer, data breach coach/counsel, Biglaw, Toronto. Director, Canadian Internet Society; Faculty, The Advocates' Society. CBA, OBA, DRI, IADC, Sedona Conference. Cat dad; bad guitarist.
Jesse D. Jenkins
Jesse D. Jenkins
Macro-energy systems engineering, optimization, and policy. Prof. @Princeton Engineering (MAE) & Andlinger Center. Leads the ZERO Lab. #EnergyTwitter: @JesseJenkins. More affiliations & interests at link
Blake Emerson
Blake Emerson
Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law.
Administrative law, political theory. Author: The Public’s Law.
Charlotte Clymer
Charlotte Clymer
Writer. Lesbian. Texan. Veteran. Hoya. She. |Rep: @lynnjohnstonlit | @GUPolitics | @TeamLPAC | [email protected] | subscribe: #BLM
Classy Warfare
Classy Warfare
Occasional Army guy; US security adviser to Atropia; a humble dingus; he/him
Stephen Webb
Stephen Webb
beaver stan account
Ana Marie Cox
Ana Marie Cox
Columnist for The New Republic and MSNBC. Co-host, "Space the Nation" with Dan Drezner, a podcast about political science and science fiction. Like my work?
I've been online for 100 years. I believe in people power. I want us all to do better.

She/her. Phillyish. Crone-age. So so late.
The Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper
I am already following you by other means; this is purely social. I don't see why we can't be friends in the interim

Apologies Kissinger took so long, I understand the frustration. Load-bearing evil is tricky to manage

DMs for questions answer publicly
Charlotte Garden
Charlotte Garden
Julius E. Davis Professor of Law @ University of Minnesota Law School. Teaching & writing about workers' rights, and skeeting about cats.
bryan newbold
bryan newbold
dweb, cycling, snow, big cities, wiki. I like speculating about found objects.
protocol engineer formerly
elsewhere: / @[email protected]
ChrisDAnimation on some sites.
Game dev. Animator Looking for work.
Previously at Rooster Teeth (RvB S12).
I also run
Tech ethics and policy, CS education, tabletop games, D&D, indie rock, guitar, and gardening.
George Pearkes
George Pearkes
Macro Strategist | Econ, macro, home cooking, & the occasional cocktail | Even the blind squirrel get a nut sometime. | QCR: Non Culto | American via Canada, not Scottish.