Puget Brewster

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Puget Brewster


Concept/storyboard artist for games, mostly the video kind. Dry asides, with the occasional Sensible Chuckle. He/him. Lesser Seattle area

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May 18, 1980, 8:32 a.m. PDT
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
GORDON RAMSEY: Oy, whassat, then? Is that food? ANUBIS: 𓇋𓏏 𓇋𓋴 𓄿𓇌 𓉔𓄿 𓂋𓏏 RAMSEY: A human one? Fuck that's so heavy ANUBIS: 𓇋 𓎡𓈖𓋴𓄿𓅓𓂧 𓉔𓇋𓅓 RAMSEY: Crikey, just for that? For the heart thing? ANUBIS: 𓉔 𓏲𓋴 𓅱𓈖𓏲𓂋𓐖𓇌 RAMSEY: Oh, shit. Who was he? What was his name? ANUBIS: 𓇌𓅱 𓄿𓂋 𓉔 RAMSEY: Oh , fuck me!
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
THE BEEKEEPER is THE CROW for people who have had to talk their parents through changing all of their passwords after a data breach
It was like something was wearing Edgar. Like a suit. An Edgar suit.
looking good king
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
Think about how amazing it is that they know where to point the signal 15 billion miles away, how to remotely fix memory corruption in 46 year old software, and do it all with 22.5 hr lag EACH WAY. It's like a recipe for madness designed specifically for engineers. Kudos, NASA Voyager team! 🛰️
HOLY SHIT THEY FIXED VOYAGER I …!!! blogs.nasa.gov/voyager/2024...
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
"Can't prove he's dead if there's no body. Habeas this corpus", Ginni mutters as she fills Harlan Crow's jacuzzi with acid.
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
Today has convinced me we need a social media platform with a 30+ age minimum. If I wanted to spend my time explaining the past to snide people who resent me I would’ve had children.
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
#UkraineNeedsAirDefense Sharing this like anyone would actually care if we live or die, huh. Please share too. There’s very little hope, but that’s the least anyone can do.
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
One of Trump's top lawyers has already said the plan is to stay quiet on abortion through the campaign—then use the Comstock Act to impose a nationwide abortion ban in 2025. Not only a ban on medication abortion, but ALL abortions, in all 50 states. www.nytimes.com/2024/02/17/u...
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
There are no words in any of the languages that I know to describe the level of absolute and utter despair that I feel due to the fact that we are seemingly now just left to die and it is widely normalized in the "civilized world".
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
Reading super-hero comics has always been a great way to see and internalize truly heroic principles, ideals that we can apply to our own life. A big one, for me, was Spider-Man; ever since I was a kid, I've seen inaction in the face of trouble as being the same as causing that trouble yourself. 1/
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
[sliding by with absolutely no friction like the magician from House of the dead] no they're not
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
Apr 4th - The "vegan" Todd Ingram ate chicken parmesan. 📽️📅 Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010). Dir. @edgarwright.bsky.social
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
Happy Transgender Day of Visibility and Happy Easter
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
Somehow, Jesus returned.
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
She's an Oberlin student who “has some concerns.” He's a Stanford guy who's “just asking questions.” Is it the worst internship ever? Or are things about to get...PROBLEMANTIC.
Reading this interview completely ate up my morning and it was unbelievably worth it
Lynn discussed her decision to have an openly gay character in her strip, and that decision’s consequences, in her interview in Hogan’s Alley #1. You haven’t read this interview? Well, grab another cup of coffee and settle in: www.hoganmag.com/blog/the-lyn...
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
anytime i’m facing an especially hated or arduous task, i like to give myself a little treat beforehand to encourage myself to get it done. it’s called a ‘pre-ward’ and it absolutely does not work
Grappling with the realization that the character of Wolverine is turning 50 this year and Hugh Jackman has portrayed him in live-action for 24 of those years Anyway, X-Men ‘97 is very, very good. You will see a Magneto that is possibly too sexy for a children’s program. Like a Blevins/Arakj collab
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
Don't believe everything MSM tells you. Peace and harmony reins in the city 💕
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
I painted a blue eyed red nosed Rembrandt.
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
Lots of Overnight Constitutional Law Experts on here suddenly confident in their ability to second-guess the Supreme Court and adjudicate the actually quite subtle and contested question of [checks notes] Whether Texas can have its own Foreign Policy uh wait a sec what the fuck
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
this story from today's Ask A Manager is killing me
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
The film Amadeus came out in 1984, 228 years after the birth of its subject. If it were made today, it would be about composer Ferdinand Giorgetti.
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles.
Reposted byAvatar Puget Brewster
the government: how much taxes do you owe the taxpayer: i'm not sure, the instructions were created by demons the government: you are going to prison