Unkle Yuk πŸ¦†πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

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Unkle Yuk πŸ¦†πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„


Here we are now
JD Vance going from 'Trump is America's Hitler and that's why I oppose him' to 'Trump is America's Hitler and that's why I'm running to be his Vice President' -- truly, what an arc
Guys. Why can’t we look past the evil?
New York Times is full of crap on any given day, but today especially. Even the bed bugs dude chimed in.
Decade after decade of stochastic terror, gun rights fervor, & the foment of conspiratorial thinking by, from, on, & within the right, & yet it's somehow DEMOCRATS & the LEFT who need to "calm things down" or "lower the temperature?" Nah son. We *been* calm, and quite fucking cool and collected. …
TRUMP: I'm going to be a dictator on day one DEMOCRATS: Trump wants to be a dictator! REPUBLICANS: Hysterical Dems are endangering Trump by saying he wants to be a dictator
And as for every election, ever: Whenever I'm feeling shitty, I tend to look at southern black volunteers and how they're doing. The answer is pretty much always: "Working hard as hell to save the rest of us from the other side's bullshit and a good bit of our own." An example to live by.
living in this country is like being awake on the table
I feel like I'm living in a weird simulation built by a teenage troll with moderate to severe brain damage
Is Thurl Ravenscroft the raddest fucking name of all time? Uh yeah. Duh.
weird how the country that rejected the hatchback and cast it into the Lake of Fire embraced pickup trucks with beds the size of a sock drawer
I dunno, I'm not fixing the fuckin tire for a guy that thinks my kid oughta die because he might like guys instead of gals, and I'm not gonna shovel the walk of the gal that thinks I oughta have my citizenship revoked because I don't worship her imaginary absentee daddy. Fuck that noise.
β€œI never thought the leopards would eat my face” says man that signed legislation making face-eating easier
Progressive values and Democrats are not responsible for this violence. There is no both sides here. Violent rhetoric is the bread and butter of modern extreme conservatism. And lax gun laws put a semiautomatic rifle in the hands of a gunman.
There’s a presidential candidate who organized a coup on live TV and was recently convicted of dozens of felonies for something entirely separate, and the political system is demanding his opponent step down.
the Dem caucus is ridiculous this one by one stuff is just dragging this out for weeks and doing more damage to the entire party just figure it the fuck out, guys sit down, do a secret ballot vote, decide if you're going to call for Biden to step down with a united front or not stop this
Turn out Democrats, and you win this election. Galaxy brain strategists: What if we depress the shit out of Democrats by having a giant freak out while simultaneously telling them we are powerless to fix any problems without a 100 Dem Senate?
Getting 10+ emails a day asking me β€œare you still voting for Biden?” is instilling all kinds of confidence in our chances in November.
The New York times literally running the 14 words in a piece on the print edition main page. β€œactually they just want to reclaim the values of Western civilization as they see it … with larger families and fewer immigrants” is a mainstreamed version of the 14 words. TNYT is back to its Nazi defense
It comforts me to know that the cyber”truck” is built exactly as cheesy as it looks. At least one thing in life makes sense.
I for one am glad the Cybertruck exists bc what other vehicle is out there providing nonstop hits like this
genuinely hopeful sign that every big name GOP garbage monster is frantically trying to distance themselves from Project Say The Quiet Part Loud In an Easily-Digestible Bullet Point Format About Which There Can Be No Confusion. this means we should all absolutely continue never shutting up about it
Nothing like a heat wave to learn the AC is broken
All this kid’s memories will be sepia toned
this is so depressing i thought it was a joke at first and i am aghast to realize it is not
Don't forget the Sharpie.