tinavstammy.bsky.social follows

J6 failed so Putin is trying again.
Elon wants government ID for his Twitter audience.
He can keep it.
Boise, ID born & raised — back after time in DC.
Jimmy  (Ø)  Jim  (Ø) James
Jimmy (Ø) Jim (Ø) James
Social Artist
TTRPG Class Identifier
TTRPG Class Identifier
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1) reroll your class (only 2 chances)
@bskyttrpg.bsky.social reroll
2) see your stats (wip)
@bskyttrpg.bsky.social stats
3) duel players (wip)
@bskyttrpg.bsky.social duel
Ryan Nagelhout
Ryan Nagelhout
Education writer. Buffalo sports podcaster/writer. DroughtCast guy. Just happy to be here.
Art historian and cat lover. Call Sign: Red Leader
Blakey French
Blakey French
Field philosopher (nascent) enquiring amongst folk gathering wild food (or not) in Connemara & Trondelag; seaweed & berries. #lostness #doubt #degrowth
David Ambaras
David Ambaras
Historian. Author, Japan's Imperial Underworlds: Intimate Encounters At the Borders of Empire (2018), Bad Youth: Juvenile Delinquency and the Politics of Everyday Life in Modern Japan (2006). Co-director, https://bodiesandstructures.org. Also shitposts.
Good Authority
Good Authority
Good Authority's mission is to bring insights from political science to a broader audience. https://goodauthority.org
Andrew Rudalevige
Andrew Rudalevige
Bowdoin College professor of political science visiting at LSE and UCL in 2023-24: feed includes posts on presidential power, bureaucratic politics, and carping about Boston sports and European football.
Cosmos Mariner
Cosmos Mariner
Liberal lover of history, classic movies, guitars, and old stuff in general. Self X-iled. Compulsive live-tweeter: #TCMParty #BMovieManiacs, etc.
Myandra, Graceless Lady and Proud of it.
Myandra, Graceless Lady and Proud of it.
Writer, thinker, artist, music player, eternal child. Sarcastic, Sweet, AF Dem Blue 🇺🇦 🌊🌊🌊 🟦
Anomalous Smutmuffin Enigma
Expert apple eater. Rain jacket enjoyer. Let people Vote and Read. School lunches should be free/women should have autonomy. Support small media. #NoCutsToLibraries. Basic shit.
John Brown stan account
John Brown stan account
Liberal democracy, like all systems of government, is propped up by an implicit threat of violence
Greg Pak
Greg Pak
Rhymes with "rock." Get vaxxed and call your reps. Generative "A.I." is unethical trash. Comics writer, photographer. Darth Vader, Lawful, Lilo & Stitch, Planet Hulk, 35mm Love Letter. #BelieveInFilm He/him. gregpak.com gregpak.net gregpakshop.com
Jay Friedman
Jay Friedman
Screenwriter, Artist, and Human. Rarely all three at once. (Hollywood, CA - The Paris of Hell)
Edward the Movie Buff
Edward the Movie Buff
A librarian with a great love for the wonderful world of the cinema! Trivia and photos all about movies, television and pop culture will be posted here. No HATE, only LOVE here on my account!
Editor, Writer, Curriculum Developer; Chicagoan from Texas; mom to high school kid; valet to and feeder of cats; admirer and petter of dogs; very reliable voter who thinks Biden has been a solid president, actually.
Fact-based Communicator and Storyteller. https://www.amyalexanderink.com/
Literally an NPC. Abnzg. Beach bum, history nerd, gamer, grower of chilli peppers, rescuer of bees, occasional writer. Brown, Ngāi Tahu/Ngāti Whakaue/Tainui, on Kaurna land. Apparently I also compose music for podcasts.
Geology is my life, baking is my passion… political junkie.
Clem H. Fandango
Clem H. Fandango
He/Him. Livvin. Writes. Member of SURJ. Anti fascist. “Dreams unwind... love’s a state of mind.”
Fred Coppersmith
Fred Coppersmith
Writer, editor, just this guy. Occasional stories: https://www.unreality.net/writings. I also publish the quarterly zine Kaleidotrope. (He/him.) 😷
Her Mentality
Her Mentality
drummer, design/print. infp. trust your gut. she/her ♈︎ ♏︎ ♉︎
EL País  Unofficial
EL País Unofficial
Unofficial El Pais news updates from the world’s leading Spanish-language daily


