A Random Canadian

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A Random Canadian


Canadian lawyer; I enjoy history, nitpicking and animals.
Fiasco am... big hamsome man
Sunak's "negative alpha"...
I find it quite remarkable that in a field of three, possibly four, consecutive Tory leaders, all of whom have a unique claim to being the party’s worst, Sunak has emerged as a potential fourth/fifth, and done so using an entirely novel set of personal and political failings.
This Canadian Sherman tank ("Holy Roller") landed at Juno Beach 80 years ago, and was 1 of only 2 Canadian tanks that landed on D-Day and survived to VE Day. First Canadian Hussars, London, Ont. Take a moment today to remember the absolute badasses who showed the world how you deal with Nazis.
Saw this for the first time today. Seems legit.
yesterday at an event I learned that fascists in Argentina in the 70s were so threatened by math and logic they at one point banned venn diagrams
[whispering to Justice Merchan] four more years
Next week’s cover of The New Yorker just dropped.
Graduating from "felon" to "convicted felon" is like an angel getting its wings.
It sure would be comical if Samuel Alito had recently published an opinion in which he expressed strong feelings about flags and wrote that passersby viewing a flag flying over a building would naturally assume the flag conveys some message on the owner's behalf www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21p...
Great Washington Post nostalgia study. Adults think U.S. society was historically nicest and comfiest—most moral and close-knit, families happiest—whenever they happened to be little kids, and culture (music, movies, TV, fashion, sports, food) best whenever they were adolescents. wapo.st/3WXd9xS
Rereading this and I'm going to bed to cry: "Ernest Hemingway was paid $1 a word in 1936. That's more than $21 per word in today's dollars. The maximum I was ever paid to write for a glossy magazine in print was $2/word, in 2021." defector.com/the-money-is...
The Money Is In All The Wrong Places | Defectordefector.com You can always tell who in Hollywood has family money by their Instagrams. People like Dakota Johnson, who have a Hollywood lineage deeper than the Mariana Trench, post only rarely. They post about so...
Established in 1970, Glad Day is the world’s oldest 2SLGBTQ bookstore. It has been at the heart of Canadian struggles for sexual liberation, free speech and creativity. Glad Day is in crisis & needs to raise $100,000 by the end of June in order to continue. Please donate, please share. More info:
Save Glad Day — Glad Daywww.gladday.ca
Donbas Area Situation Report: May 21-22 The frontline remains dynamic despite appearing static. Ukrainian forces reinforced Kharkiv to halt the Russian advance. The situation is still risky considering the thinned defenses. 🧵Thread Before proceeding, please like and share
Can't Pepsi any more because of Coke
Can't enjoy Star Wars villain arcs anymore because of Snoke
Few years back I wrote a fan comic Scooby-Doo/John Constantine short thing. Art fell through, except the last bonus page that @lartist.bsky.social drew. It's never been anywhere I think, so here it is, for you guys.
During the Second World War, she became the first Chinese-Canadian female pilot officer in the Royal Canadian Air Force Reserves. She enrolled at the University of British Columbia and in 1953 became the first Chinese-Canadian woman to graduate with a law degree from U of BC. 2/
Overnight, Russian infantry, backed by armored vehicles, entered Kharkiv oblast from Belgorod area, using small tactical units. Frontelligence Insight had previously cautioned about this scenario. Here's what we know about it🧵: (Before proceeding, please like and share)
Our team has prepared a summarized situational report about frontline changes. It details recent frontline developments, focusing on Chasiv Yar, the Avdiivka area, and the potential for a renewed Russian offensive in Kharkiv and Sumy oblasts frontelligence.substack.com/p/situation-...
Situation Report: May 1-2, 2024frontelligence.substack.com Chasiv Yar, Ocheretyne, Sivers'k, Kharkiv
Would it help if we described the hypothetical to the Court as "the president could order Seal Team 6 to assassinate members of the Supreme Court so that he could fill their seats with new appointments"? (And don't say "they'd impeach him" when he could also order hits on members of Congress.)
when a picture says a thousand words
In 1963, William Lewis Moore was murdered in Alabama while on a civil rights protest walk. Silence around the murder bothered one man for years, until he campaigned to put up a marker about it.
COMIC: The roadside marker unlocking a forgotten civil rights murderwww.npr.org In 1963, William Lewis Moore was murdered in Alabama while on a civil rights protest walk. Silence around the murder bothered one man for years, until he campaigned to put up a marker about it.
I was sympathetic to the argument that the USC valedictorian never should have received the award in the first place because she had demonstrated “anti-Semitic” activities. This essay by a USC Professor of Jewish Studies gives me pause. dailytrojan.com/2024/04/19/p...
Punishing personal opinions is the first step toward authoritarianism - Daily Trojandailytrojan.com I cofounded the resistance to genocide minor. It is appalling that USC has caved to unfounded accusations against the valedictorian.
Another UTS grad doing the old school proud...
Yale Dean Pericles Lewis admits that his email implying that the Yale student protestors PEACEFULLY occupying Grove and College were people with a “known history of violent confrontation with police” was based on NO EVIDENCE and that he was “repeating speculation.”
If there is a lesson the EU, UK and Ukraine have to take from the delays until this vote it is the need to develop self-reliance that does not take US support for granted. That's the basis for a more balanced and sustainable relationship between Europe and the US.
Great response, although I'm torn about the likely decline in value of my collection of LAPD-branded novelty truncheons
Last week I received a letter telling me that I had violated LAPD IP with my FUCK THE LAPD design. Today my lawyer @questauthority.bsky.social responded.