Sara Manns

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Sara Manns

Your family deserves health care freedom. Roots in Ohio, branches where the sagebrush grows. What didn't kill me made me furious. Display pic: my face smiling because I’m out in the woods. profile pic: mural of Article 2 of the UN Convention on Genocide
I’m getting there too These are the worst people we have, being amplified by horse race stenographers, to raise ratings. Act serious dammit.
I watched a debate that had a bad performance by the better candidate for 21 min followed by an hour of the other guy being deranged. Trump has been quiet all week. What does that tell you about the effects of the debate?
The results in the second UK constituency, Blyth & Ashington, show the same pattern as in the first: Labour 50% (+2 points from 2019) Reform 27% (+18) Conservative 15% (-18)
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Happy disability pride month!
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
When do the smart people demanding a new candidate start attending to the primary issue created by replacing the current president: that our nation’s editorial boards are not the opposing party, which is led by a bully & filled with authoritarians? Do they expect that the GOP response will help win?
Do they not realize that Trump is not going to debate the replacement? He will claim they didn’t win the primary and are illegitimate. We will be furious, the right will laugh their asses off at us, and we will be able to do absolutely nothing. This is grade school gaming out of Trump.
/2 it’s inexplicable this is not accounted for in their fantasy baseball advice. What valid, realistic and logical attacks open up on a party & candidate who arrived at July 4 with a wounded leader? Last Minute Gretch, or whoever, may well lose to a better known evil.
Reposted byAvatar Sara Manns
On this July 4, please pause to remember that one of the colonists’ complaints in the Declaration was that the Crown was paying its judges.
Reposted byAvatar Sara Manns
A friend just compared the press freak out over Biden to “reading a quant paper and realizing there’s no method” and that’s sticking with me more than it maybe should
I get that. Also, no longer a regular for that reason.
Any chance you posted this somewhere so I can share it more easily? Explains a lot better than I have…many tho gs.
Exactly My only concern is that the campaign to end Trump won’t have the coattails of a change campaign Which would be great if we could have it-uses the momentum from abortion rights voters
With you 2/3 of the way: a negative campaign focusing on how awful Trump is will predictably drive down turnout. It’s a lot easier to get that 15% to not vote at all in disgust than get them to vote against or for something. Which is a disaster for otherwise winnable state house races.
Happy Gettysburg Day, aka the Fourth of July. Celebrate freedom fighters who believed in the ideals of the Declaration!
There are strange accents and strange religions and many who do not speak English at all. Nothing like this army has been seen upon this planet. It is a collection of men from many different places who have seen much defeat and many commanders." 3/
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Reposted byAvatar Sara Manns
just watched 74 people speaking at least a dozen different languages become american citizens in a ceremony at monticello, where the speakers were themselves children of immigrants. inspiring stuff and a vivid illustration of what reactionaries want to snuff out
Wow I too have been trying to stop thinking of Berlin Diaries all week. For some reason Grants Pass made me jump ahead 3 spaces to wow they’re really going to make it legal to outlaw people being in the wrong place along with the President being above the law, huh, a lot of this Deport Them talk too
Reposted byAvatar Sara Manns
I think it’s telling that if you search “Trump AND rape” on the New York Times website you don’t get a single article mentioning the E. Jean Carroll case but if you search “Biden AND old” you get 18,026 hits.
latest trump child rape accusation is uh pretty fucking bad and also not surprising
Friend, I cannot read what you’re responding to because I blocked whoever posted it in his/her previous episode(s) of antisocial nonsense. Not telling anyone what to do but it’s possible I’m happier for it.
If you’re fast and extremely clumsy you can put your eye out, which is also a kind of burn and a kind of puncture wound I have 27 cousins & am from a rural area, seen some things
Reposted byAvatar Sara Manns
Also, "really rich people don't like Biden that much b/c he's governed too far to the left of where they are, and maybe by this point they'll just take Trump for the tax cut" is a better explanation than that this guy is telling the truth. This also explains the NYT's angle.
This. Rich people are not necessarily smart so they may not understand that tax cuts in a Russian style kleptocracy are not as good for their family’s bottom line as paying 1960 tax rates on predictable income from capital investments. The math doesn’t even work but they don’t all know this.
I think that drink’s government name is Bathtub Gin. By all appearances. I bet it’s delicious.
I was surprised we got through June TBH
pretty strong vote of confidence there for the next PM, what if Starmer has Liz Truss staying power?
so true you cannot beat the Wichita Wind Surge/Tumba Vacas to take your mind off of things you cannot change
If we can pick up control of committees & even a 1 vote majority, Arizona can be dragged kicking & screaming into the 21st century. Remember y'all, you can't spell 'crazy' without R-AZ.
I hate Glendale also but had the best canvassing exp of 2016 there. I'm holding my umbrella, on outside steps in the sun, 97F, 3rd fl apartment, asking a lovely young femme person whose govt ID & voter reg says 'Steven Lastname' if she wants someone to go w/her to the polls. Script: This is your /1
/2 voting location. If you're not comfortable going there, we can send a volunteer to walk in with you. I'm sweating, in my cargo shorts, 2nd deg sunburn, my feet are visibly sore. She say, not unkindly: Sweetie, I have never in all my queer life been as uncomfortable as you look right now. Fair.