Luke Mosher

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Luke Mosher

Existential dread in a sweater. I also draw and write songs.
I’ve been trying to figure out how to approach Bluesky and since my repartee ain’t doing it I think I’ll start sharing more of my #art #comics
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Friends Don't Let Friends design intricate swirling full-body tattoos on comic characters they will have to draw thousands of times
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A Kiss tribute band called Smooch.
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It's gonna be an Edgar Allan No from me, dawg
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the chicken crossed the road for the same reason everyone else does— to avoid running into someone it knew
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In Alabama, you CAN count your chickens before they hatch.
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They're meddling adults with families now
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Carrots are a great thing to eat when you are hungry and want to stay that way
Let’s give Boomers a significant tax incentive for going to therapy. That would probably solve like 20% of the nation’s problems.
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today is like the Super Bowl for guys who like football
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One thing liberals and conservatives can always agree on is undermining liberals.
So are we supposed to use hashtags on here?
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the presidential debates should just be here’s a laptop first guy to connect to the wifi with no help wins
I’m eating Chipotle in the car like a king.
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some shit is about to go down
I’m Luke. I make comics and complain.
Maybe I should post my art here. My feed is clogged with it. Can’t beat ‘em join em.
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PSA: your interpersonal grievances are not societal problems!! Mine are tho
Dear god…
Imagine how scary it would be if birds really did appear every time you are near.
Democrats text me 3-4 times a day asking for money, and my response has been, I’m not donating to democrats until there is a ceasefire in Gaza. 1/
People complaining about EVs not having as much battery range in the cold, fair, but if we don’t switch to EVs and a bunch of other things, the cold won’t be a problem anymore.
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Imma just leave this here.
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It sucks that there is so little institutional support for visual artists. And the parasitic entertainment industries into which a lot of artists are funneled are just mining them for their skills to throw them away. They don’t even think of artists as the miners. They think of artists as the coal.
Imma let you finish, but Ted Cruz is the best Zodiac Killer of all time. #steamboatwillie
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I like to periodically re-assert how I approve of no war crimes whatsoever regardless of who does them, just so I can block all the shitlords who pop up to try to argue with me about it
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My fake ID in high school said I was younger than 12, so I could get into movies cheaper.
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