

I’m not saying people wanted anyone assassinated but living in the grip of a raging narcissist cult leader for a decade has been a serious bummer for those of us not under his thrall and wishing for a constant atmosphere of menace and gaslighting to cease is a fairly natural human response.
Really struggling to understand why both the mainstream media and Democratic leadership are finding it so hard right now to express what I think is a fairly basic point. Political violence is bad and a second Trump presidency means more of it. www.garbageday.email/p/yet-anothe...
For what it’s worth:
Liberals can both condemn violence and point out that Trump is the source of the violence! Biden was, for the first time. going after Trump really hard over the last couple of days, and now he’s just going to drop his weapons because GOP operatives want him to. Democrats are master-class losers.
"This changes everything" No, it doesn't. Jesus Christ, grow a spine.
Why are Democrats like this?
Trying to imagine what it would be like to have a Democratic Party that didn't go into a defensive crouch when literally anything happens. Same people were like "oh no big risks for Biden that Trump is a convicted felon it might make people feel sorry for him"
Why are Democrats like this?
If someone took a shot at Biden Trump would be selling commemorative band aids “sorry to ear about your near miss”
If a Democrat had been the target of an assassination attempt, can anyone plausibly imagine a Trump statement that did not denigrate and equivocate?
If you wanna “bring down the temperature” that is never accomplished by unilaterally disarming
I think it increases the likelihood of 2 things 1) an energized trump base more likely to vote 2) a blood and soil and vengeance and kill list wall of rhetoric from the magaverse that makes a lot of other people go “we can’t let these people get power”
It was ignorance with a side of hippie-punching. Obama's greatest influence was a historically inaccurate book on Abraham Lincoln.
New British PM Keir Starmer says Joe Biden “on really good form” www.bbc.com
Frankly this is out of control. If you can’t see that it’s insanity to force your own successful president out of office months before the election, for the great sin of polling two points behind, you need to give yourself a few nice hard smacks across the face until you come to your senses.
Imagine what would happen if Democrats stopped stabbing their nominee in the back, though. This bullshit handwringing must stop. If you want 1968 again, you'll have it. Is that what you want?
The predictable results of Obama opting for a look-forward national reconciliation is that our enemies used that grace to regroup and become ever more aggressive in their plans to murder us.
if obama had prosecuted any of the bush era villains the world would have been a much better place
"It seemingly never occurred to Obama that responsibly addressing the crisis would have required doing politics instead of acting magnanimous towards a conservative Wall Street banker." theweek.com/articles/950...
Obama the pretendertheweek.com Obama wasn't a moderate defender of norms. He was a coward.
The NYT is getting ready to push a dozen "chill about Project 2025 because it's normie conservative policy" articles as I write this. They're fully part of the project now.
You could run on "hope" and "change" because you were Barack Obama. Those wouldn't have worked for other candidates.
He did manage to keep the bankers out of jail, which was great. They repaid his kindness by funneling as much money to Republicans as they could.
And we can't even try because it's vitally important that Dem senator vibes remain pure or something. Performative messaging is really important and twenty years of progressives yelling at elected Democrats about it has done fuck-all. AOC is the only elected with a mic who gets it.
The hostile to black people (without whose votes the Dem candidate cannot win!) thing is real: the fallback would be Harris, and the people pushing Biden to drop out have said variously that they’re planning to ignore Harris (“blitz primary”) or attack her viciously on Biden’s age (NYT reporters)
dilapidated palaces of watered-down Pepsi and ten year old Red Vines
I remember when KTEH first start showing anime on themed Sci-Fi Sundays in the mid 90's and he was so disdainful during the pledge breaks about having Robotech in the mix -- something like "we've got to get something better than *Robotech*"
That's not generally true for prez candidates at this stage, and it's definitely untrue because it's Trump. It would be total chaos.
Yup. They could reboot it, but it would be a hugely heavy lift, and why bother? Only Gen X (and maybe "elder millennials"?) really has fond memories of it, and Gen X is obviously the smallest possible audience segment
yes, IIRC "MTV plays music videos? what?" was already a well-worn joke by the time YouTube became relevant
What's the best episode of television you've ever watched?
What's the best episode of television you've ever watched?
France dropkicked a baldly fascist political coalition out of office, imo if we can’t manage to do the same we should give back the Statue of Liberty