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The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.
Before he resigned over Gaza, Army Maj. Harrison Mann was a senior Mideast analyst in the Defense Intelligence Agency. With an all-out Israel-Hezbollah war looming, he walked me through what the next phase of escalation could look like. And it’s *real* scary.
Harrison Mann on Escalation in the Middle The U.S. Army major and intelligence analyst recently resigned over Gaza. With Lebanon in the balance, he walks FOREVER WARS through some nightmare scenarios
what does “racial statement” even mean? it is the opposite of providing clarity to readers.
A woman in Texas has been charged with attempted capital murder and injury to a child after trying to drown a 3-year-old child at an apartment complex pool and making racial statements, according to police.
A woman is accused of attempting to drown a 3-year-old child in possible hate crime incident | A woman in Texas has been charged with attempted capital murder and injury to a child after trying to drown a 3-year-old child at an apartment complex pool and making racial statements, according to p...
Something I as a tech services librarian recommend: As soon as you hear about a forthcoming book you’d like to borrow, go to your library’s catalog and try to place a hold. There’s a good chance a record is already there. Strong demand stats help us plan—and look good to trustees & administrators. 📚
I can't remember a tech campaign this relentless.
Our government won't stop lying to us. Israeli officials are clear about rejecting a permanent ceasefire. Hamas is clear about accepting it. But U.S. officials and politicians won't stop saying that Hamas is blocking peace.
Why does our government keep lying? Israel didn't agreed to a ceasefire, Hamas did, and we're being lied to.
“The report by OpenAI that uncovered the activity by Stoic dealt with exploitation of the company's ChatGPT AI platform for the creation of unattributed content for influence campaigns.”
Israel secretly targeted American lawmakers with Gaza war influence ***
The 42 Democrats who voted to sanction the ICC over the court seeking arrest warrants for Israeli officials:
They can sanction *relatives* of the vaguely defined persons who have “directly engaged in or otherwise aided any effort by the ICC to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute a protected person.” This reads very similar to Trump’s exec order sanctioning the ICC:
AIPAC brags that the US House just passed a bill that would impose sanctions against the ICC for bringing charges of crimes against humanity/war crimes against Israeli leaders if signed into law. Per @TrackAIPAC, the pro-Israel lobby spent almost $15 million lobbying the 42 Democrats who voted yes.
Executive Order on Blocking Property Of Certain Persons Associated With The International Criminal Court | The White By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic
When I double park over handicapped spaces to buy gum
Palestine has stripped all the ideological plaster of US liberal hegemony down to the studs No commitment to international humanitarian law No commitment to First Amendment rights Open collaboration among elites to crack down on widely popular calls to stop a genocide Use this moment of clarity
Oh my God it’s some sort of Indoctrination Machine
Al Jazeera is reporting Hamas has accepted the Qatari-Egyptian ceasefire. May it be the salvation of Rafah, Gaza and Palestine.
"Let's talk about Hamilton Hall. A book on terrorism. I've said it before.. there is somebody, paid, not-paid, but they are radicalizing our students." Hosts: "Wow." [The book, again, is a commonly used textbook on campuses across the country, including at Columbia.]
Decades from now, the polite mainstream will claim the legacy of the protester who stands bravely against the jeering white boys - just like it currently claims the legacy of protesters who stood bravely decades ago. But let’s remember where the polite mainstream stands in the moment.
JFC, this photo of a pro-Palestinian student protestor at the University of Mississippi with a jeering crowd of white boys in the background
New favorite photo of 2024 just dropped
seems really cool that as a Jew I am now an anti-semite if a white nationalist christian fundamentalist says I am
My first piece for Zeteo is a look at a technological threshold Israel appears to have crossed in Gaza and the tremendous implications it has for the accessibility of lethal drones. What happens in Gaza will not stay in Gaza.
Israel's Armed Quadcopters in Gaza Mark a Dangerous New Era in Drone Israel is pioneering yet another deadly innovation in drone warfare. What happens in Gaza won't stay there.
The son of apartheid South African capitalists suspending Nelson Mandela's grandson is... a look.
ship tales as olde as tyme (back cover in the replies)
when a picture says a thousand words
well i’ve watched four tiktoks about it so i’m ready to weigh in on events in the middle east