Patrick Blanchenay

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Patrick Blanchenay

Global Evaluations and Research Advisor at Norwegian Church Aid (Oslo). Making our impact better documented, and our work more evidence -based. Previously instructor at U. Toronto; OECD. PhD Economics.
Just found out about a massive data leak at Twitter/X. I don't use it anymore but I keep my account alive so no one else can claim my username. I just changed my password and suggest others do too. Also use 2FA whenever you can. More:
9.4GB Twitter(X) Data Leaked - Over 200 Million Records Exposed The Cyberpress Research Team made a significant discovery with the Massive 9.4 GB of X (Formerly the Twitter) Database.
This fucking guy voted in the last two elections
How many times does Matthew Walther get to publish his essay about why he doesn't vote in a prominent outlet? Because two seems like too many
Voter is dedicated to ensuring transparent, accurate and fair elections in the United States of America.
There are MUCH more important implications for the overturning of the Chevron doctrine. But in my aviation world it's gonna be nuts. You have any idea how many hair brained homebuilt aircraft/spacecraft the FAA is keeping grounded? Cuz you're about to find out.
doorway of the French Institut Océanographique in Paris
LLMs are working exactly as intended. That Google's CEO thinks there's some "unsolved problem" here that isn't simply "we picked the wrong tool" (which is super-solvable) is funny, sad, and a sign the company is very much deeply boned. LLMs are a plagiarism tool, not a knowledge retrieval tool.
billions being spent on AI to answer only common questions
@NBCNews: Social media has been buzzing with examples of Google’s new, “experimental” AI tool going awry. A Google spokesperson said the company believes users are deliberately attempting to trip up the technology with uncommon questions.
a tech guy saying something like "A bottleneck of writing is sentence generation" and then looking to a VC for investment bucks like a dog begging for a treat
"Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET) are subjective measures of student satisfaction that are often used to assess teaching quality. In this paper, we show that heterogeneity in students’ reporting styles challenges SET validity."
If (my) 6 was (your) 9. Reporting Heterogeneity in Student Evaluations of Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET) are subjective measures of student satisfaction that are often used to assess teaching quality. In this paper, w…
If you own a Tesla, your car is covered in cameras that take images reviewed by Tesla employees, who share them with each other, joke about them, and make them into memes.
YES. And if meeting is necessary, it should have a written element, either to prepare, or to summarize what's been discussed. If you're going to take people's time, the least you can do is to invest a bit of yours to make it more efficient. And meetings without agenda? Straight to jail.
This is super important at work: for people who don’t process information well via audio, the vast majority of trainings, presentations, meetings etc. are literal wastes of time. Massive efficiency gains if you just give people the option to read (which, I might add, is frequently faster)
"What is the mechanism?" is a super boring question while speculation is a super fun trip to Imagination Land. No one likes trips to Karl Popper land, it's like visiting a frozen spinach factory.
Twitter's AI is incredible.
So Grok is now doing a Twitter trending news section "powered by grok" that has now made up two different news stories because it's based on tweets, exactly as I predicted it would late last year
Ah. Twitter’s AI, Grok, JUST FUCKING MADE UP that Iran is attacking Tel Aviv. It was first seen in the trending column. Bluechecks are running with the story
Erich Angenendt, Jena Bridge Paris, 1960.
I always sound like “Old Man on the Internet” when I try to explain to the youth how wonderful RSS is. I’ve used Feedly for years. If you want to read a wide array of sources, with no ads, with complete control and little algorithmic weighting, and stay well informed, then RSS is what you want.
Subscriber RSS feeds for news sites should be a thing, but they haven’t been. is working on it, and their work should benefit other Ghost sites. Such a cool solution. (A shoutout to FeedPress which has long made me stop missing FeedBurner.)
404 Media Now Has a Full Text RSS We paid for the development of full text RSS feeds for Ghost-based publishers. Now we can offer them to our paid subscribers, and other Ghost sites can use the service too.
this is genuinely some of the best security advice you can get first pet? whatever you named the dog in Dragon Age city you were born? pick a favorite fictional country or something as long as you remember it and an attacker can’t look it up anywhere you’re good
i am here to tell you that there is no reason you have to answer security questions honestly, you only need to answer them memorably!
i am here to tell you that there is no reason you have to answer security questions honestly, you only need to answer them memorably!
Every time. UBI works. AI doesn’t. But which one is getting billions in hot dumb money thrown at it.
Fresh results from another basic income pilot. This one took place in San Antonio, Texas where 1,000 people got a $1,908 payment in Dec 2020, followed by 8 quarterly $400 payments between Apr 2021 and Jan 2023. What happened? Incomes from work went up. That's a commonly observed impact BTW.
San Antonio experimented with giving people $5,108 no-strings-attached. They spent it on housing and school supplies for their San Antonio, Texas is one of several US cities piloting basic income programs to assist low-income residents with housing and combat poverty rates.
biannual warning: the US clocks change a couple of weeks before the rest of the world. during the interregnum, double check all international meeting times in case it's an hour earlier or later than you think
Quick thread on the need to fully account for the climate effects of agricultural land use. This paper, like many food LCAs, looks only at food-related GHG emissions from the farm (fertilizers, livestock, etc.) & energy use & waste across the supply chain. It does *not* account for land use. 1/
according to this paper, which I’d love’s expert $0.02 on, emissions for typical US diet is about 2.5 tons CO2e a year, vegan diet is ~1.5 tons my propane furnace and woodstove put out about 2.7 tons and 7.5 tons a year respectively, before I did the heat pump switch
A comprehensive review on carbon footprint of regular diet and ways to improving lowered In light of the SDG goals, carbon emissions from different food and food-related products have been under serious scrutiny in recent years. Despite th…
Among other things, LLMs create so much extra work for professors who now have to deal with machine-generated bullshit in the classes they're already overstretched teaching