Good Tech: Oh cool monitors are incredibly cheap Bad Tech: Since they're cheap let's put them inside people's eyeballs
tech used to make our lives better and now it makes them shittier in a million tiny ways every day it’s no coincidence that this tracks with the shift from an optimistic view of the future to one filled with dread tech won’t save us from dystopia, it will accelerate the process
I don't think Americans really understand or fathom that we used to not be so different, that Americanism is a creation that took national effort, that imposing English on large immigrant communities was a policy choice. It didn't just naturally play out like this, we made it do so in the 20s
The critical thing about this entire episode is the contrast with how GOP rhetoric is treated by the press. Slandering Democrats and city dwellers is normal, but the reverse can't happen. Implicitly it's because of the power rural areas hold federally, but it's been laundered into a moral principle.
It's instructive to compare the mythological version of the "Basket of Deplorables" speech to the actual remarks, which were exactly the kind of "we must understand the valid roots of Trump support" argument that everyone ever since has insisted that nobody else has been wise enough to make
The inequality is wide in the UK too. It’s a global problem because the wealthy few put money in tax havens instead of contributing to society.
The wealth of the 1% hit a record $44 trillion at the end of last year. This small group of wealthy individuals now holds 30% of the nation’s wealth. Don't tell me that they can't afford a wealth tax. They are literally the richest they have ever been.
Hello Neil, We see that you are unhappy at the steady but seemingly sure creep of fascism, as it further entrenches its position and power. Boldly showing its contempt for intellectual pursuits that do not confirm to its worldview. We would be upset too if that happened to us, Customer Support
What kind of dystopian 3rd world country is the US starting to become 🤔 You'd almost could write a novel about it and 100 years later no-one would believe it being a non fiction novel 🫣😅
“We found that many California law enforcement agencies share this (automated license plate reader) data not just out of state but specifically with agencies in states that ban abortions,” EFF’s Jennifer Pinsof told the San Mateo Daily Journal.
License plate readers to increase throughout Citing increases in organized retail theft, several cities throughout the county are purchasing more automated license plate readers, but rampant data-sharing violations among law enforcement agencies...
Anyone pushing this "be comfortable with [your] natural biological state" on the people getting Viagra prescriptions? Breast augmentation? You could use this to argue against any medical intervention at all, from eyeglasses up to CPR.
The North Dakota GOP will vote this week on adopting a platform that includes banning IVF, prohibiting same-sex marriage and "restoration of gender dysphoric individuals, that they may embrace and be comfortable with their natural biological state."
its incredible how much of the anti-mask hysteria can be originally traced to the fact trump didn't want to wear one because it smeared his makeup
Friday April 3, 2020 Trump announces the CDC is now recommending that Americans wear cloth masks in public. But - fatefully - Trump undermines the message by saying he won't personally be wearing one and appears to sneer at the practice. 1/2
The rise of Trump think tanks reflects not just a spoils system for Trump cronies; it is also a recognition that Trump cannot be trusted to convert donor money to governing capacity, which is the other mission of these groups
From Thomas Edsall: One thing that is different from 2016 and even 2020, is the rise of closely aligned, well-funded Trump think tanks that are preparing for a second presidency. They share not just the same goals, but often the same address! (Gift link:
Please tell me how boycotting the election stops an American president committing genocide. Look right at it, and share your wisdom with us all.
Who could have foreseen …
New: Truth Social lost $58 million last year; way out of sync with the frenzied stock-market debut that just valued it at $8 billion. Trump's company revenue last year was $4 million; for comparison, Reddit's was $800 million. Stock is crashing on the news
Trump’s Truth Social made only $4 million in 2023, despite $8 billion The stock’s price slumped 15 percent.
My life is the actual result of the type of abuse republicans want to spread everywhere. CW - ALL the abuse: In 1973 my mother married a pedophile because she could not get a credit card THIS is the world republicans want for all of us - nothing but abuse!
And almost zero people see “restore Roe” as meaning “roll abortion rights back to the second before Dobbs dropped.”
Also asserts facts not in evidence about public opinion. People are broadly familiar with Roe after 50 years and know what restoring it directionally means. The Comstock act was on no one's radar until like last year and I don't see any evidence it's yet ripe for campaigning.
Don't let anyone ever tell you America is split on abortion rights: A new poll shows that 81% of voters don't want abortion regulated by the government, but decided between a patient & doctor
This New Poll Should Terrify 81% of Americans Don't Want Abortion Regulated
"The popular Republican narrative is Biden’s senile and doesn’t dare engage substantively with the press. But Trump's the one who requires on-site child care supervision from right-wing media. He falls apart and rambles incoherently during the most basic of interviews."
Trump's actual record comes back to haunt This isn’t 2016 anymore.
Unless you have that increasing rarity, a stable job with excellent health insurance, Joe Lieberman personally made your life much worse than it might otherwise have been.
“At the moment of my greatest political power and influence, I successfully fought to deny my fellow citizens the option of a publicly-funded health care plan, even one that was but a shadow of the sort found in the basic social bargain of all other industrialized democracies.” Truly, what a legacy.
Lieberman is one of my OG political villains, for the first time in my adult life Democrats had the power to Do Something and that smarmy fuck sabotaged so many things I have raged against the man for well over a decade
fuck - and I cannot possibly emphasize this enough - that smarmy sanctimonious motherfucker
Lieberman is one of my OG political villains, for the first time in my adult life Democrats had the power to Do Something and that smarmy fuck sabotaged so many things I have raged against the man for well over a decade
I’m going to be on a street corner with a bullhorn
I hope Mitch McConnell knows that even the meager charity afforded to Joe Lieberman today amounts to an infinitude more than he'll get.