Mark D

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Mark D

Transport consultant and data tools research at ITP/RHDHV. he/him #Nottingham
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the orange man is bad and should not be president again can everyone just get their shit together please so it doesn’t happen thank you in advance
Fifteen reboots? Azure is so slow that'll take... ☝️🤔👉👈🫰😋🖐️ ... fifteen hours!
Reposted byAvatar Mark D
today is the only day you can post this
Reposted byAvatar Mark D
can I say something without anyone getting mad
Reposted byAvatar Mark D
Reposted byAvatar Mark D
please, my father is Mr Beast, call me beastie boy
Time to ask the people who *really* know about US politics: British bookies! These odds have shifted since 9am today - at that point Biden was on 9-1 and far ahead of Harris. Ima just take a big sip of beer and take a look at the news...
Reposted byAvatar Mark D
At which point it really just becomes a "well, that sucks, guess we have to win /despite/ the campaign rather than /because/ the official campaign" thing, which is ... uh, well, "rough" is an understatement
Reposted byAvatar Mark D
Politics Knowers: “Biden’s going to lose ten points from that debate” Polls: *nothing happens* Politics Knowers: “Trump will gain ten points from the shooting! He’s unstoppable now!” Polls: *nothing happens* Politics Knowers: “If only Biden would drop out! Dems would clearly gain ten points!”
Reposted byAvatar Mark D
This isn't like a dunk post on the other platform or whatever, I don't care, but having been away from twitter for half a year I can undeniably say that I feel better in life.
Something about click click click click click rotary phone
Reposted byAvatar Mark D
Last night, my beloved niece texted me in (understandable) despair about the election and my response seemed to help, so I'm going to share it with you here... 🧵
Reposted byAvatar Mark D
Reposted byAvatar Mark D
If you’re having a rough day, I really can’t recommend enough just putting on some old Tribe Called Quest albums. It’s basically impossible to be in a bad mood while Phife and Q-Tip are doing their thing.
Reposted byAvatar Mark D
Trump Pence Trump Vance Trump dunce. Trump hence ... Trump once.
Reposted byAvatar Mark D
For all the terrified Democrats squealing that Biden has no chance, please just stop your sobbing. We absolutely can win.
He looks like a dude wearing a cheap Leo DiCaprio costume
Trump Pence Trump Vance Trump dunce. Trump hence ... Trump once.
Reposted byAvatar Mark D
"I'll run the government so well you won't have to think about me at all" would be a compelling pitch from Biden and Democrats. Competency is really underrated.
Mostly agree except on reflection I feel like the three-day combo of the shooting, the Cannon decision, and the Vance pick was a powerful reminder of how miserable and exhausting it was to live with one goddamn thing after another when this guy had the spotlight for four straight years
Reposted byAvatar Mark D
musk trying to buy a friendly administration. stop posting on the propaganda platform he controls
"Elon Musk has said he plans to commit around $45 million a month to a new super political-action committee backing former President Donald Trump’s presidential run, according to people familiar with the matter."
Reposted byAvatar Mark D
Reposted byAvatar Mark D
I know we know about JD Vance, but he's also working to make divorces harder to obtain, and says that people in "violent" marriages should stay married and not get divorced. So.
Reposted byAvatar Mark D
I like to welcome people to the neighborhood by asking if they feel comfortable in the house, you know, considering What Happened
Reposted byAvatar Mark D
Is it normal for your therapist to challenge you to a fight
Fascinating from Rick Perlstien (summarised by Doctorow) on how to break apart #Project2025
OMFG trying to figure out logging on Azure... Microsoft: here read these 50 pages of docs, some for parts of the stack that still work, some that are deprecated 😐
Does anyone remember that 30Rock one liner that was something like: "I'm terrible at time management, commitment, and thinking of a third thing for my lists" 😀
Reposted byAvatar Mark D
I keep remembering that the official Republican solution to gun violence is just... more gun violence. "The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" means the plan -- the only plan -- is that AFTER the shooting starts, there's more shooting. Prevention isn't even considered.
(Samsung s22+, font is 3 of 8)