"Tell me which of these two doors is bad. Then I will choose the other."
Trump makes his supporters psychologically complicit. So they would need a permission structure if they were to have any inclination to leave him. Vance, as a non-Trump, could provide this (“Trump is ok but I can’t abide Vance”). This may help at the margin, and margins win.
Trump doesn’t like it when other people get lots of attention.
They need help. You should offer some sort of mentoring service.
The puck trees bloomed a few weeks early this year. They should be ready for harvest soon!
The protagonist is a teacher named Iris with a student named Pupil.
Ya know, every day I am reminded how frustrated I am that more humanities classes don't expose students to the works of flagrant liars and manipulators and ask them to practice critical thinking on the reading. So many STEM-heads I know really don't know how to question a document and it's a PROBLEM
The press keeps saying there's no hook to turn Project 2025 into a daily story. But if the below is true here's a hook... Trump denied knowing the people behind Project 2025 and here he is caught pledging to bring one into his admin. How is that not a breaking story?
Full quote from ex-ICE director Tom Homan: "Trump comes back in January... I will run the biggest deportation force this country has ever seen. They ain’t seen shit yet. Wait until 2025.” Tonight in Florida Trump pledged to bring Homan back. Homan, BTW, is a listed Project 2025 contributor.
My dude did some wall damage.
Honestly impressed with the deranged persistence of Meta’s Science Experiment Sidekick bot
I know very few people saw it but Biden was sharp and focused and did not drool once today in his speech at the NATO Summit. The dude is fine. Stop panicking. He’s got this.
teen vogue, the newspaper of record
Concerns mount as to whether the 173-year old New York Times is too old to continue in its role as the nation’s newspaper of record.
It's not that the Times just now suddenly decided to take a nosedive, its coverage of trans youth, of the confected "plagiarism scandal" at Harvard, and of the protests at Columbia have all been deeply embarrassing
When things are going just great
NYT Editorial Board is doubling-down on its massively successful strategy to lose more NYT subscribers
POSTAL BANKING is a great idea and it leads me to my other great idea: FEDERAL SANDWICH. Guaranteed access to a sandwich to anyone who wants one at ANY US Federal Govt facility. Let me explain. No, there is too much, let me sum up:
It feels like there’s a difference on ann active/passive axis, in terms of foibles of human behavior, for those not paying much attention?
No no no the family barf bowl is when you have a competition on distance or volume. Oh no wait now you’re out.
I thought a family barf bowl was when you had a competition based on volume or distance.
It’s ok 51 is an honorary prime my university gave it a degree.
Numbers be numbering; dgaf.
👍🏼. We accidentally stepped on ours to the players always ran to the dent.
Mostly it hears the goodbyes of its tree friends.
The craziest English place name that's actually real is Shitstain-on-Trent.
Delete your account
0.5 × math = "the thing that feels normal almost never happens".
It's completely ass backwards. The danger of a president committing crimes as an individual is nothing compared to him using the government for criminal ends. The very things that we should be most concerned about a corrupt president doing are the things he can't be punished for.
In 2016, Hillary Clinton gave a speech in Wisconsin about the importance of the Supreme Court. She warned that 2016 was "make or break" for the court—and the country. National media—focused on her emails and Trump's antics—barely covered the speech.
Hillary Clinton Just Delivered the Strongest Speech of Her Campaign—and the Media Barely Nothing sums up the high-drama, low-substance nature of 2016 race coverage more than the underplaying of a serious speech about the Supreme Court.