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WW2 Airborne enthusiast, Person Dad, Cat Dad,
Congratulations Chris. On both accounts.
There are many reasons journalists shouldn't be using his social media site but this should be the last straw. You can't pretend to have any journalistic ethics and use the site of a republican PAC. There is no gray line here.
My dad flew Cobras with the 7/17th in Vietnam and he once asked a guy getting out of a car with a Vietnam Era Veteran license plate what the Hell that was all about.
I feel bad for the many great journalists in this country because every single day, the people at the top jobs in your profession wake up and do whatever they can to make Americans hate your industry.
That's like half the distance for the farthest target on the qualifying range in basic training. This isn't some American Sniper shot.
It's the same distance as the average center field fence in MLB. And they left it unsecured. Almost everyone who got through basic training could hit that shot.
The Last Hill is a good read. Does a great job filling in the story of the 2nd Rangers and their actions prior to that engagement. Helps build your investment in the participants.
Trump is a victim of the very thing he and most republican politicians and judges demand of thousands of Americans every single year. To be a victim of gun violence. And I'll show as much sympathy to him as they show those families. Absolutely zero.
They can pull ads and show some decency, which will contrast positively to how the RNC convention will handle it. Also, like you said, it's July.
I don't know if you know this, but you have the same name as the kid in Back to the Future. Calvin Klein.
Guys, guys. They're terrible. They're both terrible.
Banging the sign again. Nearly 100% of Republicans problems could be solved by them just minding their own fucking business.
He needs to write a book on the rules of posting. Do it in the form of Sun Tzus The Art of War.
Think how many dumb asses blow themselves up with turkey fryers every year. Now they can die from their bootleg gin still explosion if the turkey doesn't get them.
Enjoy it now. For he shall one day learn to only drink water from the running bathtub spigot.
People and their dam bougie jumble.
Love that there are judges who say, "Nah, no cop has been dumb enough to try that one yet so it's cool."
I watched Reed Shepard play a lot this past year, and he has big basketball IQ and raw talent . Given a few years to develop, do you think he becomes a solid NBA player?
Joe Bidens campaign manager.
Let's pour one out for Britain's strictest headteacher whose favorite past students got clobbered today.
I have been a pretty staunch believer that there are good journalists at the Times, and the journalism industry is not ideal for giving up a job, especially at a flagship paper, but this is a terrible organization and if you work there you get lumped in with the rest of the turds in the punch bowel.
It's the same reason they are constantly stealing smaller publications work without giving any credit. They have an unearned sense of superiority based on the work address their mail arrives at
Eh. They just need to rephrase it by saying, this is what I'm trying to do for you but Republicans and their unelected legislative bandits on the court are trying to stop us.
I agree this is Trumps move. I, however, don't believe his satellite entities like Heritage have the discipline. Long time til November and these right wing think tanks are so close they can taste it, but that's a lot of time to keep blaring out what evils you plan to unleash.
Sam Alito has the opportunity to do the unfunniest thing ever.
I first read that as horses and was very confused.