M Gibson

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M Gibson


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Wow, real banana republic stuff. I'm glad our presidents can launder money and associate criminally without worrying about this kind of thing.
Reports: Brazil police have indicted Jair Bolsonaro for money laundering and criminal association
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Six people did the thing that is supposed to require 2/3 of both chambers of Congress and 3/4 of the states to do
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The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.
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Roberts once again showing his perspicacity by claiming there’s nothing to fear from a President with virtually unbounded extralegal authority the same day Trump threatens military show trials for his political opponents.
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Trump after Obama is basically a filled-in swimming pool thing. “Oh, a black president. How about the jerk from Celebrity Apprentice? Not such an august position now.”
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Congrats to all the profs at elite law schools who loudly vouched for John Roberts and Neil Gorsuch when they were nominated. Hope you placed your students in some nice clerkships.
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Americans across the political spectrum are all deeply mired in “apocalypse realism”, in which it is easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the world not ending. This widespread imaginary just happens to motivate the people who want the world to end while depressing everyone else.
Honestly, I don't know how doomerism has survived the long arc of history. We used to grovel under kings. Slavery was the law of the land. Fascist authoritarians conquered a democracy and declared war on a continent and a people. And, all of that was overcome. It ceased. History didn't end.
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/8 At any rate, congratulations to the Federalist Society for an achievement beyond the reach of the British, outside the grasp of bloody civil war, impossible to Nazis and Soviets and terrorists: defeating the American idea.
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This country does not want to hear it. And if you do talk about it, people will act like you’re holding them down and force-feeding them poison. This country cannot face itself, or its history. Doesn’t want to. You can’t make it. Toddler shit.
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Even by the degraded standards of today’s court, the possibility that one or more of the justices supported an effort to end the constitutional order they’ve sworn to uphold is a outrageous new low www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archiv...
Why Was Alito Flying the Flag Upside Down After January 6?www.theatlantic.com Justice Alito blamed his wife for the incident, but he did not disavow what the symbol stands for.
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The House will refuse to certify the results for Biden, no matter how conclusive his victory, if the GOP controls it. Just where we're at now.
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Like seriously Clive Owen trying to jumpstart his fucking car is more exciting and tense than anything that happens in any action sequence in one of the Star Wars prequels bsky.app/profile/mtsw...
This is why the action sequences in CHILDREN OF MEN are so tense and exciting even though the hero barely does anything in them. Cuaron works hard to establish the rules of the world - this guy is a normal guy who can't fight and basically anything can hurt and kill him.
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I remain haunted by the white people who responded to liberal dismay at Trump by saying, "Now you know how we felt under Obama."
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We have two sets of speech rules in this country: one for the far right, which must be protected in case they turn their wrath on others, and one for everyone else, who are subject to the immediate punitive power of the state for any reason or no reason at all
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A lot of people look at the implacable and irrational unpersuadability of antivaxxers and kinda conclude "ah there's nothing we can do except let them win" instead of the correct conclusion that we need to force them to get their kids vaccinated against their parents' will
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I may be more cynical than you but I have rarely run into a white person whose claims of ignorance regarding unequal opportunity and access were believable. Folks don't have much inclination to admit to immoralities from which they benefit directly.
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LAKE OF SOULS, my collection of short fiction, is available TOMORROW! Wherever fine books are sold!
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It is both funny and instructive how eager so many powerful individuals and institutions with massively grandiose understandings of their own significance have been to discard every value they've ever professed or pretended to in order to protect the dumbest, shittiest rich guy of his generation.
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We all know though that if the roles were somehow reversed, there's zero chance the Republican justices would have missed a chance to disqualify an insurrectionist ex-Democratic president from running again, right.
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Well-to-do American society and its chasers are obsessed with college. Kids spend their whole childhoods in a panic trying to get into 1 of 30 schools in a country of 340 million, then spend all their social time doing alumni networking, then have kids and spend 18 years inflicting the panic again
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Trump's COVID response is sufficient to never allow him to be President again, which gets clouded over by 1/6 and with some good reason I think, but remains a deception and fraud on the American people that willfully got many, many people killed to goose his re-elect odds