Mary Aileen

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Mary Aileen

Retired librarian, crafter, glass-wearing reading geek.
She/her, mostly ace.
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My colleague insists my fear of the virus is irrational he says it’s as silly as being afraid of bears or clowns, and I want to tell him that I don’t know anyone who has been attacked by a bear or a clown but I know so many people who keep getting attacked by this virus.
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I think a lot of people don’t know this fact that absolutely fucking terrifies me so: this is true and a really good reason we should not be letting measles make a comeback
something I recently learned reading up on viruses and the immune system is that measles actually does fuck it up by making it "forget" much prior immunity. vitally important to get your full panel of shots!!
Measles and Immune Amnesia | Measles is much more serious than a rash and fever: it also causes immune amnesia and leaves patients especially vulnerable to secondary infection.
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As someone who went to Yale for undergrad (before Vance), they literally had completely free receptions/workshops to teach anyone who wanted about wine & cheese, precisely to try and level that playing field a bit. I'm not saying there wasn't a lot of snobbery & assumed expertise in general, but...
I too was the first in my family to attend law school and interview with fancy firms, and managed not to be weird about water options at dinner and, like, silverware
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timeline cleanse
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Deep in dark caverns, at the heart of forgotten barrows, atop empty mesas, the ancient spirits abide. They all guard the same treasure. "I apologise for intruding," I say as I settle down in the cave, "but I just had to get away from everything." /same/ the cave whispers. #MicroFiction
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I am the very model of an anxious white American, I dither over ethics and the country of my origin, I freeze up on my praxis amidst theoretical comparison, I am the very model of an anxious white American.
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NEW: DOJ has authorized Jack Smith to appeal Judge Cannon's dismissal of the Florida classified-docs case, per special counsel spokesperson Peter Carr (famous for being the man with the least demanding job in Washington)
Can confirm
I shit you not. There used to be a phone number you could call to get the time and temperature
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I see posts like this all the time and I think what's crazy was people somehow got around and found some random address BEFORE MapQuest, usually with a map that unfolded 128 times and was a 1:1 model of the Earth.
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If you want access to free books, please get a library card. In the US, the more people there are with library cards, the more funding libraries have access to. Libraries provide more than books. They are a community resource. As an author and reader, I support libraries! #books #libraries
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(And with authors at least, if you can't afford their work, you can just get it from a library, which is good for you (the book itself is no additional cost!), good for the author (libraries pay for books!), and good for the library (they're being used and justifying their budgets!). Libraries FTW!)
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The America I want to live in is the one where we take all those soaring promises about equality and opportunity and freedom in our sacred texts and do the work to make them real and make them apply to fucking everyone, not just the rich white men who wrote them.
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There is never any shame in using the library, and much benefit in doing so. They are the closest thing to an unmitigated social good that we have in these United States, which is why the hard right is gunning so fervently for them these days. A world without libraries and librarians is a poor one.
My book-buying budget is not what it once was, which is precisely why I’m using the library more. It also gives me the opportunity to read books that I’m not sure I want to add to the home library (not that there’s a lot of room to do that anyway).
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Listen to this look at the release date you are not crazy, this country is genuinely repeating the same fucking shit over and over and over again
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Lost in the ongoing Trumpapalooza is the excellent news that a malaria vaccination developed at Oxford Univ. over the last 30 years and costing only £3 per shot is being unrolled in malaria-prone countries. If it fulfills its promise, this will make an enormous difference to so many lives.
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I submitted this fake chart for credit in a grad school class. I saw no need to come up with more academic terms.
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Sir Gawain, asleep in his orchard, woke to a loud THUMP! He sprang up, looked around - nothing. Snoozed again - THUMP! - woke again - nothing. A third time - THUMP! - he noticed cherries falling on his armor. He'd been awakened by the Bings that go "thump" on the knight.
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The truly memorable through line that runs from Shelley Duvall to Dr. Ruth and Richard Simmons is that all three were utterly unique, break-the-mold outliers who also came off as genuinely authentic people that cared deeply about the rest of humanity.
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Today there are so many disingenuous trolls and mercenary dude-bros celebrated in the discourse that’s it’s quaint to remember a time when the public embraced good-hearted eccentrics who tried to entertain and educate. They played along with the mockery - but people got something from it.
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New Trump news about to break so please remember the basics:
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This is easily my favorite piece of writing by Steinbeck :D
JOHN STEINBECK wrote some classic American novels, and he also penned this brilliant letter to MARILYN MONROE in 1955.
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Your library card grants you free access to all sorts of pay news websites just so you know.
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ICYMI: Last month, for the first time in four years, prices on everyday goods and services actually fell. In other words, this June was the first time since the pandemic started that we paid less for stuff compared with the previous month.
You might have just missed Earth-shattering economic news | CNN We did it, y’all! Get the Champagne on ice and gather the townsfolk because America hath slain the beast known as inflation. (Or, at least, it’s hit a turning point.)
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DISCOURSE a poem Today I looked at an argument by an online purist and I thought “I could wade in here and wreck this shit” and it wouldn’t change their mind but it would be funny at least to me for a good five minutes. And then I went and built a Magic deck instead. (1/2)
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It’s probably hard for people who weren’t alive in the ‘80s to grasp how revolutionary it was to talk frankly about sex and bodies and health in public — at a time when not talking frankly about sex and bodies and health could kill people (even more, or at least differently, than it can now).