Too Big to Fail

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Too Big to Fail

New Yorker, union activist, employment lawyer, dad, generational trauma ender. He/him.
... OK if this happens, then we deserve Trump. This country deserves its eternal damnation.
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
They can't even accept a Windows- formatted floppy disc; not sure what good they are.
If somebody offers you a choice between a giant weevil and a tiny weevil, you gotta go with the big one, right? How could you choose the lesser of two weevils?
I'd probably just go with "Lord John Russell" and "Two Buck Chuck."
This has been the plan for years, although I don't know if any people actually were sent there. Initially it was blocked because Rwanda was found to be an unsafe country to send refugees to, so they changed the law to call Rwanda safe.
UK passes bill to send asylum seekers to Lawyers prepare for legal battles on behalf of individual asylum seekers challenging removal to east Africa
Sure, but when crosstabs are absolutely nonsensical and they only had a 1% response rate, it's pretty clear that the poll is telling you more about the types of people who answer phone calls from unknown numbers than about the state of the electorate.
For years, Sunak's plan has been to send all undocumented migrants who show up in the UK, wherever they come from, to Rwanda.
There are absolutely no circumstances under which I would ever care about the proper titles for the UK Prime Minister, very much including speaking to him face- to- face.
I think it's very telling that every photo of every President shows that the job aged them incredibly... except Trump, because he didn't actually do the job.
Especially the ones with metal blades
People who can't walk can't be President, as FDR famously showed.
She went after Bill Clinton in 2017, saying he should have resigned over Lewinski. Cause a big rift with her and Hillary Clinton.
Patrick Leahy was in the Senate from 1975 to 2023, and most people from states other than Vermont never heard of him.
Yeah, she'll be one of those people who eventually you'll realize has been in the Senate for 40 years even though you can't name a signature issue that they've had any real impact on.
She's up for re-election this year! Gillibrand's problem is that she came up as Hillary Clinton's protegee, which gave her some big coattails, but when she decided to start going after high-profile Democrats for sexual harassment (Franken, Cuomo, Bill Clinton) she became a bit of a persona non grata
Which... isn't great! But right now she's just a Senator who'll always win re-election but will never be a party leader, which is... more than I've done with my life.
I literally said going in to the 2020 primary "I don't know who I'm going to support, but whoever they are, they're going to be under 70 years old." Which turned into a cosmic joke when the last candidates standing were Biden (77), Sanders (78), Bloomberg (78), Warren (71), and... Buttigieg.
Three things that are true: 1) I did not support Biden in the 2020 primary 2) I thought Biden looked like a reanimated corpse at the debate 3) I have every confidence that he is fully capable of being President, and the New York Times and other outlets are fucking him to goose readership
I am just Some Guy but it definitely has compelled me to get way more vocally supportive of Biden in defense, just because of how obvious it is that this is ratfuckery from the bad guys and their painfully stupid patsies in the press
Who did I support in the 2020 primary, you ask? Although I was not excited about it, I was certain the eventual nominee would be Kirsten Gillibrand, because I am very dumb.
A bunch of them promised to be one-term Presidents and I really don't have any idea as to why.
He looked perfectly fine speaking in public at his rally in North Carolina Friday afternoon and in the White House Monday night.
VP's who tried to run for election after the President's term was up: Al Gore, 2000, lost general Richard Nixon, 1960, lost general Alben Barkley, 1952, lost primary Thomas Marshall, 1920, lost primary Adlai Stevenson (not that one), 1896, lost primary John Breckenridge, 1860, lost general
The last time a VP won after their President's term was up was George H.W. Bush, and the time before that was Martin Van Buren after Andrew Jackson's term was up (both one-term Presidents, incidentally).
When 99% of the people you try to contact don't respond, doesn't the poll result say more about the type of people who respond to polls than it does about the electorate as a whole? Like, what are we even doing at this point?
Judges are technically elected here in New York; in reality, political parties and the court system sit down and agree on slates of candidates who run unopposed.