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Since unions were legalized, conservatives have been trying to destroy them at all cost, partly to disrupt a core power center of left politics. Disrupting power centers of the right is hardly even mentioned on the left, even when there is overwhelming independent reason to do so, like here or MLMs
i hope the second biden admin nukes crypto from orbit first because it’s bad but second because i want these pigs to squeal
While the Democratic Party decides which presidential candidate has the best chance to defeat Trump, the Republican Party focuses on making sure that the election doesn't matter. Plan accordingly. www.nytimes.com/2024/07/13/u...
Unbowed by Jan. 6 Charges, Republicans Pursue Plans to Contest a Trump Defeatwww.nytimes.com Mr. Trump’s allies are preparing to try to short-circuit the election system, if he does not win.
Again, qualified immunity is one of those things that if you describe it to someone who has never heard of it in simple factual terms they will think you are entirely full of shit
are you fucking kidding me
The game metaphor is extremely apt. Most people think politics is one game, based on compromise and bargaining, but Trump isn't playing that game. He's playing a different one that aims to harm enemies & help friends by any available means, including violence. (I've written 16k words on this idea)
There’s nothing in the rules of Monopoly that says you can’t flip the board over and punch your opponent in the mouth. But if someone did that, they’d be out of the game forever. What Trump did was far, far worse. And everyone’s still just… sitting at the table, letting him play.
Hat tip to the Chicago airport workers who came up with this scheme
most successful progressive president of my lifetime being eaten alive by terrified centrist lemmings in the party because he dared defy the New York Times will be something I will never forgive or forget tbh
People miss it because they read Biden as a centrist, but he’s positioned himself in the center of a coalition that’s pretty heavy on labor progressivism, and he’s spent years continually trying to demonstrate his real successes over the noisy contempt of slick suit Dems and chattering class types
there are many alternate universe elections people want to have and then there’s the election we are actually having
it also just doesn’t really matter. i don’t know how many congressional and gubernatorial dems it would take to force biden to step back, but i know there are nowhere near enough of them and he’s made it clear he’s not going anywhere voluntarily.
It's really something to contrast how the paper sees its role with Biden or Claudine Gay with how it sees its role with Trump or Chris Rufo
Ultimately the Democratic Party gets to decide who its nominee is, for better or worse. But it certainly seems like parts of the media believe they it is their job to choose the Democratic candidate, rather than covering the strengths and weaknesses of *both* candidates running for President.
Regular old murderer expresses disgust for serial killer
(Via Ben Ansell from the other place)
The discourse around biden needing more sleep is fully insane. Does no one remember "Executive Time," the thing Trump spent the majority(!) of his schedule on where he would just watch TV and tweet? Dude was categorically unable to fulfill any of the demands of the office and the press barely cared
that may in fact be a political mistake, but, boy, it’s one i have a hard time getting angry about
like, it’s pretty clear that some of what’s driving all of this is biden’s unwillingness to tell donors that they’re not like the other aristocrats
no one believes in the myth of meritocracy more than the american who thinks they are different than every other american born on third base
i also think about how lincoln was famously up at all hours and had a wildly unpredictable schedule and how the last photos of him look like a man who would not have survived another term even if booth had never been born
it’s neither here nor there as far as a trait to be emulated, but i always think about how joffre was unfailingly militant about his dining and sleep schedule, even during the great retreat, which would (and should!) have spooked the shit out of any normal commander
I have no idea the best path re Biden but I do know a solid week straight of “Biden Old” and “Rich Dems Worried” above-the-fold stories are *obscene* in the face of SCOTUS using the Constitution to wipe their asses purely in the service of reinstating a felon rapist as president. Crazy-making shit.
something that irritates me about the discourse is the amount of Dems talking as though 2028 will be a democratic election which is why they're engaging in election drama now
it's time for my favorite ever law review student note: harvardlawreview.org/print/vol-13...
watching british election returns the question struck me: what would democrats do with a landslide? what’s the wish list? beyond saving democracy of course.
Still haven't seen any
along similar lines, has anyone actually explained *why* the seal team six hypo is ruled out by the majority opinion? all I've seen is right-leaning law profs mocking everyone who raises the issue. but nobody has explained why a president wouldn't be immune for assassinating a rival
NO KINGS. That's the bare minimum these days. NO KINGS. NO KINGS. NO KINGS.
a thing that elite media columnists are doing with all this, whether biden wins or loses, is building the wall between them and us much, much higher, and very few of them even seem to have considered that
legit quote: why do i give a fuck what the new york times thinks, i thought biden sucked before the debate and thought he sucked after the debate, it doesn’t matter, he’s not a fascist
growing to dislike both the American voter and the political elite
unfortunately normies will take a literal dictator with a "good" economy over someone they think is too old apparently
It makes me feel very much unmoored from reality to see all this *buying into* the Biden Too Old ratfuck narrative, days after the Supreme Court ruled that Trump gets to be dictator for life, just weeks after Trump became a convicted felon (oh, and there’s the Epstein stuff that just came out).
It really is making *me* feel crazy to see a bunch of other Democrat voters running around screaming about how Biden is now unelectable, on the basis of one bad debate and an incredibly obvious ratfucking campaign by America’s most craven newspaper.
“If Tom Nichols and Nate Silver AND the Pod Save America boys all believe something strongly enough, can they generate enough media panic to override a Democratic primary and force out a sitting president”
it's so cool that in one of the most consequential and polarized elections the polling industry is just a total and utter clusterfuck
There are good polls and bad polls but I don’t see how any pollster relying on phone calls is able to provide a representative sample with these kinds of numbers. It’s not a criticism of any one pollster, just an unfortunate reality.
One thing you can't say about the 6 justice majority is that they can't imagine or think a hypothetical parade of horribles won't happen. That's not this case. The wolf is at the door. The litigant in this case is the person who already was president, attempted a coup and is a career criminal.
The Democrats failed across the board when it came to protecting democracy in 2021-2022. Even if they’d had another two seats, and Sinema and Manchin had not been veto points, it would’ve been tough. Biden himself was lukewarm, at best, on SCOTUS reform and limiting the filibuster.