
Like ... that's not an exaggeration or a paraphrase
Where are these assholes when *Alito* calls the US a democracy? Or Trump?
They are incredibly, incredibly stupid, but it is very important to not let that blind everyone to the fact that they are also outright fascists and are incredibly dangerous
Reagan talked about democracy a lot too. But it's Trump's party now.
I also wonder what they think “republicanism” means. It certainly wouldn’t mean the leader of your party arguing in court that he has “absolute immunity,” for example.
they don't think about what it means at all. It requires a ferocious lack of any curiosity whatsoever to hold viewpoints like these
They think if they say "republic" and "republicanism" a lot then it will positively dispose idiots who vote to vote for them. That's the whole of it. No more, no less. I really wonder sometimes if someone didn't put a "make humans stupider" chemical in the water.
Okay "ferocious lack" is really good. I mean the reality is depressing but I like the phrase.
My favorite is when they say "we're a republic, not a democracy" as a defense of the Electoral College. They have no idea what they're saying.
These WA fuckers have absolutely no understanding of John Adams. The sentence quoted from the Discourses on Davila is where Adams is arguing for bicameralism (House+Senate) vs a unicameral chamber (House only). Fuck them for trying to appropriate our second president to their treasonous cause.
Maybe there is a reason to like John Adams somewhere, but the Senate was a mistake and might kill us all because of the immense bias it has toward empty spaces.
Whether Adams was right or wrong about the structure of the US gov't is irrelevant here. He wasn't saying anything as asinine as what the WA Republican Party believes. I will not concede one inch of American history to those wannabe Torquemadas. They're heirs to the confederacy. Heirs to treason.
yeah, I didn't realize that was a literal quote until I went and looked at the article, and, well, god help us all
Honestly surprised they didn’t say “Democrat Party.”
Bill Gates owns Word autocorrect
New York Democrats frantically attempting to ban Plato
They're really hung up on that "we're an apple not a fruit" thing.
I'm getting really tired of hearing that Republicans are the party of limited Constitutional government and then seeing hardly any Republican other than Liz Cheney object to TFG's attempt to steal an election and his determination to be a dictator if he's ever POTUS again.
Maybe it’s limited-constitutional government, as in the constitution only has limited influence on the government…
How much more limited can a constitutional government get than to be handed over to one power hungry narcissist.
We live in the stupidest f-ing timeline
They Are starting down the pathway to Complete Sovereign citizenship with the magic words, next they're going to talk about Flags & Savings Accounts the government set up for them.
For most of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries, “democrats” and “republicans” had more in common with each other than with anyone else, because both opposed monarchy and empire. Fuck the Republicans for shitting on the great American response against monarchy and authoritarianism
For a while, one thing that all Americans could agree on is that European ideologies were stupid. Now even that is a contested question!
Vance is a key link to the European fascist tradition by adding a cult of youth to the MAGA infrastructure. If he’s selected as Veep, that would be an important strengthening of the fascist movement within the party even if the ticket loses in November
Is There Something More Radical than MAGA? J.D. Vance Is Dreaming In a candid series of conversations, Vance revealed an ominous philosophy behind his first year in office.
They behave as if words are magic
their basic understanding of government seems to basically be "I played civilization"
There's no way these folks played Civ, it requires too much planning, thinking, and adaptability!
My other takeaway "Republicans think DMV should eliminate all online and mail-in activity and everyone must go to a DMV office, and their office hours are Tuesdays 9-5 with a one hour stop for lunch"
Kinda feels like they’re skipping the Republic and going straight to Empire
That's it? Senate by legislature appointment? They lack ambition. We need to follow La Serenissima Repubblica. WE NEED A FRICKING DOGE!
Is progressivism in the room with us?
the modern GOP are monarchists
literally. they want trump as king. blech.
You can trace American conservatism straight back to the Loyalists, with a stop along the way at the Confederacy
The Washington State Republican Party has been pretty wacky for quite a while, but this is certainly taking it to a whole new level.
Look on the bright side: at least they referred to it as the "Democratic Party."
These people need to be sent to Russia
The Republican Party out here in the west has decided to respond to their electoral challenges by getting ever higher on their own supply of lunacy. It would be funnier if they weren't so into guns and conspiracy theories.
if they weren't so dangerous it would be funny in a "what a bunch of pathetic losers" kind of way
Yep. Stopped laughing after 2016
I live in Georgia, where our current lieutenant governor is facing legal challenges because he was listed as a fake elector in 2020. As far as I know, the Georgia Republican Party hasn’t formally denounced democracy yet. Probably by 2029, though
State prosecutor to investigate Georgia Lt. Gov. Jones and his role as Trump fake elector | CNN A state prosecutor will investigate whether Georgia Lt. Gov. Burt Jones violated criminal law in his efforts to help former President Donald Trump subvert the 2020 election results in the state.
In Wisconsin the right-wing law firm that has been leading the charge to make voting harder and defend gerrymandering hasn't gotten the memo because they are constantly presenting their policies as championing democracy....
What's scary to me is how Republican by default most voters seem to be. As long as the candidate doesn't show how much of a weird freak he is to the public during his campaign, he'll win in a landslide. Our school district is the only one they won last election because they managed to STFU.
But at this point it isn’t principles they oppose. It’s almost like they oppose coexistence.
Watch the whole thing on TVW. It's... educational
In a sane world that would disqualify them from elected positions
We ardently oppose Demonratcy in all its socialist communist forms.
I have a feeling certain people in the US have no idea what a democracy is/means. By « certain people », I distinctly remember a member of Congress being outraged at the term being used to describe his own country.