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No, the *other* MacCrocodile
Reposted byAvatar MacCrocodile
Reposted byAvatar MacCrocodile
Reposted byAvatar MacCrocodile
I would bet there are some people out there by now going "well this isn't fair, it seems like ALL of the dehumanizing tactics are antisemitic". Yes, most of them are. Antisemites have been dehumanizing us for a long time. And what isn't antisemitic is definitely racist, or ableist, or queerphobic
Bougie-ass dog spotted in Google Street View
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Happy Pride to you Bluesky 🏳️‍🌈
Reposted byAvatar MacCrocodile
if your candidate can't put together a minimal techno set that makes me feel like a single blissed out atom vibrating in a cosmic sea of like-minded atoms then your candidate cannot be said to be serious about the economy
Reposted byAvatar MacCrocodile
God Bless Paul Davies and the @PhillyInquirer: "The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump...There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president. The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be."
To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.
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Reposted byAvatar MacCrocodile
“Oregon” is a portmanteau of “oregano” and silence
"Maryland" is a portmanteau of "Mary" and "land" wait, shit, hang on
Reposted byAvatar MacCrocodile
Everyone you know and love knows and loves some other person who fucking sucks
That headline is going around again, so I'll say this again. Bert and Ernie are not a gay couple, and even if they are, this is terrible representation. Sesame Street needed openly gay characters a long time ago, but it's the one social issue they steadfastly refuse to address.
Republicans worship Trump, and would never vote for Jesus. Accurate.
Eric Metaxas has written several bestselling biographies of Christian historical figures and writes op-eds for the Manhattan broadsheets. He hosts a lecture series featuring mainstream Christian thinkers and writers called "Socrates in the City: Conversations on the Examined Life.”
I just heard Let's Talk About Sex on the radio, and I’d never thought about how heavy the chorus implies the conversation is going to get. Sex? Okay, let’s talk. You and me? Sure, I’ve got time. All the good things? Well, I-- AND the bad things that *may* be? Slow down Galadriel.
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I understand why people sat in front of the television in the 1960’s and listened to Walter Cronkite but making the choice to spend an hour listening to Wolf Blitzer when we have so many good movies about gunkata just seems like a waste
Reposted byAvatar MacCrocodile
Every time you clack the tongs after you pick them up, this is a prayer to Hephaestus
Reposted byAvatar MacCrocodile
AI 'completes' keith haring's unfinished artwork, raising ethical issues and copyright concerns
Reposted byAvatar MacCrocodile
As a lawyer, I'm supposed to say "tsk tsk, free speech," but instead I'll note: in 2016, DeRay Mckesson organized a BLM march. An officer was struck by a rock. Mckesson is still being sued over it; the Louisiana Supreme Court, Fifth Circuit, and SCOTUS keep inventing excuses not to dismiss it.
So, there's no law to stop someone from inciting 43 bomb threats? She can just keep doing it? Schools, hospitals, gyms. Nothing to be done? Oh well.
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Anthropomorphic alligator DeQuincy, LA
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You heard it here, if you did gifted and talented in school you are allowed to stab one (1) person
If I knew skipping jail time was one of the perks of the gifted program I would’ve made an effort
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I agree, trans women should not compete in sports if they count as 16 people
Reposted byAvatar MacCrocodile
Reposted byAvatar MacCrocodile
Reposted byAvatar MacCrocodile
Sorry for gatekeeping but international women’s day is for international women only. If you’re a local woman STAY IN YOUR LANE
Reposted byAvatar MacCrocodile
one funny thing I saw was a cnn chyron calling biden's state of the union address "political" one time I went to a baseball game and it was basebally my kid went to a concert and it was surprisingly musical I went outside in a rainstorm and it was wet
Reposted byAvatar MacCrocodile
one for the books
Reposted byAvatar MacCrocodile
Epidemiologists estimate that Trump's mishandling of the COVID epidemic lead to an additional 300,000 - 400,000 deaths. Which means Donald Trump killed more Americans than any single person in history aside from Jefferson Davis.
If you don’t look backward, you can’t remind people how abysmally Trump dealt with the arrival of COVID-19 four years ago—that he bears significant responsibility for crashing the economy and would likely crash it again if confronted with another crisis.
Four Years Ago, Donald Trump Knew How Dangerous COVID Was—And Lied About He made life immeasurably worse for all Americans, and we can’t forget it.
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damn how big was that coat
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