🆘 https://bsky.app/profile/skyfleet.blue
Hels Babs
Hels Babs
Inverness Dweller
Nature Lover
Bird Liker
Chris Gaines
Chris Gaines
Chairman Goa Tse-tung
Chairman Goa Tse-tung
these are some pictures i took. please don't put in the newspaper that i got mad

everything's on a Fuji X-T4 unless stated otherwise i'm tired of putting that in the description. some straight out of camera, some edited. chaos reigns
Hammertime Again
Hammertime Again
🎶It's HammerTime: New Joizy Ex-Prof.#Musician-#Drummer/#Producer🥁🎶❤️🇸🇪☮️ 🇺🇸 #resist 💙: I F/Back: #Bluecrew, old Deadhead, #MS is real,Get #vaxxed💉🎶🟧
venmo to help my elderly cat with hyperthyroidism and kidney failure https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3928058205571118340

She/her cis & twifucker so you might have a chance

Pokémon Go trainer account: 6789 8103 8337
Bret the beer snob 🍻
Bret the beer snob 🍻
Sartorial, sarcastic, sardonic wrangler of 0s and 1s

Far left atheist Software Architect, Open Source evangelist, Linux geek, brewer of massive beers (huge ABV, super hoppy, scorpion pepper, etc), chief cook and bottle washer around here.

Wasting my potential since 1969
Hank G
Hank G
Account bridged over to the fediverse via Friendica at: https://friendica.myportal.social/profile/hankg/
Boomer NV
Boomer NV
No one of consequence.
11 published books. 5°. Zero F's
Podcaster. USAF & Nevada Alum
Writer Me @JT_Hume

Greatest Game: 11/2/2016 🖖
Paul Carter
Paul Carter
Seeker of knowledge and other trivia. Interested in general. Liberal gardener freak. In iowa from Colorado. Be nice!!
Radley Balko
Radley Balko
Journalist. Author of Rise of the Warrior Cop. Co-author of The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist.

Substack: radleybalko.substack.com
Sam Ulmschneider
Sam Ulmschneider
Teacher at Maggie L Walker, all views my own not the school's / Constitutional law, poli sci, political theory, US history / husband / cat person / strategy gamer / Madisonian / Lincolnite
Discontinued Foods!
Discontinued Foods!
Your home for all those culinary delights, anomalies, and misfires that live on only in our memories...You may know me from Twitter, trying things out here now, too!
Sarah Parcak, Book Writing Madness
Sarah Parcak, Book Writing Madness
Professor, Archaeologist, Egyptologist, Award-winning writer of books, Dad joke lover, mom, rabble-rouser writer of Future of Our Past newsletter. Owned by cats.
https://sarahparcak.substack.com she/her
An infinite amount of smut squares
An infinite amount of smut squares
Geek, knitter, cheerful perv, bookslut. Casual peacock and part-time magpie. They/he/she, floating pronouns, not fixed. A major threat to the jet set
Dan "Toothpick" Shick
Dan "Toothpick" Shick
would rather be on the fediverse but you folks just WON'T

buy my novel:


then read and rate it:


have stuff you want to say anonymously?

Former perpetual wanderer, currently stationary. Probably further north than you.
Wildlife photographer (they/them)
The Dark Side of the Posts is a pathway to many replies some consider to be unnatural. This medicine can’t fix stab. Not a real doctor (or Sith Lord).
Mike Masnick
Mike Masnick
Techdirt guy. Sometimes I write about protocols. Sometimes about social media, copyright, free speech, content moderation, civil liberties and stuff like that. Once wrote a paper that may have helped inspire this service: https://bit.ly/protocolnotplatform
I like coffee, my cats, and maybe 4 people 🇳🇱

No longer wondering how it happened in Germany

(Profile pic: De Kat, Bart van der Leck, 1914)
Adam Bonin
Adam Bonin
Philadelphia-based 91st Most Powerful Lawyer in Pennsylvania (City and State PA, 2023) specializing in political law. Opinions are mine alone.
National Center for Science Education
National Center for Science Education
The National Center for Science Education defends and supports accurate science education, free from ideological interference.
Gregg McLennan
Gregg McLennan
Doom scroller, shit poaster, wife guy, meal maker, wearer of boxers and occasional weaver of molten metals.
Michael Everett
Michael Everett
In another life I was a purveyor of books. Now I write them. I also manage the website of @michaelwhelan.bsky.social (including original art sales & social media).