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Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
It's time for Sammie's daily ear check-in
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You’ll never guess which of the two candidates is a convicted rapist.
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I watched the Fifth Element last night, and I know this is an annoying thing to say, but it is nice to see an expansive sci fi world which only exists in one movie. No spin offs, no sequels, no prequels, just one story.
I really don't get what Sony is thinking with these stupid "riddles" What part of anything in this video was supposed to help you figure out that you need to get killed by a green enemy?! The only thing it shows you is the little astronaut picture on the capsule
I tried to solve last month's riddle in good faith, and was punished for it by how unreasonable the solution was to figure out This month I did not give them the benefit of the doubt, which was the correct answer, because this one was also unreasonable
The only thing making it even remotely palatable to me is knowing that the other guy would continue funding genocide and also do worse in nearly every other issue that could be mentioned.
Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
fireworks are like explosives for minors, kiddie shit, oh you made a giant rainbow boom boom? big deal, strap some c4 to a cybertruck if you really want to see something cool you infant
I'm really fed up with the insane frequency of "for security enter pin instead" on my phone Why does it even have a fingerprint reader if I'm almost never allowed to use it?
Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
Celebrating the Fourth of July by dressing up like the Hamburglar and throwing crypto mining rigs into Boston Harbor.
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I just hate it. *Points at everything.
Nah, the Wii U had games
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ps5 is sony's homage to microsoft's failing phone investment because just like windows phones, the ps5 has no games
Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
Anyway, your semi-regular reminder that no one's worth is in their ability to be productive. You're a living being. You have worth, period.
"Ocarina of Time is teh best game evar!!11!1!" is such a lame take for 2024. Yes, we all know it's good. No, it's not the best game ever, let alone the best Zelda ever.
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Hey it's me, Sonic the Hedgehog! Is America truly free if police routinely harass and murder people of color for simply existing in public spaces? Are we free to pursue happiness if millions of people are one missed paycheck or hospital visit away from homelessness? Liberty and Justice for who?
Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
Happy independence day to all who remember why we declared independence and a very fuck off to those who think kings are good actually.
LOL at Android TV trying to sell me on the idea of watching The Fast and the Furious "free with ads" Bitch if I want to watch The Fast and the Furious, I'll do it from my Jellyfin server with no ads
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A John Wick movie where he goes around assassinating people whose fireworks are upsetting the local dogs.
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Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
Corrected 4th of July graffiti in Venice Beach, California
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Almost forgot! Time for Sammie's daily ear check-in!
Reposted byAvatar mjc0961
sorry to the United Kingdom but if you want to upstage us on our special fireworks day an election isn't going to do it. we don't even know how those work
Seeing a lot of posts about canceling your NYT subscription, and I think it's really bold to assume anyone had a subscription to that rag in the first place It's reminding me of the WaPo boycott - you don't have to tell me not to go to that dumpster fire, I never do anyway
Okay, some of the later + stages in Mario VS Donkey Kong are kinda BS. It's not *MY* fault that the mini loiters too long on a platform where a fireball is going to appear. I'm going as fast as I can to try and make him follow, but he doesn't.
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My 9-year-old randomly: “I just look at people and think it’s funny we all have buttholes.” Welp.
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