Max Kennerly

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Max Kennerly

17 years in court as a law-talking guy for plaintiffs, now a mix of stuff. Posts too much about politics.

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That's douchebag Jasper "Disaster" Philipsen on the left, losing another Tour de France stage to Biniam Girmay, who Jasper blocked this shit out of last year, just like Jasper blocked the shit out of everyone, because he sucks and is a dangerous racer who should be banned from the sport.
LMAO, it turns out "X" actually does have a manipulated media policy, which I have only ever seen applied to me.
The GOP SCOTUS ruling on Presidential immunity, summed up.
They wore that so no one would know the truth.
Grimly amusing how the right-wing still claims ownership of "red pill" and The Matrix despite, y'know, this.
Gosh, you'll never guess who is asking their Federalist Society buddies, including ones they personally vouched for before the Senate, to ruin securities law. That's right, "liberal" Neal Katyal, once again getting paid millions to make the world worse.
I love how the letter from the Chair of Tesla's board calculates Elon "created over $735 billion in value" by stopping their count at December 31, 2023. The stock has fallen 28% since then, losing $225 billion in value.
Not true! Thomas is a huge fan of applying equal protection to voting power. It just so happens, by huge coincidence, that he has applied this exactly one (1) time, to ensure George W. Bush became President. 🙃
That the lab in Wuhan proposed manipulating furin cleavage in coronaviruses sounds really convincing—too incredible to be coincidence—until you realize it merely means they studied coronaviruses. Every lab has been messing with furin cleavage since 2006.
this is what counts as an "allegory" in the smooth brain world of finance
Amusing how Kathleen Parker & WaPo wanted to sound fancy by not using "weaponizing," but she's just wrong. "Weaponing" is to furnish with weapons, e.g., "the armorer was weaponing the soldiers." The word she means is "weaponizing," i.e., "to adapt for use as a weapon."
I was so focused on all the horrible venal DC set bullshit in the pull quotes from the Kathleen Parker op-ed that I didn't even notice that the headline contains the, for the sake of argument, word "weaponing"?!????
LOL, they changed it. You're welcome, WaPo, but if you really wanted to improve your paper, you'd take the column down and never publish anything by Kathleen Parker again.
A good summary of everything the "Problem Solvers Caucus" stands for: reflexively letting Republicans get away with anything, including literal felonies.
Apologies in advance, I couldn't resist 😂
Trump and Musk get all the attention for "worst legal client ever," but may I direct your attention to Sam Altman.
NYU students who participated in encampment are still currently banned from campus and must complete ‘reflection papers’ on why their behavior was ostensibly lacking integrity.
I'm sorry, but if you call yourself a "moderate" or "conservative" while also advocating for "major changes" or to "tear down the system," then you're not any of those things, you're just an angry reactionary dimwit who doesn't even know what words mean.
This is the part that got me, for two reasons: 1) This is textbook virtue signaling, from someone who constantly complains about that. 2) Hard to think of anything more shallow than pretending to be a good parent *not* because you'll then be a good parent for your kids, but to impress strangers.
It's true, "few [voters 18-29] rank the Israel-Hamas war among their top issues in the 2024 election." But 79% consider foreign policy important, and the Israel-Hamas war is his worst issue among young voters, 76% disapprove. The more polls say, the less I know. 🤷‍♂️
Love getting this sponsored recommendation from YouTube for skin cancer. Maybe next they'll serve me an ad for why Gen Z shouldn't brush their teeth.
Writing for microblogs (Twitter, here, etc) definitely improved my writing. The constrains are healthy. Brian Eno said the same thing about composing the 3.25 second Windows 95 chime. When he went back to making music, he had "oceans of time."
It is, though this is slightly different from modus operandi, it's to establish intent, which defendant disputed and which isn't obvious from the circumstances. See this from one of the dissents.
Okay but I don't think you understand that this is good, so long as the CEO and largest shareholder also promises the same vaporware he's been promising for years.
Can't transmit the energy to Texas, though, because Texas operates its own entirely independent energy grid. Because why have economies of scale when you can have inefficiencies of monopolies?
Somewhere around 12% of the U.S. population—virtually all of them Republicans—saw the tremendous success of the COVID vaccines and decided to become *less* supportive of mandatory MMR vaccination for children in public school.
taking a very hard line on “everyone should have to get vaccines” is, like being vocally pro Ukraine and pro Palestine, a great way to find new people to block
This looks like that exact rivet screwed in an obviously bad place, and it sure looks like the actual pedal is plastic, and thus suboptimal for drilling a hole and using a metal rivet. The whole pedal assembly should be replaced.
Amusing how Steve Jobs' design advice was interpreted across Silicon Valley, including at Apple, as "we can make the customers want whatever crap we give them." No! The point is that customers aren't designers! That's your job, to figure out what you can do that they'll want.
Bloomberg spoke to one (1) expert on the subject, who said "uhhhhhhh no that's not how it works," but then Bloomberg just ran with the DEA blather anyway.
These similarities apply just as much to GLP-1s. There's certainly more aggressive competition among drugmakers to produce and market GLP-1s, whereas the bulk of ADHD drugs are low-profit generics. So are we going to arbitrarily limit them too, or just ADHD drugs?
Look I know his views are, ahem, impolite, but I'm still holding out for that falconry lesson.