
Matt Lewis
Matt Lewis
Science, Politics, and Music. Thoughts on open science, transit, and other earthly affairs

Baltimore, MD
Seth Cotlar
Seth Cotlar
Teaches US History at Willamette Univ. Working on a book about the long history of the US Right.
Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò
Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò
political philosopher at Georgetown University. giving this a shot, I guess.
Kathy Hochul Hater
Kathy Hochul Hater
Emma Baccellieri
Emma Baccellieri
My last name is not the same as the Sopranos character’s. But I do love trains.
nicely toasted.
nicely toasted.
web layout and accessibility focused engineer
aspiring video game rental shop owner
agnostic jew

discord: _scott.

dem O's
I am the Bishop of Battle, master of all I survey. I have 13 progressively harder levels. Try me if you dare.

Baltimore MD : hehimhis : Insert Coin
air budd dwyer
air budd dwyer
there's nothing in the rules that says a dog can't be the treasurer.
they/them. phd student. librarian. abolitionist. always making good trouble.
Danielle Johnson
Danielle Johnson
librarian, copyright nerd, music lover, Baltimoron
John Lingan
John Lingan
Writer. "Homeplace," about Patsy Cline's hometown. "A Song for Everyone," about CCR. Working on “A History of Rock and Roll in 15 Drummers.”
Film photographer with a day job. Unrepentant British crime drama binger. Silas and Hennie’s human. Wants specifics on the general idea.
Inventor of Vine Ball
Jonathan M. Katz
Jonathan M. Katz
Author of GANGSTERS OF CAPITALISM and THE BIG TRUCK THAT WENT BY. Newsletter: Signal: 1-540-999-8238 Avi by
Four Years Ago Today
Four Years Ago Today
This account was born on March 6, 2024 when Elise Stefanik asked, “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”)

Send complaints to
Dick Blunderbuss
Dick Blunderbuss
giblet gravy
Radley Balko
Radley Balko
Journalist. Author of Rise of the Warrior Cop. Co-author of The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist.

Kelsey Atherton
Kelsey Atherton
War, robots, & bad futures but imagining better. EIC, International Policy Journal, opinions my own. Unitarian Universalist. He/him. Husband to & father to a baby.

If you are going to hang out in my mentions please do not embarrass me.
Stan Kelly
Stan Kelly
Legendary Editorial Cartoonist for The Onion for over 50 years.
"The Most Powerful Name in Cartooning" (TM)
also heycaitlin on letterboxd
Marisa Kabas
Marisa Kabas
writer of (now hosted on beehiiv)

💌: [email protected]
signal: marisakabas.04

buy me a coffee:
Jay Willis
Jay Willis
I write about judges, laws, democracy, and the three raccoons who live in the tree behind my house. EIC at, occasional blogs elsewhere
Melissa Schober
Melissa Schober
Health policy, Baltimore, *personal views*
get on the guillotine. lie down.
DC Pierson
DC Pierson
Actor, author, comedian. A good one, even.

Dcpierson at gmail dot com
rifka, Pathetic Godless Sterile
rifka, Pathetic Godless Sterile
she. 37. yes, in therapy. [email protected] signal: clownery_watcher.52
bg: political linguistics (semi-autodidactic)
san diego wheelchair user. very autistic, please read me directly. #1 USian Carrlyn Bathe 🏒 fan & acolyte of the Quinton Future👑🌇
Jeff Sharlet
Jeff Sharlet
Author, NYT bestsellers THE UNDERTOW: Scenes from a Slow Civil War & THE FAMILY, also a Netflix series. + other books. My fave is THIS BRILLIANT DARKNESS. Words & pics Vanity Fair. Professsing, Dartmouth. He/Him.
Fred Scharmen
Fred Scharmen
Nearsighted Optimist
artist, socialist, rambler
just here to have fun online
Warren G Harding featuring Nate Dogg
Warren G Harding featuring Nate Dogg
Art and music librarian. Has an emotional support record collection. Does not taunt happy fun ball. A puzzle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a comfy blanky. Expatriate Buffalonian living in Baltimore
Rick Perlstein
Rick Perlstein
"O, let America be America again—
The land that never has been yet..."
Gabriel Winant
Gabriel Winant
Historian, opinions my own. Hand upon the dollar, eye upon the scale. He/him.
Emily Tamkin
Emily Tamkin
Writer, reporter, editor, all-around delight. Work lots of places. Author of THE INFLUENCE OF SOROS and BAD JEWS. Working on new book on Holocaust remembrance. Don’t yell at me. [email protected].
Artist, dog-lover, and avid reader
Jacob Bacharach
Jacob Bacharach
Novelist, critic, books about crooks.
Ed Yong
Ed Yong
Writer, journalist. Science, health. Pandemics, animals. Birder, photographer. Many words, some awards. AN IMMENSE WORLD, I CONTAIN MULTITUDES. Married to Liz Neeley, parent to Typo. he/him

📷 Canon R6mkii + RF 800mm
Melissa Gira Grant
Melissa Gira Grant
staff writer, The New Republic » author, A WOMAN IS AGAINST THE LAW (Little, Brown) TK + PLAYING THE WHORE (Verso) » NewsGuild of NY member

» [email protected]
Hemry, Local Bartender
Hemry, Local Bartender
Albert Burneko
Albert Burneko
Defector dot com
Vince Mancini
Vince Mancini
Write stuff, mostly movies and food. Podcasting - FilmDrunk, the Frotcast, Pod Yourself A Gun/The Wire. Love 2 have fun.
Colin Dickey
Colin Dickey
Writer of books, most recently Under the Eye of Power: How Fear of Secret Societies Shapes American Democracy. Also Ghostland, The Unidentified, Afterlives of the Saints, Cranioklepty. He/him.
Dr. J-esse
Dr. J-esse
Baltimore via NYC | Dad (in bod and in spirit) | Ed.D. | Rescue Pitbull Owner | Mir Veln Zey Iberlebn | #COYS | he/him | Opinions mine | Assistant Professor of Education with a focus on Trauma-Informed Teaching | On point, all the time
Posting to Oblivion
Steven (with a PH)
Steven (with a PH)
farce majeure
Helen Rosner
Helen Rosner
Writer & eater @ TNY

🗣️ Google “The Food Scene New Yorker” & sign up for the free email so you can read my column without a paywall
Beau Boughamer
Beau Boughamer
Nunc Coepi. Matt 25 Christian. Lefty w/o a party. Yinzer. O’s, Steelers, MCFC, Grizz, @ohiou. Happiness on Earth ain’t just for high achievers. Personal account
Emma Roller
Emma Roller
laugh hard, it's a long ways to the bank