Crooked Emily

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Crooked Emily

Weird horse girl, YIYBY and shitlib queen. Go Padres 🥴


left of center but annoying

falo português 🇧🇷
Some people need assistance getting to their car and unloading and I know stores are providing less of that these days. But I also see plenty of able-bodied people who are just lazy as shit & leave their carts all over creation. Death to them!
My first real job at 15 was pushing carts in the summer heat at the local Albertsons, I have not seen this video but I want to buy him a beer
ngl you really had me in the first half
This, and every “I don’t give af about the people around me in the slightest way” thing people do, yes Not returning carts, standing in the way, etc they all lead back to this attitude and I hate it
Reposted byAvatar Crooked Emily
Thousands in the streets of Paris celebrating and cheering “no pasaran” or "They will not pass” as the far right falls out n France’s election. Just absolutely amazing scenes tonight across France as they fight the fascists back. Now it’s our time to be brave and come together to for a united front.
Look above this unhinged reply and you’ll see that I have. Blocking you now, hope your blood pressure lowers enough that you can help GOTV with us
I’ve had more shots than anyone I know and almost the mildest case of COVID of anyone I know, so here’s hoping 🙏
wait hold on now I’m always this intense, just ask me about not putting shopping carts back in the corral
Crazy! I felt fine yesterday and today just had a slight sore throat and almost imperceptible congestion but the positive line was DARK
What do you want him to say to that question? That he’ll kill himself? That he could have selected a candidate that would without a doubt beat Trump and he should have done that? Come on, I don’t give 2 shits what he says about his “feelings” on the election in interviews
This has happened here and can happen again. When Cori Bush beat Lacy Clay in her 2020 primary, centrist Democrats still came out to vote for her. The same is true of AOC. We don’t have to fight each other until we’re done fighting the worst of our problems
We still do! For now anyway
:me turning both HEPA filters in my apartment up to high because I’m worried about giving Dog Man COVID: Dog Man: *shits on my rug last night*
I was just in Idyllwild and can confirm Max was nowhere to be found for the Pride events 😑
Interestingly enough, I just had my telehealth visit and the doctor recommended I not take Paxlovid since my prior bout with COVID was so mild, I’m irrationally afraid of nausea, and a new study from earlier this year showed it basically has no benefit for younger, healthy people 🤷🏻‍♀️
Me, the whole time as she’s explaining this: “she called me young”
Sense of smell and taste still intact for me. If they weren’t I would try something I know I normally hate, like crab, just for shits and giggles
It’s always the excuse and like, fine, maybe they are participating in underground direct action and whatnot and that’s also important, but every time we talk about electoral politics or small wins you don’t have to shit on it
It’s the thought that counts
Reposted byAvatar Crooked Emily
God I hate this shit. You're LIVING in the United States, you assholes. You don't get to decide that it's the finale. It's YOUR job to see that it isn't. It's all of our job. Save your plausibly deniable ironic defeatism for your group chat.
These people exhaust me more than the MAGA freaks I spar with at public meetings, because they know better! They should be there helping us stop book bans and protect trans kids and get sensible gun control passed but they’re just too good for our normie bullshit
If we can get our act together we can cobble together a similar approach here, with more lefty types gaining even more congressional seats as we go. I’m optimistic
Don’t forget Huntington fucking Beach
She must be studied, she is the chosen one
You cannot judge us by the actions of Orange County, we rebuke them
Someone not sick is having to handle it! It’s not good protocol!