29 Sunset

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29 Sunset


• Stream music at www.29sunset.com or on major services
• San Francisco native and resident
• Mediocre guitarist
• 13-month calendar enthusiast
• Founded Rufus on Fire
• Attended 44 Charlotte Bobcats games the 2008-09 season
• That Guy
What kind of fresh hell is it that we have a replay challenge in the MLB All Star Game?
In my experience (as a Filipino dude with authoritarian-loving relatives), "I'm different" and "They know I'm different" go a long way.
The GOP's camp would be delightful if it weren't in the service of crushing marginalized people.
This. Also, iirc there's a pretty established linguistic phenomenon where someone shows disrespect to another by mispronouncing their name. See: GHWB and "Sodom" Hussein.
Because I'm a specific kind of sports fan weirdo, I feel like I'm in a tiny sliver of people who think of Kyle Schwarber when Middletown comes up. No idea where he stands on Vance, but wouldn't be shocked if he thinks Vance is a pud.
For one, he has spent his entire career misleading people into thinking he grew up in Appalachia and conflating Middletown, where he grew up, by saying it's in "southern Ohio" and that he spent a lot of time with his family in "nearby" Jackson, Kentucky. Jackson is four hours away from Middletown
Police shootings and racial strife weigh on Cubs’ Kyle Schwarbersports.yahoo.com Kyle Schwarber battled through mental and physical fatigue to hit two home runs in the Chicago Cubs’ last two games. The tension caused by the recent shooting of Jacob Blake by Kenosha police weighs o...
I admire Scocca for his rigorous attention to argument, but he's also excellent at spinning up phrases that feel so satisfactorily explanatory to me. Like "the press was inventing a public response out of its own reaction." YES. That's what happened!
Indignity Vol. 4, No. 119, Elegy for a strongman: Is J.D. Vance the Best Trump Can Do? www.indignity.net/is-j-d-vance...
Elegy for a strongmanwww.indignity.net Indignity Vol. 4, No. 119
Reposted byAvatar 29 Sunset
Moving "headquarters" can be just a few admin folks. Near zero chance they try to move significant ops.
Reposted byAvatar 29 Sunset
No he fucking wasn't, Jesus H. Christ
Never mind that "shifting hq" could mean moving, like, 20 jobs because the vast majority of the tech-focused team isn't going to move to Texas and give up great weather and opportunities to job hop between major tech cos.
Both parents were licensed therapists, too. Yeah, I have priors that are being confirmed here, but it sure seems like said priors — based on academic data and conclusions — that the problem is readily available firearms, are the best explanation.
Once again, I would like to remind people that Trump is personally unpopular and unlikeable, as is Vance. Moreover, Trump is constitutionally incapable of forgoing attention, so it SHOULD be easier to make the election a referendum on him, which would heavily favor Biden.
I think so. Iirc, he's more metal-adjacent than pop-punk.
There's a whole Disney-approved album of pop-punk versions of classic Disney songs coming down. It's super weird having my nostalgia being pandered to. www.cinemablend.com/movies/disne...
Disney Is Releasing A Pop-Punk Album Of The Studio's Hits, And I'm Getting Nostalgic On Two Levelswww.cinemablend.com I'm emo over this.
Reposted byAvatar 29 Sunset
Republican president was shot by a Republican because of an environment of normalized violence that Republicans insist we all live in, and somehow this means that both sides need to tone it all the way down, which in practice means that Democrats and only Democratic need to stop talking entirely.
I mean, will Biden get a post-DNC bump? IDK
Once again, I would like to remind people that Trump is personally unpopular and unlikeable, as is Vance. Moreover, Trump is constitutionally incapable of forgoing attention, so it SHOULD be easier to make the election a referendum on him, which would heavily favor Biden.
Reposted byAvatar 29 Sunset
The Republican line now is that the shooting was caused by Dems saying Trump is a threat to democracy, and they’re doing that because it’s a big and true thing they want Dems to stop saying.
1) Every day matters at this point, so every day Democrats voluntarily stop telling everyone Trump is an authoritarian fascist is a terrible decision 2) I also tend to think this is correct, which exacerbates the decision to forgo campaigning for a few days
Reposted byAvatar 29 Sunset
I think the phenomenon I've really seen is how many regular people had the reaction of wishing a former president had had his brains blown out on live TV. Not freaks or radicals, someone's mom.
Reposted byAvatar 29 Sunset
the nazi guys at the bad place are having a 9/11 over vance's wife
Honestly starting to wonder if the Trump team is dumb enough to think Vance could put Harris on her back foot in the VP debate by casually mentioning his "South Asian wife", as if that would neutralize anything she has to say about him.
Reposted byAvatar 29 Sunset
1) That he was ever friends with Dreher is icky as hell 2) "My views on public policy and what the optimal state should look like are pretty aligned with Catholic social teaching" is absolutely untrue by now (Churchgoing Catholic with close ties to Jesuits here)
Does this explanation hold water iyo?
... and in the crosstabs he's down with groups that are very likely to come home. Like in the recent YouGov poll he was only polling 59% of black people to Slotkin's 80%. I don't think that 21% of black people who plan to show up for Slotkin are going to leave the top of the ticket blank.
1) I agree with Scocca that Sanders was the choice that made the most sense on the surface. 2) I think many of us still underestimate how much Trump is willing to risk in order to tap the Musk/Thiel money spigots.
Long thought the impossible thing he wants is someone who will be unflinchingly loyal to him, strong enough to smite enemies without Trump's involvement, AND *either not strong enough to take out Trump, themselves, or sufficiently committed to not doing it*. It's classic Sith psychology, but dumber.