K. Chen

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K. Chen


Heartless humanist, unmovable automaton, fount of terrifying knowledge and purveyor of Collegey Velveteen Discourse. Insightful and painful enough to be the germ of something really excellent. @tznkai on Twitter and elsewhere
Sometimes it's too late even for that to your detriment.
As a general rule assume your provider means the latter even if they state the former. It's your clock they're running down not theirs, and they have a backstop if insurance doesn't pay it: you.
Dear Walgreens: "We're arguing with your insurance" is one message. "Your insurance will not approve that, and we know it" is another message. One of them requests my patience, the other my action.
Proof undersold this, trust and verify.
A few years ago I was at a buffet with work and my, for wont of a better term, insane coworker was sitting with me. We were swapping overeating stories at a buffet, like you do, and I was treated to one of the most incredible examples of ageism I have ever personally witnessed, strap in
I know nothing about this!
Is this the cinnamon thing?
I tend to avoid playing female characters when playing in RPG campaigns because there's lots of ways for me to fuck it up, even as I play dwarves or elves or whatever. One shots or GMing is another thing entirely.
I agree, the bluff is to reify the truth in that sense.
Yeah, but they may want everyone to think they do so Biden will fold or whatever.
NYT's behavior is consistent with them having an agenda it's also consistent with them thinking they have something, but it's not consistent with them having the goods.
I'm glad you're all having fun with the ttrpg app but I need a way to suppress it from my feed
There can be genuine security problems, technologies that aren't EoL that are embedded in the code, I'm sure someone more technical than me can come up with something
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unrelated but this is probably mine
I suppose the alternative would be to force companies to refund money based on the advertised lifetime of the physical product if they refuse to continue at least security/version updates.
Some Mafia Don's failson orders a hit, gets scammed, his crew of hapless idiots faces off against the crew of hapless idiots running the site, everyone gets arrested in the end. Hrm might actually be pretty screwball
"it's the perfect scam Bill! Anyone dumb enough to fall for it is too dumb to do anything to us" cut to the dumbest most connected criminal
It's rare you find such an easy way to make someone so happy with themselves and having it cost you nothing.
I'd QT but I followed my own advice immediately and blocked him.
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It feels like both Hamas and Bibi are trying to do the whole Lucy/Charlie Brown thing with the football, but no one’s sure who supposed to be Charlie Brown and who’s supposed to be Lucy.
This is 1. not breaking news and 2. conspicuously missing anonymous sources speaking on background with regards to the doctor's visit.
Breaking News: A Parkinson’s expert visited the White House eight times in eight months from last summer through this spring, according to official visitor logs. The administration has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease.
Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight Monthswww.nytimes.com The White House has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease and that there has been no reason to update the most recent testing, conducted in February.
Look if Biden is meeting with a Parkinson's expert for evaluation that's real news. But this isn't saying that, it's waggling eyebrows suggestively while torturing math.
Remember when I said people had the unstated assumption about the polls missing Trump support by 5 points?
I feel like too many people on here are not facing the facts about the extremely desperate and dismal electoral situation Biden is in. If you just take the states where Trump is up MORE THAN THREE POINTS in the polling average (a massive lead), he's already got the Electoral College locked.
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New study: How the relationship between education and antisemitism varies between countries journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/... Key finding: Association b/w education & stereotype endorsement varies by whether countries supported statements against Holocaust denial & antisemitism 🧵 below
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IDF's Central Command Commander (responsible for the WB), MG Yehuda Fox retires today after years of clashes with settlers. In his retirement speech which is already drawing settler fire, he attacked violent settlers and spoke of cooperation with the PA as key Israeli security interest. 1/2
Outgoing IDF West Bank commander slams settler leaders for failing to rein in violencewww.timesofisrael.com * * *
Very good speakers. Very proud to have been part of their education, even in a limited way judging maybe a dozen rounds over their high school career. I would not trust them to run the country just because they talked fast good.