
I am over 40 years old. At no point in my life has either Bill Maher or Maureen Dowd said anything interesting, thoughtful, useful, or even amusing. They are tipsy country club regulars whose reach should not exceed the room they are in.
lol. lmao even.
I use Maher to illustrate the difference between contrarianism and actual rational skepticism. He's a germ theory denialist and vaccine conspiracy nut because it aligns with his smug self-image as a bold iconoclast speaking truth to power.
same with greenwald and dore and brand and...
I really sincerely don't get his appeal. Like ... at all
He was fun when I was 14, edgy, and reading Christopher Hitches and Richard Dawkins but then I got older and was like “man Bill Maher a dick”.
Boomers like him because he is nostalgic for a time that never really existed and bases his style on that -- just digs at any way that the culture might change.
That "you all pretty much suck as compared to me, and I'm going to let you know that in the most smarmy condescending way possible" vibe doesn't grab you?
90s Bill had some alt-ideas. 2024 Bill wants to be rid of all those pesky kids (and Muslims and Libs and those cranky Trans). He’s objectively terrible.
I was a fan but COVID broke him. Utterly.
Best way I can explain it: I used to like Maher back when I was green regarding political knowledge. The more I learned about politics, however, the more full of shit I realized Maher actually was. So I am thinking low information liberals, like I used to be, is who he appeals to.
Lots of people want to be assholes and he validates them.
I think it’s for conservatives who think they’re “liberals” or left of center because they’re nice to their Mexican house keeper.
He gets good guest?. 🤷‍♀️
Reminds me of Billy Crystal's character in "Mr. Saturday Night" informing his brother that he was, at best, "living room funny."
Hbo once made the mistake of sending me a survey because I'd been watching stuff on Max; and I tore into them about how nobody who's ever watched John Oliver would ever enjoy Bill Fucking Maher. Dude's so out of touch he's like Captain Hook with a smart phone.
Over 50, and same. Even at her "best," Dowd was basically an unsuccessful Jim Hightower wannabe
I used to enjoy Maher but cannot understand the people still defending Dowd. It was clear during the Bush era that she was a stenographer hack and she’s only gotten worse with time.
i think the person she wanted to be was molly ivins. #hugefail
Taps sign
Today would be a good day to be the last day for Bill Maher to trend. Tomorrow works if we must. 📌
if Maher or Dowd said an asteroid were going to land in the middle of my street i'd rather get hit by the fucking thing than trust a word they said
Dowd is a one trick pony who's schtick got old a couple of decades ago. Maher is a smug, self satisfied asshole and always has been. Both of them are essentially washed up insult comics. Nobody with any taste or intellect should pay the slightest attention to them.
I’m 67 and can say the same thing. And I saw Maher’s sit com with Geena Davis. 😏
I’m sure she suffered a lot.
The reaction when he said the 9/11 hijackers were braver than The Troops 🇺🇸 was pretty funny, I’ll give him that.
He had one moment of almost clarity on 9/11. She’s just been slut shaming for 3 decades
Yes. Pointing out that insulting the hijackers as “cowards” was just plain inaccurate was both true and clearly Not Going To Be Well-Received. Last actually surprising thing I can recall him saying.
Bill Maher’s an asshole.
I genuinely think an underexplored aspect of why things are how they currently are is because the past few years have people, en masse, realize that the public "intellectuals" of the past few decades aren't actually all that smart & those intellectuals can't handle it.
For some reason, certain people are given de facto life tenure as “important voices”. This decision is very rarely justified.
I was amazed seeing him turn up on Murder, She Wrote. Never realized he was an actor.
I agree. 44 here. Never have I heard anything useful come out of their mouths. Just utter posh, smug, distain for anyone else not like them. They could retire and rot away and not one person would remind us they gone.
i gotta say though it will be fascinating to find out what age each of them is when the DTs set in
Bill Maher never misses an opportunity to scream about millennials and Gen Z. 😒🙄
This is the literary equivalent of giving Bill Maher a blowjob while trying to simultaneously trying to shove their whole head up his ass. Physically impossible, and yet....
That time Maureen Dawd got too high and freaked out was objectively hilarious.
I'd make a better permatipsy takehaver than either (I am an alcoholic trans girl)
Believe it or not, his show used to be really good. Not sure what happened to him over the last 10 years or so.
I occasionally watched politically incorrect years and years ago. There were sometimes good and interesting guests but he always sucked all the air out of the room was the worst part of the show.
I watched a few episodes of his show in the Bush administration. When was he good?
Bill Maher was "funny" at one time - but some network bro-CEO green lighted him for a show that I found annoying to watch because of the straw-man argument model. I think his show was a test lab for how much regular news programming could be bastardized.
Bill Maher has always been that "next on blah blah Bill Maher is mad about 2 things. 1 is normal, this is too draw you in. He will talk about it for 1 minute. The second is INSANE. this is the rest of the show"
Same as it ever was. Like the last gasp of the HW Bush nonsense. Predictable as ever and part of the infotainment misdirection circus.
Concise, balanced, and pertinent.