Julie C. Day says preorder Storyteller a Tanith Lee tribute anth

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Julie C. Day says preorder Storyteller a Tanith Lee tribute anth


Prone to a ❤️ of ginger & greyhounds. Novella | Collection | Lambda finalist | 40+ stories. Publisher & Editor Essential Dreams Press. Newsletter, books, & other things me at linktr.ee/thisjulieday. (she/her)
Fascists and bullies want you to feel helpless and hopeless. And we are neither of those things. Remember that.
Today's newsletter is about the New York Times, incentives, and its coverage of trans people. www.readtpa.com/p/the-new-yo...
It's London trans pride on 27 July. If you're horrified by Streeting's avowed intent to make the puberty blocker ban permanent, please step up and show it. There are a lot more of us cis folk than trans folk; we all need to use our voices and platforms. #PubertyBlockers
I have never desired anything less than to see what lists I might be on. Do people understand at all how I use social media. Do you understand that I am a 1978 Buick Skylark with screwy wiring and all I can do all day is HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK
Friendly reminder! The open submission window for Storyteller: A Tanith Lee Tribute Anthology's limited demographic call opens July 16 for 1 week followed immediately by the one-week general call. Must be a Tanith-influenced or Tanith-inspired author. duotrope.com/duosuma/subm...
Storyteller: A Tanith Lee Tribute Anthology Submission Managerduotrope.com Submit to Storyteller: A Tanith Lee Tribute Anthology (a project of Essential Dreams Press). Powered by Duosuma: Duotrope's Submission Manager.
It was an intense panel for all of us panelists, I think. Something about this topic is always going to feel raw, but it was a fantastic discussion. I'm glad I was part of it. @robotleblanc.bsky.social had a ton of fantastic story suggestions.
Sixth #Readercon panel report, Mad Prophets & Time Travelers: Dementia in SFF, with Allison King, Ann LeBlanc (who appears to be on Bluesky but with an invalid handle so I can't tag??), @thisjulieday.bsky.social , Noah Beit-Aharon, and @zinrock.bsky.social , which was super good.
Captcha Checkkate-nepveu.dreamwidth.org
Sixth #Readercon panel report, Mad Prophets & Time Travelers: Dementia in SFF, with Allison King, Ann LeBlanc (who appears to be on Bluesky but with an invalid handle so I can't tag??), @thisjulieday.bsky.social , Noah Beit-Aharon, and @zinrock.bsky.social , which was super good.
Captcha Checkkate-nepveu.dreamwidth.org
As August closes in, it seems like a good time to reshare my Worldcon 2024 Survival Guide. Conning on a budget and looking for where to buy groceries, get a hot meal, or take a walk away from the convention centre? I've got you covered.
WorldCon 2024 Survival Guideheathervalentinewriting.com A guide for Worldcon Glasgow 2024 attendees, including directions to nearby groceries, pharmacies, and food options.
Sheree Renee Thomas has entered the chat. Come get some future. www.kickstarter.com/projects/mvm...
Violet Affleck: "To confront the Long COVID crisis I demand mask availability, air filtration and far-UVC light in government facilities, including jails and detention centers and mask mandates in county medical facilities. And most importantly, the county must oppose mask bans for any reason." 🔥🔥🔥
Violet Affleck made a public comment opposing the proposed mask ban in #LosAngeles! 🔥 #LA #healthyoutube.com
7 years ago a dozen people showed up to do a 2-mile walk through a Minneapolis neighborhood and check out the cats peeking out their windows. Hundreds of people now attend and it's a thing. [gift link] wapo.st/3VSQ51h
My laptop died this morning. I’ll be taking it to a business that specializes in revenants. (It seems worth a shot as it’s only 2 years old.) One way or the other, I’m going to be limping along for a few days. My apologies for any slow responses. It may take me a beat.
This story instantly disarmed and then completely wrecked me. It pushed all my lapsed Catholic / pseudopagan / #landback / anticolonial / Latin American magic realist buttons at once
So much has happened this year and last year as well. I’ve been muscling through it all, and now when I’m finally taking my first breath, I feel low. I think I need a retreat.
doing marketing as small press is weird cuz it’s like heyyyy if you love us and want us to stick around pretty please buy this $9 ebook we poured our entire selves into to get it to publication, nbd, just feeling existential lol anyway PLEASE BUY THIS $9 EBOOK!!!! psychopomp.com/lovely-creat...
Dead is the only age that's too late to start being an author.
If you feel so inclined, and you’d like to do something in Pele’s honor, we are opening up our fundraising pages for the upcoming Romancing the Vote: contributions are split between Fair Fight and VoteRiders.
Poking around on the interwebs, ran across someone complaining that these writers today are shoehorning fanfic tropes into their work cause they think it's cool and marketable and I'm like, my fellow child of the universe, the kids are growing up on fanfic. They cut their writing teeth on AO3.
The whole "you have to write every day to be a writer" is ableist as hell. Not everyone has that kind of time, not everyone has that kind of energy. Whoever came up with that clearly has spent less time than me curled up on the bathroom floor. You're a writer if you write. The end.
Here’s a good basic script to call your reps. Don’t ask me if you should call because XYZ or who do you call if you’re in a non-represented territory, I’m not Google I’m just a stranger on the internet trying to exert a sense of control over our disintegrating democracy.
"I'm calling to express my concern about the close association Justices Thomas and Alito have to the Jan 6 insurrection. As your constituent, I ask you to call for the Senate to investigate whether Thomas and Alito should recuse or even resign. We cannot have insurrectionist judges on the bench."
I'm looking for authors and author-wannabes of Middle Eastern heritage. By Middle Eastern I mean huge swathes of territory including Palestine, Egypt, Iraq--not even just one continent, right? And in re: heritage I'm talking both homebodies and diasporans. It's for a Middle Grade deal.
We were on our way to adding two more stories with our 3rd stretch goal when the Kickstarter ended, which feels like a real missed opportunity. So we're running what I'm calling the Fifty in Fifty campaign.
It’s been *a day* but I wanted to share the preorder store link for those who somehow missed the kickstarter or wanted to share the info. I really appreciate everyone’s enthusiasm! For those who already backed STORYTELLER, backer survey coming soon! tanith-lee-tribute.backerkit.com/hosted_preor...
Pre-order Storyteller: A Tanith Lee Tribute Anthology on BackerKittanith-lee-tribute.backerkit.com Influenced & Inspired. New stories by Terri Windling, Martha Wells, Nisi Shawl, Theodora Goss, C.S.E. Cooney & more.
loading the washing machine and thinking "WET THE DRYS", loading the dryer an hour later and thinking "DRY THE WETS"