Jackson 🥥🌴🏳️‍🌈

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Jackson 🥥🌴🏳️‍🌈


He/him 🏳️‍🌈 nerd about 🌍🗳️🗣️🎶 opinions only mine
I compare POTUS records at tiny.cc/wkbywk & tiny.cc/yryr
I support 🌐🗳️🌳🟰✊🏿🏳️‍⚧️🚺🇺🇦🇵🇸🍃, more at tiny.cc/jviews
I'm from 🇺🇸, I speak fr🇫🇷 pt🇧🇷 es🇲🇽
Let's figure it out together
This is a good person to block (was on my last nerve before he even posted this)
"Do not think it worth while to proceed by concealing evidence, for the evidence is sure to come to light."
Kamala Harris would have my strong support for nominee if Biden stepped down. Not that voters like me would have a say, but polls show a large plurality agree with me. We would not be happy if she was sidelined in this scenario. It's Joe or it's Kamala. That's the choice.
I've said from the start that if they really wanted to get Biden to step down, they needed to come out strong for her simultaneously and signal that they would rally around her. They pretty clearly showed that they wouldn't.
Liz Warren on twitter has the correct message for us going forward:
Also, I think she may have the most iconic Wikipedia “personal life” section of all time?
the nyt’s live deliberation-time banner has needle energy
Pick a fictional city you would like to visit for a week
Pick a fictional city you would like to visit for a week
I'm telling you, using the metric of "who is the most mad about this decision", this was a REALLY good decision.
One nice thing is that aggressively pro-Israel people like John Fetterman are big mad about it:
Ooh idk about android, I am using an iPhone. But it’s here:
The online left has fully turned on her. Predictably. Check out the quote tweets to this, here are 4 emblematic examples. x.com/bwog/status/...
Fivethirtyeight finally published their polling averages today. 193 days to go. Those confidence intervals are WAY too narrow, not sure what new director G Elliott Morris is smoking with that, but the averages themselves are still very useful, and will be going forward.
He’s going to be in courtrooms like this for the next several months. 😌
i read this and physically felt stress leaving my body. cannot recommend it enough.
Now THERE’s a good poaster. Inimitable.
A warning to us all.
The order of the images should be reversed for realism.
The wikipedia timeline for this week was not very helpful. Good thing I have other sources to turn to (e.g. NYT “today’s paper” for the week is always a good second reference).
WEEK 75 of Trump: June 18-24, 2018. For days, Trump doubles down and angrily defends his “zero tolerance” border policy causing family separations. This week, he caves to the near-unanimous public outrage and signs an order stopping the separations – by detaining entire families. The damage is done.
Trump Retreats on Separating Families, but Thousands May Remain Apart (Published 2018)www.nytimes.com “It is still very early, and we are awaiting further guidance on the matter,” Brian Marriott, the senior director of communications for the Administration for Children and Families.
Meanwhile, on the very basic metric of "keep unemployment low", Biden has non-negotiably done an excellent job.
This report from 2007, which I cited earlier in the thread, shows that Israel has in fact never relinquished control of Gaza. www.gisha.org/UserFiles/Fi... It seems your position is that this isn't happening. This is then an empirical dispute, not a moral one. It can be resolved with research.
This polling question is so emblematic of the ridiculous election framing the NYT and other press are pushing. “Were these years good or bad” is not how you decide who you want back in the oval. Lincoln was president during the Civil War. FDR during the Great Depression & World War II.