
Documentary filmmaker made a secret recording of Sam Alito. "He endorsed what his interlocutor described as a necessary fight to 'return our country to a place of godliness.'"
oof, am I wrong? or does the term 'godliness' have no inherent meaning? it depends on a unique understanding of the word 'god', which would have to be defined that's a passive-aggressive, supremacist -framing based on the belief that there is one/true/right/pure way to view God & Alito has found it
It's pretty clear what conservative Americans mean.
true, it's clear what they want my point is that the word 'godliness' isn't helpful towards knowing what it is it's clear they want to get rid of folks who aren't like them & make them suffer you know that, I know that, many know that, but they use other words most of the time to avoid saying it
"Return to godliness" always means mass murder of those sinners.
It has a very specific meaning for a certain brand of “Christian,” which is undoubtedly the context in which he was using it. But the key word here was “return.” Exactly when, one wonders, was America in a state of godliness?
1949, by their estimation.
to what degree, I wonder, is their view that post-war American life is the pinnacle of western living tied to the trauma of the sacrifice needed for 2 world wars? ie "it HAD to be worth it, whatever comes next is what we were fighting for, therefore we must support it as not to dishonor the dead!"
It seems to me to be more about the wholly false “Pleasantville” notions about that very white and conservative “might made right” era when life was simple and has was 10 cents a gallon.
I think there's *A* degree of trauma that cemented in the simplicity, the 'black n white' categorizing of good/bad "back when we didn't have to do pronouns and respect women and everyone knew what was 'proper' and no one had "woke" shoved in their face*" *and my neighbors were white
exactly, why say 'godliness'? even an admission that we at some point DID find/have this 'godliness' would then be an admission that we didn't have it prior & have lost it now when was a *country* the right degree of 'godly'? IMO it's saying 'i, personally, need things simpler, like in the past'
It never has been nor will it ever be… We don’t execute our educated, but we sure try to trash them..
"Godliness" is not a legal term.
exactly, it's completely subjective to the user, that was my point for someone such as Alito, in the specific position of supposed legal interpretation -expertise, to use an ambivalent term in reference to his country's status says something about the avoidance of specificity within that term, no?
Fascists aren't worried about what words mean, thats for lefty wussies. He could mean his gun or his cock when he says God, he doesn't give 2 fucks
coming to terms with this was a big part of my leaving for evangelical X-ianity & fascist thinking behind they/we always spoke with this degree of certainty & superiority that I'm still unpacking, the way we used language was fucked up & narcissistic & avoidant, we couldn't see how oppressive it is
sorry.. "..leaving evangelical X-ianity.. behind", to be clear don't know how that 'for' got there
The god in question is Bhaal.
a quick Google helped me see.. this is a Baldur Gate thing? which I am admittedly ignorant of I'll let you decide if you want to bring more specific attributes of Bhaal up or just let it go as a joke I didn't get 😂 but yeah if what you meant is 'Alito actually serves evil' I think I agree
"Alito actually serves evil" is what I meant. Bhaal was just the first evil god that came to mind.
yeah we're on the same page✊😣
Just begging the dems to say "Article 3 Good Behavior requirement". Just put out the ambiguous threat. Pick up a club, any club.
This is clearly *NOT* good behavior, but there is no way in the infinite multiverse you’re going to get a majority of the House to impeach him (since the GOP currently holds the majority), and even if you use a genie’s wish to get around that, no GOP senator will convict, and you need 16 of them.
Then don't impeach, have the executive prorogue and cite Marbury for what gives them the right. The proroguing ends if Congress can veto-proof affirm good behavior or impeach. What's congress going to do to stop it? Impeach?
The US does not use the Westminster system. Prorogation is not a thing here.
Neither was full judicial review until Marbury. At a moment when the party in power benefitted and the aggrieved party had no prospects. It's not "not a thing", we just haven't done it yet
No, the constitution literally allows proroguing the legislature only if it can't agree on adjournment and does not provide for proroguing SCOTUS, which would just continue operating as normal
"The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office."
Wow. Godliness is not his job. Law is his job. He needs to go.
How are plaintiffs or defendants supposed to do their work before the Court when a prominent member is this prejudicial?
You're arguing to some combo of the other eight, and preparing for him to try to pillory you.
Remember, it's not just the one. Uncle Thomas is just as bad, if not worse than. And Kavanaugh is probably very well bought and paid for, we just haven't seen how well yet.
They're supposed to lose like the Washington Generals.
We have to destroy Alito and Thomas specifically to save our country. They have to be hounded off of the Supreme Court.
they'll never resign or recuse, because they have no shame and they know they're untouchable
I just called Durbin's office, I'm a Chicagoan, and told his staffer that we are all fucking sick of his weakness when it comes to holding SCOTUS accountable.
Thank you! Tell all your Illinois friends to do the same!
“Can’t be compromised.” No one is forcing him to be gay, have an abortion, or get gender reassignment surgery.
Just wondering what the reaction would have been if he’d said this during his confirmation hearings.
According to Ted Kennedy Alito lied continuously throughout the Hearings.
He did. Everybody knew it and people got mad at the Democrats because Lindsay Graham asked a question that made his wife cry.
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Roberts did not take the same bait. Either he doesn't believe in Christian supremacy or he was smart enough to suspect it was a trap.
when exactly is this golden age? founders version? Pre-colonialism? should the 13 states return the rest to Spain Mexico Russia? Is it later. the 5 year southern confedelosers? maybe Tulsa 1929? When Samuel?
The ridiculous thing w/ this is the myopic and immature view Alito holds on "godliness". Is it Catholic godliness? Quaker godliness (who have been in this taken land a lot longer than many other Christians)? How dumb do you have to be to hold this naive view on such a subjective idea?
He's not naive. He's a supremacist. He believes his view of "godliness" is the only one that matters and all other people should submit to it. Dems are naive for believing there are any Republicans who aren't supremacists.