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Software Engineer, 1A student, follower of #lawtwitter, asker of all the wrong question - he/him/that
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It's like everyone forgot Dobbs in the last month. I know a lot of pundits don't think it's still a big deal. I vehemently disagree.
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Like, it really is as bad as folks are saying it is. It's internally inconsistent, it misapplies its own rules, it mixes up different areas of constitutional law in novel and profoundly misleading ways, it is ahistorical, and comes to a conclusion directly refuted by the text of the constitution
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Naturally, they didn’t get much media attention outside of the LGBT press, even though every fucking tweet JKR posts gets an article written about it. But you can help spread the word. Tell your friends:
Anyway fuck him. Party politics as a means to achieving gains for trans people appears to be over, for the time being. But I’m not despairing - those young trans people who protested at NHS England were really inspiring. Immensely proud of them.
Teenage trans activists scale NHS England London HQ as protest enters third Stonewall co-founder Lisa Power reacts: “It’s good to see young people taking direct action against injustice” The post Teenage trans activists scale NHS England London HQ as protest enters third day ...
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the U.S. press' refusal to clearly inform the electorate the modern GOP is an utterly destructive, valueless cancer is among the biggest ethical and journalistic failures in modern human history happy holidays!
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TERRIFYING to think about the ramifications of this ruling. For the 1st time in my life in this country, I’m truly terrified. These reactionary thugs have created a law-free, liability-free, consequence-free zone around the president to do whatever the hell he wants as long as it’s an official act.
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The central thesis of the case here is just ... wrong. That's not the crux of the dispute. USG always always always maintained official acts are immune and non-official acts are not. That's the easy bit. The hard bit is deciding if an act is official, and SCOTUS just punts on that actual core
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LA people I need you to flood the mayor’s office with feedback on this because that is some grade-A bullshit
Karen Bass just announced that LA is looking into a mask ban and it is a move that would essentially ban me from public life. I am humbly asking, if you are an LA resident, please call the mayors office and tell them about what it would do to those of us who have no choice but to mask for health.
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"ShotSpotter, a system the Police Department uses to detect gunfire, is overwhelmingly inaccurate and leads officers to spend hundreds of hours each month investigating nonexistent shots, according to an audit the New York City comptroller released Thursday."
Gunshot Detection System Wastes N.Y.P.D. Officers’ Time, Audit In June of last year, only 13 percent of ShotSpotter alerts were actually gunfire, according to Comptroller Brad Lander.
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Hi! The Onion is bringing back our Writing Fellowship. The fellowship has produced some of the biggest names in comedy, at The Onion and elsewhere. It was a casualty private equity. We are reviving it. The program is six months long and includes health insurance.
The Onion Fellowship at The Onion
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"With the help of a research assistant, I reached out to every union drive that went public in 2022...BLM was the (non-union) movement influence that was most widely cited by those workers who initiated union drives in 2022."
Can Anti-Racism Spur Labor Organizing? My survey findings on BLM's impact on the current unionization uptick
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Our UW team has been doing both slow and rapid research on online rumors and disinformation campaigns for over a decade (and rapid research on crisis events prior to that), and that work will continue. We have a ~20 person team assembled for 2024.
The Center for an Informed Public’s election research in Following our pathbreaking work in 2020 and 2022, CIP researchers continue to conduct “rapid research” identifying and analyzing rumors about U.S. election administration to support both informatio…
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Republicans have effectively criminalized studying how information moves on the internet at the request of a handful of billionaires and racists. I was writing a book about this, but went and did some other thing. If someone wants my notes or wants to talk to me about who to talk to, let me know.
There's no paywall to this WaPo article detailing how Jim Jordan, Steven Miller, and their pals succeeded in shutting down Stanford's research into online disinformation.
Stanford’s top disinformation research group collapses under The Stanford Internet Observatory provided real-time analysis on viral election falsehoods, but has struggled amid attacks from conservative politicians and activists.
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Discworld QOTD, from Small Gods “It's hard to explain," said Brutha. "But I think it's got something to do with how people should behave... you should do things because they're right. Not because gods say so. They might say something different another time.”
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The logical inference is that Calvin Ball was also originally a game where all players were given the final score ahead of time, with moral judgment pronounced upon them for their place in the standings.
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This. What the fuck are they going to do with all that money anyway, once they've destroyed civilisation? Tax them now, while we still have a chance of rescuing something from the ashes they created.
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This is a really good article that encapsulates a lot of my frustration with cis people and the passage of anti-trans laws - a lot of cis people will make the minimal effort to say they support us online but not ever even email their state reps to demand protections for trans people.
This is not an article about epoxy river tables. I mean, it is. But it's not. But it is. Or maybe it isn't.
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This week, the Wall Street Journal opinion section published an op-ed about our tax coverage. We don't typically comment on our newsgathering process, but this opinion essay has factual errors in the headline and in the essay that should be corrected. We've submitted this to their editors:
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If there's one thing that generative AI Training demonstrates, it is how vulnerable Creative Commons licensing - and other open source licenses - left small creators. And how thoroughly it has stacked the deck in favor of the large content creators. Thread: 🧵⚖️
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The abuse of public records to attack researchers, a thread: On Tuesday morning of this week (May 21), Matt Taibbi began to send me a series of messages requesting my response to a series of leading questions about public records that he planned to publish as part of an upcoming series of articles.
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They're trying to sneak KOSA into must-pass legislation because they know it's a shitty bill that will censor the internet. I know we're all tired, but *please* call your reps again and ask them to put a stop to this terrible bill!
The dangerous Kids Online Safety Act now has a House version, and some lawmakers are seeking to attach the bill to must-pass legislation. Legislation of this magnitude deserves to pass—or fail—on its own merits.
The U.S. House Version of KOSA: Still a Censorship A companion bill to the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) was introduced in the House last month. Despite minor changes, it suffers from the same fundamental flaws as its Senate counterpart. At its core,
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Today's newsletter: Career managers and like Adam Mosseri and Sam Altman have become rich and famous by bulldozing actual builders - and how Altman in particular is a toxic, absentee founder that people have been trying to fire for over a decade.
Managing Over the last two newsletters (three, if you include my reply to Google’s “rebuttal” of the Prabhakar Raghavan newsletter), I’ve made the case that while rot economics are responsible for making techn...
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Today's newsletter is the story of how Prabhakar Raghavan, Google's former head of ads - led a coup so that he could run Google Search, and how an email chain from 2019 began a cascade of events that would lead to him running it into the ground.
The Man Who Killed Google This is the story of how Google Search died, and the people responsible for killing it. The story begins on February 5th 2019, when Ben Gomes, Google’s head of search, had a problem. Jerry Dischler, ...
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Reason why I hate cities number 5001. Tickets for stupid car things, like not putting the registration sticker on your plate because it's been raining for a week straight. I got the sticker, it's in my car, just need to go into the city before the rain let up for a day.
Reposted byAvatar TripWar
So I had a friend dying in the hospital last week which was really devastating after all these other deaths, but now there's a twist. The hospital told his family he had no brain activity and that it was time to take him off life support. Everyone came to the hospital to say their goodbyes.