Paul Tree

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Paul Tree

it’s still a pun on "paltry” do you get it
I asked a few days ago how the “big tech is censoring conservatives!” crew is going to react to big tech gleefully lining up behind Trump, and I see the answer is just “lying” Probably should’ve guessed, tbh
My point has very little to do with Biden’s polling in and of itself, my point is about his polling *relative to anyone else*. Thus, that 538 graph is just not relevant to anything I said. Not sure if you’re being obtuse deliberately, but regardless this is tiresome. Goodbye.
Yes I actually have checked if it’s true and it is in fact true, which is why I said it.
No the opposite, people who are NOT RUNNING are polling worse than him whenever anyone tests it. Many *much* worse
The fact that no one polls any better than Biden (and many poll much worse) would seem to be a fairly compelling piece of evidence that whatever is happening is not about him specifically, and yet.
Texas voters have a chance to do the funniest thing ever
Under no circumstances will I spend the time or energy looking it up but I am morbidly curious about how the “big tech is censoring conservatives!” crowd is rationalizing big tech giddily lining up behind Trump.
God operates on the same rules as Death from the Final Destination movies. Life for a life.
The Founders never intended the government to be able to curtail my first amendment right to give politicians precious metals
There are, allegedly, quite a lot of them so they shouldn’t be hard for reporters to find
Kinda wild that none of them has been able to muster up even a single internal poll from anywhere in the country showing any other Harris (or anyone Democratic politician) doing materially better than Biden. That would be by *far* the most compelling evidence for their argument, and yet.
Almost none of them are committing to a specific replacement choice too because they’re all ready to seamlessly pivot to “ah but it was the WRONG replacement”
Idk man, I haven’t trusted my smell test since Election Day 2016.
Isn’t the simplest (which isn’t to say correct) explanation that voters just like Donald Trump specifically but don’t particularly like other republicans? The polling—including both the downballot stuff and the seeming irrelevance of the D nominee—all basically makes sense if that’s the case.
I guess the synthesis there is Trump, right? That voters like him much more than any other Republican. Polling is overall “right” if that’s the case. It would explain the divergence between polls and post-2020 election results too.
Honestly good for him managing to take break from publicly fantasizing about dead children in Ukraine and Gaza for long enough to give a speech. I didn’t think he had it in him.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the current Supreme Court would have different answers to that question if nominee Harris picked Barack Obama as VP vs. if nominee Vance picked Donald Trump as VP.
(I wish there were a standing exception for these sort of extremely high stakes political questions; an advisory opinion on this would be pretty useful!)
Stealing this from someone, but More like Hulagu Boss
This summer I will be supporting the Mongolian Olympic team because this is their uniform and it is a thousand times better than anything Nike has ever made.
You’d need both imo. Or at least it’s much easier with both.
Vance meets the most important requirement: Being willing to say in January 2029 that the 22nd Amendment prohibits only the *election* of someone to a third term, it does not actually prohibit them from *being* president if the VP refuses to certify and the house votes under the 25th amendment.
Or I guess they could also go with Vance heading the ticket and Trump as the VP (22nd amendment doesn’t say anything about term limits for the vice president), with the understanding that Vance will resign after being sworn in. I wouldn’t trust him to do that, but what do I know
Vance meets the most important requirement: Being willing to say in January 2029 that the 22nd Amendment prohibits only the *election* of someone to a third term, it does not actually prohibit them from *being* president if the VP refuses to certify and the house votes under the 25th amendment.
Kinda undercuts the “Dems are responsible for political violence because they compare trump to Hitler” talking point huh
There’s a reason the Glenn Youngkin in sweatervests thing worked! Aesthetics matter.
There are a variety of theoretical end runs around the 22nd amendment, but they all* require the VP’s participation. I’m assuming this is why Vance, an EXTREMELY accomplished bootlicker, is the pick. *well, the pseudo legal ones that aren’t just “violence” anyways
“Treason” c’mon man, get out of here. No one has accused Adam Smith of treason. That hasn’t happened.