Liam Barnes

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Liam Barnes

Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
So following on the heels of the Washington Post firing their chief editor and replacing her with a conservative guy from the Daily Telegraph, the Daily Beast also just axed their editor in chief and replaced them with a conservative guy from The Daily Telegraph
NEW: Daily Beast editor in chief Tracy Connor is stepping down, according to a staff memo from CEO Ben Sherwood. Hugh Dougherty, formerly of NYPost, Daily Mail, Telegraph, will be the new executive editor. (via Max Tani, Semafor)
"If they can get Trump, then they can get you!!" Right. That's the point. No one is above the law. That is how a just society is supposed to work. I will never get how Republicans think that is some kind of threat.
Trump's lawyer claim that the jury couldn't possibly have reached that verdict has a lot of Mortimer Duke "Get those brokers back in here! Turn those machines back on!" energy.
It was a perfect conviction. The best. No one has ever had a more perfect conviction.
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
It is long past time to retire the concept of the "Trump voter" as a distinct and puzzling political animal. The modal Trump voter isn't a laid-off steelworker or a benighted Qanon fanatic but a completely ordinary Republican backing their nominee. The same kind of people who backed McCain & Romney.
Liberal pundits operating in the "applaud me for being sympathetic to Trump voters' grievances w/elite liberalism" genre should admit to this much: They're being unfair to liberal voters, who never get this solicitude, and they're ostrich-like in their refusal to grapple with the dark side of MAGA.
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
Fertile blood and soil for fascism right here.
Well, crap. RIP Mr. Coleman.
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
Just one of many possible examples. A Jewish professor who writes and teaches about Jewish history. Brutalized by police on her campus for supposedly supporting antisemitism.
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
Steve Tamari is my colleague in the SIUE History Department and a friend. Steve is a devoted, caring teacher, a family man in his 60s, and someone who has always advocated for students, especially international students. He was hospitalized from this attack. I hope for Steve's swift recovery.
Another professor, Steve Tamari at Washington University, assaulted by police for recording images of the protest. Reportedly hospitalized with broken bones. Beginning to suspect this is not about campus safety. Video:
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
cool cool cool cool cool cool just a flagship NYT writer casually proposing corporate McCarthyism in pursuit of ideological conformity on university campuses
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
All the Columbia University President had to do was ignore a hundred leftist students in tents for, like, three more weeks. And ignoring leftist students is something that University Presidents are collectively *great* at.
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
‘“Shit, if only they’d have moved like that when my son was being murdered,” the father of a murdered Uvalde child tweeted above footage of Texas DPS officers in riot gear storming toward unarmed students at UT Austin.’
"These escalations against students are a choice. Police can be patient, even passive. The Texas DPS proved that when they loitered outside the ongoing slaughter of grade-schoolers."
The Kids The Guns Are The same police force that failed Uvalde children is arresting peaceful student protesters at UT Austin. It's not about safety. It's about order.
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
Texas is sending in armed troops to stop college kids from professing WrongThink
We cannot minimize what's happening. Authorities are responding with disproportional force to a non-threat simply because they want to crack down on students who disagree with them.
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Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
Texas state troopers are forcing UT Austin students to break up their pro-Palestinian protest (via Lily Kepner, Austin American-Statesman)
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
Remember, the only valid way to exert your constitutionally enshrined free speech — what I believe to be the sacrosanct foundation of our society — is in support of causes that I support and in a way that won’t inconvenience me.
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
listen, John McWhorter is not the first person to get annoyed by a drum circle, but accusing a father of “percussing his perspective into [his daughter’s] little mind” in an attempt to frame music as violence is just the dumbest fucking shit like cmon man
I'm sorry, but Drump's attorneys' evidence that the IC was biased against him was to submit memos showing two of HIS OWN APPOINTEES engaging in election interference in his favor? Does Yakety Sax play every time they enter a room?
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
The FTC has voted in favor of adopting a historic ban on noncompete agreements The agency has said that the agreements, in which workers are forbidden from seeking a job with a competing business for a certain period of time, lead to an “unfair method of competition” and violate federal law
The FTC Just Banned Noncompete Agreements And It's A Huge Commissioners approved the historic regulation on the grounds that noncompetes stifle competition for workers. A legal challenge is all but certain.
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
Do I understand correctly that 1. No violence has been committed by protesters at Columbia 2. No actionable incitement to violence has been uttered at Columbia 3. No armed protesters have shown up at Columbia 4. Senators are calling for the National Guard to step in amid "concerns for safety"?
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
Just read some pundit argue that the Columbia students who are protesting are cosseted babies and also adults who have to face the consequences of their actions, but that the students who object to the protests are our kids and need protection. Couldn't be clearer who's an "us" and who's a "them."
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
And it certainly doesn’t make Jews safer.
The new campus ideology of “You can say whatever you want unless you’re criticizing Israel” is doing wonders for antisemitic conspiracy theories.
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
I've been unemployed since February and taxes were really hard this year, so I'm selling some things on Mercari and plan to add more soon
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
GOP: We want a government built on Biblical values. Dems: Woot! We're feeding the poor! GOP: Wait. Dems: Healing the sick up in this motherfucker! GOP: No, not like that. Dems: [Grabs the mic] ALL LOANS FORGIVEN AFTER SEVEN YEARS. GOP: oh no...
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
So, there's no law to stop someone from inciting 43 bomb threats? She can just keep doing it? Schools, hospitals, gyms. Nothing to be done? Oh well.
Reposted byAvatar Liam Barnes
Meanwhile, back in the 90s, "you're so vain" Beatty appeared on Larry King in SOFT FOCUS like he was Nurse Chapel on the Enterprise. The dude was never well. I don't know what kind of reward he should get for being "that guy," but forgotten, bitter, and alone sounds like a start.