
Trump has to have the most biased information space of any candidate in history. a senile elderly fascist with a campaign platform of dictatorship and war crimes, on trial for 35 felonies, and the central media narrative is whether his opponent is too old
Yes let’s have some sensible and perfectly normal News Analysis of removing one in every twenty people from the country; something on the order of the population of New York State, or the Netherlands. Will you see a difference in your electric bill? How will it affect your daily commute?
it's wild to me that polls are asking about Biden's age and not Trump's as though they aren't basically the same age! that's not discovering sentiment, it's creating it
reminded of Gallup’s long running polls asking like “when do you think Social Security is going to collapse?”
Because one dumbshit nepobaby has had his fee-fees hurt!
This is true and unfortunately plainly exposed 2 MAJOR problems: 1. That unfettered nepotism/greed is a lethal type of necrosis for a free and just society, and, 2. that the system is so broken that it’s possible for one side of a 2-party system to be completely overwhelmed by said nepobaby.
At this point it feels like the media is just doing everything it can to usher in a fascist takeover
Can you imagine the clicks they'll get (before they are shut down and arrested)
90% of the journalism industry wants to be told what to write
Because it will be good for the bottom line.
The thing with fascists and business is they tend to let their pettiness run ahead of their business acumen
NYTimes for sure. Just look at their commentary and reporting on trans people.
They'll regret their part in ushering in the fascist takeover when (like in Russia) they start accidentally falling out of windows.
Not as important in the grand scheme of things but it's still striking that everyone saw his mush-mouthed babbling speech at Gettysburg a couple weeks ago and then just laughed and moved on like it was a real-life SNL bit - no chin-stroking analysis dominating the news cycle
I still think he thinks General Lee is still alive. Or that the Duke Boys' car was sentient or something.
In fairness, he got them used to it by holding office for an entire four-year term without uttering a single coherent sentence.
NYT op-ed: it may be true that Trump sputters nonsensical phrases and nonsemantic moans and squeals, but his words *represent* the true souls out there who *wish* for their to be someone in Trump's position who could theoretically be speaking of ideas an actual functioning brain might have
They're in a cult, entirely removed from reality. Objective thinking left the room a long time ago.
And they have convinced too many people that we should go back to the good ol' days of 2020.
*tapping the sign* We approach EVERYTHING from the right in this country. We always accept the right’s premise. And I’m sick of it
At the moment the narrative seems to be more about whether Biden should be held singularly responsible for 75 years of US policy in the Middle East and Congressional appropriations.
Republicans have worked the refs for decades, and it’s really paid off.
Well, it's of a piece with buttery males.
I really hate how every. Single. News. Story on that person (45) has a Clint-Eastwood type photo; tough guy, stern, tanned, serious. Why don’t they show him sleeping in court? Or any other extremely, more-natural, unflattering poses? All it does is make me trust the news less as they favor him.
This is straight up ethnic cleansing and it speaks volumes about the cowardice of the US press they won't just describe it in those ways.
"a senile elderly fascist with a campaign platform of dictatorship and war crimes," soooo Briden Biden
"Anticipatory obedience is a political tragedy...At the very beginning, anticipatory obedience means adapting instinctively , without reflecting, to a new situation..." Timothy D. Snyder from 'On Tyranny Twenty Lessons from the 20th Century'
Not to mention that ocean-to-ocean yuge Mexican border wall that… what about it? Anyways, checking promises against facts doesn’t seem to be the order of the day anyways.
Also, he's only 3 yrs younger than Biden so....
he keeps passing out in court! classic fading grandpa shit!!
My dad is the same age and I have literally never seen him sleep
Is anyone talking about how bad this makes Harris look as VP? Like no one ever considers she would be even “OK” vs a Trump VP
Biden watches Morning Joe to get the pulse of the nation
…20 million people… 20 million rounded up and housed… 20 million… anyone who says we can do that without damaging the economy worse than 9/11 and covid is stupid beyond repair…
…brand name news likes the job security of reporting on political violence from the safety of manhattan…
I wonder if I can renew my green card early before he does whatever he’s going to do to homeland security. 😬
and he keeps falling asleep in court!
Monopolists and dictators have overlapping interests