Otiz Ranchez

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Otiz Ranchez


Rome Braves
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
Buddy if there's a vibecession you gotta roll with the good vibe idea. It'll work itself out. Surely Aaron Sorkin has something for this.
[Getting a bad tummy ache as Gavin Newsome, smiling, walks out onto the convention stage with California Uber Alles playing loudly]
Through the wonders of modern technology, you can enjoy this without Werner Herzog doing a voiceover of your final hours.
Dude it's astounding. They've been broadcasting it for years. To just wake up and sip a cup of coffee watching the bears. Man.
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
Tim Kaine becomes the first Senator, to my knowledge, to call for the unilateral recognition of the State of Palestine by the United States. "Since Israel has made plain that it will not accept Palestinian autonomy, the U.S. should no longer condition recognition on Israeli assent..."
Kaine Statement on Knesset Vote Rejecting Establishment of Palestinian State | U.S. Senator Tim Kaine of Virginiawww.kaine.senate.gov WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations...
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
The DNC Chair does not seem to be Pelosi-pilled.
It won't anyone's dream scenario. It will be the donor's guy. They'll default to Chris Murphy and he'll get 37 electoral votes.
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
this is part of why people who watched on Univision thought Biden won the debate, because the translator got the idea of what Trump was saying without the meandering and weird verbal cues that occlude it to a native English speaker, and what he was actually saying was crazy nonsense
This was an issue some folks often talked about when he was president. The media is set up to inject the coherence he lacks into his speeches. The texts themselves are incomprehensible to anyone, let alone anyone not plugged into the Fox cinematic universe.
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
I know you know this but what we are facing is not an unbeatable juggernaut. it is a bunch of idiot clowns with uzis. they are very dangerous but very sloppy.
Total time between words being spoken at the RNC: 26 minutes, 48 seconds. Spanning from 21:01 to 21:27 Eastern Time.
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
not seeing anything on the newspaper digital front pages about thousands of "mass deportation now!" signs printed by the republican party and waved by the party faithful at their nominating convention
Another reason why replacement efforts seem likely to be a total clusterfuck. These guys have no idea what they want.
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
Do this like five times. Eventually they'll groan; when they do, literally laugh at them. Like what's the downside risk at this point? The media has made it clear they're going to write horrible shit about him for the rest of the campaign. Just ride with it. Shore up your base.
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
“fuck you, deported” “what about my lawyer?” “ha ha, fuck you, deported” not enough staff? declare national security threat, take money out of the military budget, who’s gonna stop him “who’s gonna stop him” is, fundamentally, the key to everything Trump says he will do in the second term
These people really don’t get what happens if Trump takes power again.
A furor that is still ongoing! The party's most always-wrong luminaries cannot stop bashing Biden in the press. It's insane.
If you hired me to help you and I went on TV every day and said "The problem with this guy is he can't win cuz he mumbles" ... truly what the fuck
"Can be Trump" isn't a substantive objection. 4 weeks of panicked Dem elites shitting themselves in the news is driving that gap. Worst own goal by a party, ever.
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
How are the books being cooked?? We had a Democratic primary just like we do every four years and Biden was the overwhelming choice of Democratic voters! I feel like I’m taking crazy pills
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
Flood the zone with gaffes. There are already more than the opposition could ever possibly use. This liberates you! As with how Trump is people will just get used to hearing him (even as he gets better) bsky.app/profile/thro...
I like the method but practicing on live tv is gonna lead to more gaffes
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
A coda: People need a pick a lane between "polling sucks" and "I'm gonna tank my mood and willingness to fight with polling". I recommended simply the truth: polling is imperfect and highly subject to quality, and the quality shows a tight race. Let's get after it.
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
If Biden's within two points in a poll, that poll shows this as essentially an even race, folks. And the trend, so far, isn't actually against him. An incumbent with a huge $ advantage in an essentially even race is the smart bet. Nows the time to get to work, not give up.
How are people still trying to make this happen? There's no need. There's no polling support for it. It's all conjecture from panicked Dems who have long track records of having the worst instincts about everything under the sun. Support the nominee already.
"Charlie Brown had hoes"-ass thing to put in the newspaper.
[Doing Christopher Rufo posts (except actually more accurate) about calling everything that people hate about conservative bullshit "Project 2025"]
It's such a ridiculous and far fetched thing, too. Urging the big tent to unify ahead of an election is standard (and sensible!) politics, completely separate from the substance (sprawling perma-grievance and deranged vengeance fantasies) that defines MAGA.
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
The people clamor for your account reactivation, sire. In the city they wail and rend their garments. Will you not log on and bring them succor?
Reposted byAvatar Otiz Ranchez
this is a very good article with good framing and it’s past time we see the national media pick up this story people care what their lives will look like under the next administration this, far more than Biden’s age, actually tells them, and none of it is good
Project 2025 is a comprehensive plan by former and likely future leaders of a Trump administration to remake America in a conservative mold while dramatically expanding presidential power and allowing Trump to use it to go after his critics. Here’s what it entails and how it could reshape America.
What is Project 2025?www.washingtonpost.com It’s a blueprint for what a second Trump administration could look like, dreamed up by his allies and former aides. Here are some of the proposals.