Megan Sass

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Megan Sass

Writer, teacher, redhead. Yes, that is my real last name. They/Them
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“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
This!! Start with “they want to end no fault divorce, sell national parks, and ban porn” end with tax structure.
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“meal debt” is not a phrase that should exist in the English language, let alone as a common element of news stories about elementary schools
A fifth grader has paid off the entire meal debt, and then some, for his elementary school. In a video shared to his mom’s Facebook, Daken Kramer had challenged “friends, family and local businesses to donate what they can to this cause.” He wound up turning in a check for more than $7,300.
A Missouri fifth grader raised enough money to pay off his entire school’s meal debt | Kids can now eat without breaking the piggy bank – at least, at Thomas Ultican Elementary School – thanks to fifth grader Daken Kramer.
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Most of me says that if Trump won in 2024, he wouldn’t be able to run in 2028 because the constitution forbids it. But the constitution (14AS3) also forbids Trump from running now, and the court said it’s all good and he can’t be kept from the ballot, so who the fuck knows?
New in PN: "If Trump returns, it’s likely he and his minions will push to abolish the 22nd Amendment and its max of two terms for presidents — in fact Project 2025 is already scheming to do just that. Don’t have to take it from us. Listen to the man himself."
Trump isn't joking about serving 3 or more He wouldn't leave power willingly the first time. He won't if he returns to power.
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It's a huge problem that stuff like the "Reich" references in a video get more traction than the fact that Trump plans to: - Deport millions - Never hold another fair election - Worsen climate change - Send the army into cities - Put the entire executive branch under his control
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Oh weird you mean it was a net revenue generator all the millionaires didn't flee the state like they said they would wow that's crazy
The Massachusetts "millionaires tax" has vastly surpassed projections, bringing in more than $1.8 billion in revenue so far this fiscal year — with the prospect of a surplus of hundreds of millions of dollars to spend on transportation and education
State’s ‘millionaires tax’ has already generated $1.8 billion this year, blowing past state projections - The Boston The estimated haul is already $800 million more than what Governor Maura Healey and state lawmakers planned to spend from its revenue in fiscal year 2024.
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The question for me has always been: When does it stop being relative and start being evidence? When is the line crossed and done? And if there isn’t a quick answer, then the line is already behind us.
"A video posted to Donald Trump’s account on his social media network Monday included references to a “unified Reich” among hypothetical news headlines if he wins the election in November." cool
Trump's social media account shares a campaign video with a headline about a 'unified Reich' A video posted to Donald Trump’s account on his social media network Monday included references to a “unified Reich."
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The Israeli government: 1. Has multiple ceasefire deals largely because they refuse to agree to a permanent ceasefire 2. Use hostages as an excuse for their war 3. Attack and jail the hostage families who have protested And many diaspora Jewish leaders and orgs back this.
Nbd but I’m credited on this movie poster under names you’d actually recognize!
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Hey friends! Interested in writing political sketch comedy? I’m teaching a 4-week class for only $150 (total!) starting this Monday. Classes run through May, 7-10pm PST. Online and accessible from anywhere. ALL skill levels welcome! Class info/sign-ups here:
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Just need to reemphasize this post from A *lot* of you are assuming you are experts on the dynamics of American Jewish cultural institutions and you simply are not.
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My favorite thing about being Jewish is how many people are eager to assess whether I am a Good One or a Bad One
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My friend Megan is a brilliant comedy writer and a brilliant teacher and if this is something that has ever interested you then you'd be hard pressed to find someone better to get you into it!
Hey friends! Interested in writing political sketch comedy? I’m teaching a 4-week class for only $150 (total!) starting this Monday. Classes run through May, 7-10pm PST. Online and accessible from anywhere. ALL skill levels welcome! Class info/sign-ups here:
Hey friends! Interested in writing political sketch comedy? I’m teaching a 4-week class for only $150 (total!) starting this Monday. Classes run through May, 7-10pm PST. Online and accessible from anywhere. ALL skill levels welcome! Class info/sign-ups here:
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It is the greatest irony and perfect microcosm of American capitalist consumerism that the reusable water bottle, which was meant to reduce consumption and waste, has been turned into the hottest new trend causing everyone to mass-purchase them and they'll all end up in landfills when the trend ends
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Hell Hanukkah is about pre-Christian antisemitism! There were plenty of polytheistic ancient religions that were emphatically shitty to Jews!
Megan is correct: antisemitism does in fact historically predate Christianity. It’s not accurate to say that Christians invented it; there were ancient religions and empires that committed antisemitic acts against Jews and Judea. This isn’t biblical myth, this is well established historical fact.
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Ah yes the classic haters of antisemitism and defenders of the Jewish people.
In case anyone had any doubts about who exactly was showing up as “counter protesters” at Ole Miss:
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Ah yes these raging red faced white youth yelling at a black woman surely out here to prevent antisemitism.
He's caught in a still photo from the scene that I saw yesterday, visible in the background between the protester and the person she's speaking to. From The Daily Mississippian's coverage, photo credits to Maria Ramirez and Antonella Rescigno.
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As a millennial feminist, I’m absolutely freaking out that all of bhforchoice’s efforts have finally made it to Jezebel
“How did this get through?” “I don’t mind turning up the heat a little.” Emails show Beverly Hills officials were hostile toward an abortion provider trying to open a new clinic in the weeks before the landlord canceled its lease:
New Abortion Clinics Are Being Forced to File Lawsuits to Open Their Since 2007, Jezebel has been the Internet's most treasured source for everything celebrities, sex, and politics...with teeth.
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The irony of course is that if there weren’t a giant money machine demanding shitty, reactionary opinions and activism, almost none of it would exist. Even the crackdowns on student protests are about satisfying the emotional needs of donors who are mad at resistance to their beliefs.
The war in Gaza is globally very unpopular and in the US increasingly unpopular. Yet so many cannot understand student protests without resorting to the indoctrination arguments that the far right have made about higher ed, which were made to discredit higher ed while denying the students agency.
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It’s a bitter pill to swallow but existing at a particular intersection of marginalized identity doesn’t magically endow you with a functional, accurate understanding of the history and politics that affects you, it can only make you an expert in your own lived experience.
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Multiple women have accused a twitter dinosaur enthusiast of SA. His publisher, Neon Squid, refuses to take any action unless the victims are willing to be named directly to their assailant. Please email [email protected] to express your support for victims & demand they pull his book.
Levity is the soul of wheat
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If you are feeling helpless about Israel bombing the 1,400,000 Palestinian refugees in Rafah right now, please consider donating to and ANERA. We are working together to deliver everything from medical equipment to soap to water filters to baby clothing.
Help us deliver life-saving aid to Palestinians in Gaza! | Distribute Aid (Powered by Donorbox) Distribute Aid can deliver humanitarian aid into Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, and Lebanon.  We are supporting frontline medical aid organizations like ANERA, to help scale their capacity, share their ...
95% of my knowledge of California cities comes from Mountain Goats songs
Elon Musk went to visit Auschwitz. Now he can better advise his friends on how to do that again.
Why are so many of insta bots interested in selling me sexy corn?!?! 🌽?!?!?!
What is it with both Jews and Jew-haters and tunnels lately?
I used to float, now I just AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH