Zac - Bad Giant

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Zac - Bad Giant

I'm mostly here to geek about my special interests. I believe in a world where everyone has their needs met. He/Him
Elden Ring should have unlockable characters like the NFL Street games where a health bar pops up and it’s Xzibit or Fred Durst
this strikes me as being the same as not wanting to hang out with the weed man when he stops smoking. Without a safe way to get their supply the church is like, "fuck it, there's no point."
grooming industrial complex in shambles
pvp is heartwarming. you’d think people would be rude, but everyone lets you suck their nuts when you die
I don't even believe in Earth. You can't get me to touch grass because it's a computer. The moon is made of bitcoin.
round earther
idk it just seems to me that laws, like tech, should be created with the question "what would the worst person i know be able to do with this power" in mind and it's truly incredible how much this opinion fails at that basic task
John Roberts must be the most neurotypical person in existence because the immunity ruling reads like someone who has never had a single “but what if…???” anxiety spiral in his life
I bet whoever owns Kavanaugh bought him really cheap beer over this week.
What is with these lion headed asgardian motherfuckers in Enir Ilim? How many times do I need to be minding my own business lookin' for Scadutree fragments & be killed by an Extreme Weather Sword?
The Furnace Golems in Elden Ring don't like cold. I was hitting one with Adula's Moonblade, and when the cold status built up to do burst damage it makes the golem flinch. But then the golem burns the cold status away, meaning you can build it right back up for another flinch immediately.
The Furnace Golems in Elden Ring don't like cold. I was hitting one with Adula's Moonblade, and when the cold status built up to do burst damage it makes the golem flinch. But then the golem burns the cold status away, meaning you can build it right back up for another flinch immediately.
Remember when Lance Bass voiced Sephiroth? Should’ve brought that back for Remake and Rebirth
Oh wow. This person gets it.
Most martial arts styles are the equivalent of getting a specialized degree in something. In their original context, there was an assumption that you would have significant amounts of basic training before focusing on a specific style.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
This mosquito kept buzzing around my lips and pissing me off so on the fourth time I just ate it. I'm a literal giant you idiot what did you think would happen??
I’m gonna need folks to stop trying to will a Final Fantasy 9 remake into existence. It doesn’t need it. You just need to fix Tetra Master but that’s it. It’s fine.
applying for jobs like "we're looking for a guy named Jeremy Kaplowitz who lives in Brooklyn" and not getting a first round interview
if you want to go to a real fucked up party and do the most depraved shit you have ever understood the human animal to be capable of you gotta ask a senator. Satanists are playing board games and going to the botanical garden.
JRPG, level 1: I'm just a boy that likes to climb trees! JRPG, level 99: If I cannot reach the top of the World Tree by the decree of God, then God must die.
I could never swallow my pride and create another Twitter account.
Pulling my sleep mask over my eyes like I'm Satoru Gojo.
One of my all time favorite battle deaths in movies was in X2. Wolverine jams an injector for liquid adamantium into Lady Deathstrike. When she falls into the water you hear a metallic clink when her head hits the bottom.
The word 'cromulent' is so good. It is a very icky sounding way to day something is just fine.
*Farnsworth voice* good news everybody
Twitter became actively distressing and was causing significant harm so I couldn't do it anymore but it absolutely sucks to learn people can only be arsed with you if you're right in front of them
Aah, legs. The pants of the skeleton.
When we talk about "taxing rich people" there's folks who think we're talking about Aunt Edna who has the second summer home. The astronomical levels of "rich" that now exist are almost unfathomable to people. It's the stuff of vast empirical dynasties. We're talking about taxing emperors.
The ultra-wealthy will often take whole fleets of cars with them when they travel, loading vehicles, along with motorbikes and other toys, onto chartered cargo aircraft that follow their private jets. This is how they do it:
I'm gonna have to figure out more custom feeds because the discovery algorithm seems to be flooded with role-play accounts begging for followers
If I give you unsolicited video game advice it's just because I'm excited, if you tell me to buzz off I'll understand.
I love Final Bar Line but I feel like it's JUST shy of being definitive. 1) needs CC's Adventure Mode for endgame fun 2) weird choices for which parts of longer songs are in 3) extremely mid FFXIV selection 4) needs more DLC
never really bought the Doctor/River storyline (mostly because it ignores River being groomed to be obsessed with him since she was a baby in typical Moff being weird about women style), but Husbands of River Song was an amazing ending for it