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Cycliste par paresse | I bike 'cause I'm lazy
Montréal / Tiohtià:ke

Reposted byAvatar Sara
The Biden-Harris Administration’s climate team in the White House & in all of the agencies got big climate action done & are excellent policy professionals. I was lucky to work with some of Vice President Harris’ domestic policy & climate advisors and they are excellent. The VP is great on climate.
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Ppl are retweeting this and I just want to add that faxing is THE most annoying thing to do to your representatives. There are websites where you can fax for a small fee and those machines are LOUD and then at the very least they have to deal with all the print outs.
Being really annoying is praxis. Phone, email, fax, show up in person if that’s an option. Just don’t let up until you’re too irritating to ignore.
There's a Dr Moreau vibe for sure in this basement....
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Giving a cop the mugshot treatment because he arrested a rich person who was guilty and acting like that’s totally normal should be a moment that open’s people’s eyes to the jig.
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Reposted byAvatar Sara
« Avez-vous une impression favorable ou défavorable du Premier ministre François Legault ? » 🟢23% Favorable 🔴60% Défavorable [Sondage Pallas Data, 8 juin 2024, n=1 339] Ma chronique pour L'actualité ↓
François Legault, impopulaire partout | L’actualité Le premier ministre et chef de la CAQ tire son parti vers le bas. À l'inverse, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon pourrait encore faire gagner des points au PQ.
I was reading The Wonder Engine by and this sentence spoke to my soul. (I've read everything in that world of hers that has been published and you should too!)
Reposted byAvatar Sara
gotdamn if this isn’t EXACTLY what destroys relationships of every kind between men and women—family, platonic, workplace, romantic no amount of love can withstand being shot down every single time she opens her mouth
Reposted byAvatar Sara
cover up your windows, people, stay indoors, cold is a battle of will, heat is a battle of attrition. You only win by not playing.
Check on your people. Heat waves aren’t generally regarded as the most deadly of natural disasters but they often are.
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Courtesy of user @ xdanielArt on the former birdsite: This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date list of Adobe alternatives I’ve seen, sharing here to save an artist’s life, wallet and livelihood 🙏
AI is gonna turn me into a luddites soon enough. I just don't quite know how to throw a wrench in the machine yet. Is there a layer I can add to my pictures (the thing I produce the most), from my phone, before uploading it to said machines?
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Poor people use libraries. Rich people shut them down because they don't *want* poor people to read.
Poor people also read. It is a harmful classist stereotype to think otherwise, and we should have moved past it by now.
Calistenics look like I could have fun moving? But there is no world where flashing all your well defined muscles will convince me that your video is actually for begginers. Put a goddamn shirt on.
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Le plaisir de découvrir
So I need a Secret clearance to see those docs, but my computer doesn't...
This is a nightmare. "The scope of Recall, which Microsoft has internally called AI Explorer, is incredibly vast — it includes logging things you do in apps, tracking communications in live meetings, remembering all websites you’ve visited for research, and more"
Recall is Microsoft’s key to unlocking the future of Would you like a timeline of everything you do on your PC?
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Discworld QOTD, from Guards! Guards!
Discworld QOTD, from A Hat Full of Sky “It's always surprising to be reminded that while you're watching and thinking about people, all knowing and superior, they're watching and thinking about you, right back at you.”
Reposted byAvatar Sara
PSA: If you live anywhere near this blob and it’s not cloudy, tonight is a good night to go outside and look up
They're not sneaky about it anymore. But as the election gets closer they'll be "nooo, we wont open the debate". Yes they will, they are dreaming of it night and day. Don't get fooled. Ne jamais rien prendre pour acquis - ya tjs un homme qqpart qui va s'attaquer aux droits des femmes.
Reposted byAvatar Sara
I am more than half-way through Paladin's Grace, in much less time than my actual free hours should have allowed for. I've had a few very good laughs out of it and already reserved the second one on my library's app. I love it.
Reposted byAvatar Sara
They reprogrammed a 47-year-old computer system with 68k of memory across a 22+ hour lag
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Just watching people being in aw of their job.
Reposted byAvatar Sara
Reposted byAvatar Sara
One of the coolest parts of drafting Escape Velocity was designing Space Habitat Altaire. So you can imagine how thrilled I was to learn that the station blueprints are gonna be the endpapers for the actual book! I love this art so much I blew it up for my office. 1/2
Reposted byAvatar Sara
I just need people to understand, as this poem has been circulating where I can see it since October 2023, that it was first published in August 2014