Luke Mosher

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Luke Mosher

Existential dread in a sweater. I also draw and write songs.
I’ve been trying to figure out how to approach Bluesky and since my repartee ain’t doing it I think I’ll start sharing more of my #art #comics
No I hear you and I sympathize with that position.
I think the amount of people buying comics has to be much larger for that to work. In the 90s this was all starting to happen and then the bottom fell out because of a confluence of factors ranging from the collecting bubble to the exponential growth of video games. The latter really ate us up.
These realities are really important to give voice to. I spent 120k(student loans and Pell grants naturally)I completely didn’t have majoring in comics at SVA not realizing as an 18 year old how unrealistic a modest wage was.
Yes and no imo. In large part it’s that the market isn’t big enough and the print production costs are higher so it’s harder to make a profit. Definitely plenty of exploitation as well.
I would also add I specifically mean when making your own stuff. I won’t illustrate for others for less than living wages. If they can’t make it profitable that’s not my problem. I’m also a graphic designer and that pays somewhat better so I can’t be making less and lose money for someone else’sbaby
Yeah, I don’t believe but I generally don’t make a thing of it. Partly cause I don’t want to and partly because a lot of Christians tend to be horrified.
This is it. There’s no sane reason to do it. Me 12 years into a graphic novel I know will make me no money. 🤷‍♂️
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Friends Don't Let Friends design intricate swirling full-body tattoos on comic characters they will have to draw thousands of times
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A Kiss tribute band called Smooch.
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It's gonna be an Edgar Allan No from me, dawg
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the chicken crossed the road for the same reason everyone else does— to avoid running into someone it knew
Reposted byAvatar Luke Mosher
In Alabama, you CAN count your chickens before they hatch.
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They're meddling adults with families now
Reposted byAvatar Luke Mosher
Carrots are a great thing to eat when you are hungry and want to stay that way
Let’s give Boomers a significant tax incentive for going to therapy. That would probably solve like 20% of the nation’s problems.
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today is like the Super Bowl for guys who like football
Reposted byAvatar Luke Mosher
One thing liberals and conservatives can always agree on is undermining liberals.
So are we supposed to use hashtags on here?
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the presidential debates should just be here’s a laptop first guy to connect to the wifi with no help wins
I’m eating Chipotle in the car like a king.
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some shit is about to go down
I’m Luke. I make comics and complain.
Maybe I should post my art here. My feed is clogged with it. Can’t beat ‘em join em.
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PSA: your interpersonal grievances are not societal problems!! Mine are tho
Dear god…
Imagine how scary it would be if birds really did appear every time you are near.
Do I want democrats to win the elections? Yes. Am I afraid of Trump winning? Yes. But I also can’t do nothing. My hope is when you f#<€ with the money they’ll start listening. 2/
My thinking is that this will have more of an effect than arguing with people on the internet. I have a long history of donating more than I can afford to dems cause I’m a worrier. Until there’s a ceasefire any money that would’ve gone to dems is going to relief efforts 3/3